Action: cultivation and care in the open field.Description and characteristics of varieties of action with a photo

Чт, 22 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Deytsiya – sprawling shrub native to East Asia. To us
introduced recently, but some gardeners have already appreciated everything
merits of perennial.

Deytsiya famous for its bright flowering, which will not leave
indifferent even the most fastidious florist.

In its natural habitat, shrubs can be found Japanese and
Chinese gardens. But modern varieties of plants allow you to grow
him and in our latitudes.

The choice of seedlings is striking in its diversity, they do not differ
only a shade of flowers, but also the shape of the crown, the size of the bush.


Shrub description

Deutzia bush grows vertically, some species have
weeping crown. Bush shoots reach 4 meters, but there are
and dwarf forms, the height of which does not exceed 40 cm. Externally
deytion reminds honeysuckle, but with the beginning of flowering bloom
white, yellow flowers, odorless, then the bush with nothing

Perennial flower buds are laid on last year’s
shoots, they are collected in racemes that are located on
tops. The average lifespan of a bush is 25 years. Everything
these years, the action blossoms beautifully and actively develops, creating
the atmosphere of the eastern garden.

Varieties and types of action with a photo

Daction is grown separately from all plants or in combination with
other perennials. It looks beautiful when making live
hedges, in borders. Today is widely used by some
varieties of shrubs in landscape design.

Deytsiya stellate

This shrub is a frequent guest in our gardens, it was brought from Japan.
The plant is a deciduous medium perennials. Length
shoots deed stellate reaches 2.5 meters. Green leaves
oval shape densely pubescent, flowering occurs late, approximately in
mid june. The flowers in this variety are especially elegant, white with
slight crimson shade, gathered in inflorescences. Breeders
brought terry forms of this variety:

• deytion rough white;

• action stellate terry.

Shoots of these varieties easily bend under an abundance of flowers, crown
takes the form of a weeping. This makes the shrub even more
attractive. Grow terry deytsii recommended in the southern
regions, as in the midland
damaged by frost, which affects flowering. Although experienced
Gardeners bred deity and here, providing her with a reliable shelter.

Deytion elegant

Shrub is from North China. Differs good
winter hardiness and decorativeness that persists throughout
the whole season. In summer, the plant is covered with green, slightly
leaves pubescent, and in autumn they get a shade of copper.
Blossoming very plentiful and long, each flower brush
contains up to 40 small flowers. The color of the colors is snow white. Blooms
perennial in mid-may. In our latitudes deicia elegant well
winters under a thick layer of snow, without requiring additional

Deytsiya great

The shrub is a hybrid of other types of deuterium. it
upright plant, but under the weight of flowers shoots tend to
the earth. Flowers terry, pure white. Inflorescence in the form of
umbrella panicle. The conditions of cold winters need
additional shelter, otherwise frost bumps will destroy flower
the kidneys.

Growing the action in cold winters: planting and selection

When planning a landing action, you should explore all the features
shrub and choose the right sapling. The optimal time for
planting shrubs is spring when the buds are swollen on

Important! Buying seedlings with a closed
root system, you can stretch the landing deutsii to June.

Choosing a place for perennial

It is necessary to take into account the origin of the action and select the area where
the plant will be comfortable. In the period of active growth floral
shrub needs good lighting, but in the heat of the heat
the sun’s rays should not singe the crown. Therefore a place to land
chosen so that it is lit only in the morning, as
this is usually the eastern side of the plot.

Deytion does not tolerate cold winds and drafts, especially in
winter period. Plant it in a protected area.

Composition of soil for planting

The shrub blooms profusely and develops only in nutrient
soil. For planting plants choose the soil weakly acid reaction,
если она слишком кислая, то перед высадкой seedling вносят гашеную

The composition of the ideal soil for growing deuterium includes
humus, compost or peat, sand. Everything компоненты смешивают из
calculating 2: 1: 2.

How to choose a sapling

От правильно выбранного seedling зависит успех всего выращивания.
Therefore, to rush to the choice is not worth it. Planning a purchase is necessary
Read the recommendations of experienced gardeners and gardeners.

1. The seedling must have a healthy appearance, with no visible damage.
shoots and buds. Depressed appearance of a young bush,
broken branches indicate that the plant will be long
to hurt

2. Choosing saplings, it is worth giving preference to those who have
open root system. it позволит оценить внешнее состояние
roots. They should not be too dry or damaged. Although
bushes with an open root system require special transportation
and safety before landing.

3. Перед транспортировкой seedling на дачу, обверните корни
plants thick paper and a damp cloth. If at the time of landing
the root system has dried, soak the seedling in water with the addition of
potassium permanganate.

Landing action according to the rules

The shrub grows fast, it requires enough for its development
space. Perennial planted away from buildings and
economic structures, retreating at least 2.5 meters from
foundation. If the plant is used as a hedge,
then it is placed around the perimeter of the site.

The landing pit must be of a certain size. Her digging
adhering to standards, to a depth of 50 cm. The first thing in the pit
equip the drainage layer. In the course are the remnants of broken bricks,
sand or rubble.

The second layer is the nutrient primer, which is mixed with
nitrofoskoy. It is used at the rate of 100-150 grams per well.
The seedling is lowered into the prepared pit and sprinkled with earth. Soil
well tamped, watered in the previously made grooves,
mulch with a thick layer of peat.

Important! При посадке корневая шейка seedling
should be located at ground level or 1-2 cm deeper.

How to care for action + photo

Shrub care is simple and not much different from caring for
other perennial plants. Basic care includes
watering, pruning, feeding and shelter from the cold.

How to water and feed the action

Shrub does not like the abundance of moisture, therefore, requires a minimum
glaze. In a particularly hot period, the plant is watered at the rate of one.
a bucket of water on a bush, with an interval of 10 days. Toward the end of the summer
watering completely stopped.

Neighborhood weeds cause disease and pest infection,
therefore it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil around the shrub,
destroy weeds.

Monthly watering deizey combined with dressing. Good
proved a solution of mullein. Periodically organic
alternate with mineral fertilizers, making 150 grams under each
bush. Feeding the action is necessary only during the flowering period.

Cropping and crown formation

It is difficult to care for the action without pruning, the bush is fast
grows, loses decoration. Deytion requires two times
trimming. The first is carried out in spring, re-scrub form
in the fall.

In the spring they spend only the sanitary pruning of perennials, trying
do not cut last year’s shoots, at the ends of which are formed
цветочные the kidneys. If the plant was badly damaged during the winter,
then radical pruning is applied, but the flowering this season is already
will not be.

Осенняя обрезка позволяет сформировать bush. Shorten everything
shoots that have bloomed this year, you can cut the extra to
grounds. Also remove all branches that lead to
thickening of the bush.

Wintering deytsii in Russia

Of course, flowering deytion is a beautiful sight, but
gradually flowering ends, a moment comes when
need to think about wintering plants.

In the conditions of Russia, many varieties of deytion are damaged by frost.
It is very important to preserve not only the root system of the shrub, but also
its shoots on which flowering occurs. In the snowy winters
it is enough to bend the plant to the ground and cover it with snow. When such
There is no possibility, you need to think about air-dry shelter. For
of this over a young plant a framework is erected which is covered
lapnikom, foliage and covering material. This construction will allow
deytion well overwinter. Older specimens wrapped
twine and then cover with spunbond.

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