A self-made bee is fun!Detailed instructions with photos for making your own beeby hands

Чт, 12 май 2016 Автор: Зоя Сергеева

Often favorite are toys and crafts made by their own.
by hands совместно с мамой или папой.

What can be made of a bright box from a kinder surprise?

Throw away or use to store small things?

Попробуем из желтого контейнера выполнить своими by hands забавную

Thanks to the hollow interior of such a toy, you can also
keep small things, dear to the heart of children.


Как из контейнера от киндер-сюрприза своими by hands сделать

We need an empty container, black tape
colors, wooden toothpick with a sharp tip, white paper, glue,
scissors, thin needles or awl, thick thread or twine.

– Use a thin needle or an awl to make two small holes in
end parts of the container and one – in the place of fastening parts.

– In the side opening by threading a thick thread with a knot on
the end. For her, we will be able to hang our crafts in the future. AT
end holes insert a wooden toothpick so that
sticking out the sharp tip – it will be the sting of our bee, performed
своими by hands.

– Cut the black insulating tape into strips 2-3 mm wide.
We will need 3-4 such blanks. If there is no tape, you can
use white construction tape pre-painting it
black paint or marker. Wraps the container with black stripes.
around the perimeter, keeping the same distance between them.

– Cut out white wings for our bee from white paper. They
can be double or single – as fantasy tells you.
Using glue gently and securely fasten them on the back.

“Now it’s the turn of the face of our bee.” From white paper
Cut out two circles with a diameter of 4-5 mm. Glue them on the end
part of the craft over the sting. Cut out small black tape
circles and stick on white. You can just draw on white
black dots background. We got the eyes of our bees.

– From the same tape cut a triangular mouth and glue
him under the sting-toothpick. Add a couple of white teeth – and our
пчела, выполненная своими by hands, готова.

Из чего еще можно выполнить своими by hands забавную bee?

You can make a large amount of sheets of multicolored paper.
funny and touching figures. Paperwork helps develop
fine motor skills and imagination of the child. To make a cute bee
we need two-color paper, yellow and black, white
paper, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, thick thread.

– Cut two strips of black and yellow sheets of paper
3 cm wide and 21 cm long.

– Fold the workpiece at a right angle to each other.
We put the tip of one strip on the other so that the yellow is
below, and gently glue.

– Now we shift the yellow strip over the black one also under
right angle Carefully iron the fold.

– Then we begin to alternate the excesses of the black and yellow stripes.
We glue the tips and we get such a blank.
Carefully iron the bends, and then slightly stretch the paper

– Turning the blank upside down, bending
last square diagonally and make an incision 5-7 mm long.
Straighten the yellow square and turn down the sting of our bee. If everyone
done right, then the sting is yellow on top, and black below.

– Pair the yellow wings from the yellow paper and fasten them to
back of a bee. The shape of the wing can be round, oval, double –
it depends only on your imagination.

– From white paper вырезаем два кружка диаметром 5-7 мм и рисуем
there are black pupils on them. Glue the eyes on the face of the bee.

– We fasten the thread on the back. Our fun bee made
своими by hands, готова к полету.

Even the very young master will cope with the next work. Her
the basis will be the cardboard cylinder from which, having shown imagination and
imagination, you can do a lot of crafts. We will need
thick paper or thin cardboard of yellow and black colors,
two-color blue and white paper, pencil and scissors, glue.

– From a yellow cardboard cut a rectangle measuring 12 cm x 9
see. Gently fold it into a tube and glue. Turned out

– From black cardboard cut four strips 1 cm wide and
13 cm long. We glue them onto the cylinder at the same distance
from each other. Since the black stripes are slightly longer, should
get a neat overlap.

– We fold in half a sheet of blue paper and cut double
the wings. For convenience, the workpiece should be solid. With help
glue fasten the wings on the back of the bee.

– The next stage is the manufacture of a head with antennae, eyes and
sting. This is a small job and maybe the child will need it here.
your help. ATырезаем из желтого картона круг диаметром 3 см.
Glue thin tendrils cut from black paper. ATырезаем два
white circles with a diameter of 5 mm and draw pupils on them. Of black
Cardboard cut a sharp and long sting and perky bangs. With
glue aid fasten all the details on the face of the bee.

– Gently glue the finished head to the body. Our playful
the bee is ready for work and adventure.

Whatever hack you do with your child, it will become
favorite toy, the subject of joy and pride, because
выполнена своими by hands.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: