Achatina snails: content at home -get acquainted! How to care, maintain and feed the Achatina snailshouses

Пт, 29 апр 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

На сегодняшний день в качестве housesшних питомцев начали заводить
not only the usual cats, dogs, fish, but also such amazing
aquatic creatures like snails.

The most interesting for breeding at home are Achatina – this
cute, funny snails, which, incidentally, also need
attention and care.

This article will be devoted to the Akhatins: how they live, what
eat and how to properly care for them.


Улитки ахатины содержание в housesшних условиях: с чего
to begin?

This type of snail in nature lives in Asian countries, as well as in
Tanzania and Kenya, where the air temperature is ideal for their
a favorable existence, and the local flora is excellent
base for food.

Улитки ахатины, содержание в housesшних условиях –
Basic information

Achatina come in several colors, the most popular color
is brown with dark stripes. The age and color of this
The type of snails is directly dependent on their conditions of detention. When
Akhatin matures, his shell is gaining up to 7-8 turns and painted
in a greenish tint.

In nature, there are many species of these mollusks, but
there is a species that has fundamental differences from others, he calls
albino. They differ in that they have somewhat smaller dimensions,
develop a little slower and have white body colors and
shells that look quite interesting and colorful.

Achatina is the largest land mollusks in size,
since their length can be up to 30 cm! These clams are enough
unpretentious, and they do not need some complicated care. However, they
very funny and live quite a long time (6 years), some copies
with proper care, they can live 8–9 years.

Эти housesшние питомцы очень наблюдательны, они быстро запомнят и
get used to you, will be able to easily distinguish their masters from others.
They may also have their own favorite food and a corner in

To сделать проживание своих необычных housesшних
pets as comfortable as possible:

  • spacious terrarium;

  • high-quality substrate;

  • suitable nutrition;

  • compliance with all rules of hygiene.

In some cases Achatina can even be let out for a walk through
home. But before you do this, carefully examine the area,
which your snail will walk about pointed
obstacles, dirt and other things that could damage the skin
this mollusk.

Also, be careful that there are no drafts in the room.
Snails are very dependent on the level of temperature and humidity, therefore not
walk your pet for too long it could hurt

Also watch for their food and air temperature in
terrarium, as their poor-quality feed or increased dryness
in their dwelling the shell Akhatin can quickly crack and
spoil it.

Temperature conditions

Achatina come from the hot tropics, so in their terrarium
temperature should also be high enough, ranging from +20
to +28 ° C. However, near the battery or heater, they also do not
must be placed because it is fraught with drying the substrate.
Also, make sure that direct solar do not fall on Achatina
rays as this may lead to undesirable temperature
contrast. As for the winter period, in order to
maintain the desired temperature level in the terrarium, apply
heating lamps that are used in caring for

The light for these mollusks is not a big deal, so they
do not need to extend daylight, as is the case with orchids.
But be sure to remove the light source outside the terrarium that
Achatina did not crawl on the lamps.

Humidity level

Since this type of mollusks in nature lives in equatorial
jungle, and in the terrarium they need to create a suitable wet
Wednesday To do this, do not forget to sprinkle at least a couple of times a day.
walls and bedding with a little water from a spray bottle. Optimal level
humidity should be 75-85%, in some cases
even 90% (albopic snail), it all depends on the variety of your

But do not get involved in splashing moisture, because
terrarium can be very quickly turned into a swamp. To fast
determine if your pet has a moisture level inside
container, follow their behavior. If Achatina climb on
the walls are taller and they stay there, which means that in the container too
wet environment, if they constantly burrow into the ground and hide
under the caps – it means in the terrarium is too dry.

Улитки ахатины содержание в housesшних условиях: где

For this type of snail, you do not need to build some unusual
structure, you can do without the aquarium water or a container of
transparent plastic or plexiglass. If you will live
3-4 individuals, then prepare for them an aquarium of 20 liters or box.
Since snails can crawl on almost all surfaces,
do not forget to cover their home with a lid in which previously
make the right number of holes for good circulation
of air.

To make your pet comfortable in their new home, for starters
Sprinkle on the bottom of the soil in which they can rummage. Perfect
litter – coconut or orchid substrate. If your pets
old enough, they need to make a mound of soil 5-7 cm,
2-3 cm will be enough for young individuals. The best option
litter – a combination of coarse loose sand and non-acidic

That your terrarium with Achatina looked enough
attractive to you and guests, and was also useful for yourself
mollusks, you need to impose inside plants (fern, ivy), not
decaying wood pieces, moss and terracotta shards – these
elements will give it sophistication and originality. Besides they
will be useful for Ahatin, as they will saturate them with necessary
oxygenated and diversify their diet.

Улитки ахатины содержание в housesшних условиях: чем кормить, как
look after

This item is especially important for beginners lovers of these
экзотических pets. But do not worry, Achatina not really
picky about food. Стоит выделить 3 самых любимых
этих моллюсков:

  • apples;

  • fresh cucumbers;

  • lettuce leaves.

But it is not necessary to limit them only to these products. To your
snails lived happily ever after, you need to diversify their menu, you can
give them carrots or cabbage leaves. Potato Achatina not really
suppose, the only exceptions are vegetables boiled.

In summer, you can give your pets all kinds of fruits, berries and

К примеру, ахатинам нравятся следующие

  • tomatoes;

  • legumes

  • zucchini;

  • watermelons;

  • melons;

  • Champignon;

  • boiled eggs;

  • spinach and more.

But in the diet Achatina there are contraindications. Highly undesirable
eating fried, sweet, spicy and smoked food, from her
snails can quickly wither and die.

Water games

Achatina love to splash in the water, so in the container
need to put a small tub with water at room temperature.
If the family snails replenishment necessarily make sure that
the bath was not too much water, otherwise the young individuals may
just choke on her.


To your питомцы были всегда здоровы и жили максимально долго,
their body needs to be saturated with all necessary supplements. To
saturate snails with calcium, add to their diet food chalk. For
give them shabby eggshells, cottage cheese or
shell rock. Since in nature snails do not disdain to eat carrion,
they can be given meat puree or bone meal.


Оhousesшненные ахатины способны очень быстро плодиться, вместе с
they are hermaphrodites, that is, they are able to bring
offspring and no heterosexual partner. If you do not want to
your pets appeared new offspring, you can just wash them
eggs (they look like miniature chicken). If you
interested in their reproduction, be very careful about
cleaning their premises to avoid damage to the masonry, as well as to
не менялась влажность of air. Newborn individuals need
spread lettuce or cabbage so that they do not suffocate in
loose ground.

Juvenile snails need to give shabby carrots and porridge with calcium,
so that they grow up healthy and their armor is strong enough. Before
full maturity, they reach 9 months, but do not let them
to multiply until they are one and a half years old. For этого
it is enough to make the substrate layer less than 3 cm.

Улитки ахатины содержание в housesшних условиях: почему они
are dying?

The most common problem that can be encountered
breeders – shell injury. It often happens that a snail
crawling on the lid of the container, falls off and falls down. Far from
such falls always end well and this can lead to
the appearance of cracks or chipped shell. However, from this problem
get rid of at all easy. For этого нужно всего лишь смазать
antiseptic damaged place. It will help the body of the clam.
faster heal injury. At the time of healing the injured individual
it is better to plant in a separate place, as snails really like
rub between themselves armor.

To your питомцы как можно реже болели, нужно минимум 1 раз
clean the remaining forage from the terrarium. Also not worth it
too often to take them in hand, the skin of the mollusks is very tender and easy
susceptible to infection by microorganisms.

That’s all you need to know about the content of such exotic
pets like snails Achatina. Keep your terrarium clean
feed your snails regularly and in various ways, watch out for them
health, and Achatines will delight you and your loved ones more
many many years!

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