A third of Russians every year dopermutation

Mon, Mar 21, 2016 According to psychologists changing the interior
apartment or at least room helps to actively fight
chronic fatigue, apathy and returns a person ability
enjoy life again. Heading “Home and Interior” portal “Women
мнение» решила узнать, как часто россиянки делают permutation
furniture in their homes. 15.9% of Russian beauties change their
interior regularly, several times a year. So they
bring into your life positive emotions that they are given
troubles on the choice of new furniture and room design.20.2% of Russian women
делают permutation эпизодически, примерно раз в год. Thrown away
or old furniture is brought to the dacha, something new is bought. So
In this way, the appearance of an apartment changes, and with it changes
mood. Surrounded by new items you want and live in a new way.
�”There is no place to rearrange especially – there is little space, but about once a year
что-то из мебели меняется, вот тогда и делаю permutation», –
explained women. Indeed, in Russian small-sized
flats, you don’t “go wild” and all your dreams come true
very difficult. 28.3% of the fairer sex responded that
are engaged in the rearrangement of furniture very rarely, literally once in
some years. As it turned out, this action takes place during
repair in the apartment, which naturally requires all sorts of
movements and updates. �”As repair, and rearrangement, and so
everything is in its place, ”said the women. 18% beautiful
половины человечества заявили, что permutation они не делают, но
try to complement the interior with something new, interesting. AT
In this case, freedom for those who know how to do something with their own
hands: and for the budget is profitable, and the soul rejoices, and small
living space is not a hindrance. 17.6% of respondents sadly noticed that in their
apartments for a long time nothing has changed. Obstacle to change
the same uncomfortable living conditions and low incomes have become
Russian women. Some women think that furniture relocation
completely unnecessary, since “everything is optimal with me
installed. ” According to the survey results, one conclusion suggests itself:
Russians do not need dope to lift the mood in the form of
furniture changes, and living conditions do not allow
to do just for the soul. AT опросе приняли участие 3290 женщин.
ATозраст от 20 до 45 лет. From 203 cities of Russia.

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