A rash on the face of a newborn – causes. whatto do when a rash appears on the face of a newborn

Ср, 08 фев 2017 Автор: врач-терапевт Елена

The tender skin of newborns, like all other organs of the infant,
for some time it adapts to life in the external environment after
the birth of a child. She is sensitive to any annoying
factors, so a rash on the face of a newborn is a common
phenomenon. In most cases, this rash is harmless and disappears quickly.
But for the safety of the child and their own peace of mind for any
You should see a doctor in the form of a rash to find out the cause and
need to prescribe treatment.


Causes of rash on the face of a newborn – what to do

A rash may look different and manifest itself in different ways.
forms: spots, specks, blisters, blisters, papules, acne,

The causes of the rash on the face of the newborn are various – what
if she appeared unexpectedly, the doctor will determine. By sight
rash, child is ill or, on the contrary, rash is physiological
manifestation of growth and treatment can not be – this conclusion will make
pediatrician during the examination.

The most common causes are:

I. The growth and adaptation of the organism to external

1. Milium – white or yellowish small rash that occurs
almost 50% of newborns. It is associated with the immaturity of sebaceous
gland It passes on its own in about a month. No treatment

2. Acne of newborns (neonatal baby pustules, or
hormonal rash) – colorless or red, indicative of
hormonal changes in the body. No discomfort
delivers. Within two weeks, disappears without treatment.

3. Irritation – with increased saliva or regurgitation
there are punctate rash on the skin of the chin.

4. Seborrheic dermatitis is a rash in the form of fatty and
dense scales on the face and head yellowish. During
year the skin is cleansed.

Ii. Wrong care.

Prickly heat – if overheated, small ones appear on the baby’s neck
white spots. In the future, they go to the face and all
the natural folds of the body, if the child continues to be
in overheating conditions. When creating a normal temperature rash
disappears. Special treatment is not required, enough
hygienic rubdowns.

IIi. Allergic reactions.

1. Allergic dermatitis and urticaria – scaly white rash
on the skin of the face, gradually spreading to the limbs,
torso. The reasons:

• maternal nutrition – the presence of seafood, peanuts in the diet,
strawberries and other allergenic products;

• dust and pet hair;

• powder or other detergent used to wash things.

• the presence of allergens in the feeding;

• medications.

2. When lactase deficiency (lack of a child’s body
lactase – an enzyme involved in the breakdown of milk protein)
colorless allergic rash appears.

3. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) – is a red
rash on the skin of the face, scalp, and later on
body causing painful itching. Often occurs before the age of 6
months. Mostly associated with egg protein allergy.
or milk in the diet as a nursing mother, and the baby.

Iv. Infections.

1. Impetigo – highly contagious skin disease affecting
it is babies. Manifesting painful red spots on
face, and can be on the arms and legs of babies. Being treated
antibacterial drugs.

2. Pediatric roseola (three-day fever) – illness
exclusively children age. Develops in children up to 2 years.
Characterized by a sudden high fever for no apparent reason,
which lasts exactly three days. Then appears red –
pink rash, located on the skin foci and disappearing from the 4th
on the 7th day. The causative agent is the herpes virus VI and VII type.
Specific treatment does not apply. At high temperature
Paracetamol and other NSAIDs are used that are permitted to children of this

3. Measles – is characterized by the appearance on the 5th day after
persistent increase in the temperature of a large bright red rash on the face.
Fever is accompanied by intoxication, cough, runny nose.
Initially, the rash affects the face and ears, then the hands, neck, buttocks,
legs. The appearance of a rash is a positive sign, indicating that
that the disease is resolving and recovery will come soon. how
the spread of the rash just stops, normalizes
fever, the disease soon passes.

4. Chicken pox – manifested by the appearance of red spots, quickly
transforming into bubbles filled with fluid, itchy.
The bubble, bursting, turns into a abscess. After healing on his
a crust is formed. The number of elements of the rash – from units to
hundreds Rash combined with high fever, severe
intoxication with loss of appetite, nausea, muscle pain.

5. Scarlet fever – a thick bright red scarlet rash appears on the back,
chest, then spreads to the face, leaving only free
nasolabial triangle. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, used

6. Rubella – characterized by appearance of rash on the 3rd – 4th day
after the temperature rises. At the same time, the occipital
lymph nodes. The rash is thin, not as clear as with measles,
распространяется на лицо, ноги, руки, torso.

what делать, если на лице новорождённого сыпь

In all cases, the appearance of a rash on the face of the newborn
Pediatrician consultation is required to clarify the cause and treatment.
what делать, если на лице новорождённого сыпь, решит врач при
examination of the child. After establishing an accurate diagnosis and appointment
therapy needs to take some action at home
conditions. They are as follows:

• exclude all allergens;

• wash hands thoroughly before and after hygiene procedures with

• change the diapers sazu after they get wet;

• rinse the child with warm water without soap or wipe with wet
napkin unscented and slept;

• wear a clean diaper only on dry skin;

• after bathing thoroughly soak the baby’s skin (not
to rub!);

• at normal air temperature, it is necessary that the child
took air baths and his skin “breathed”.

what нельзя делать

whatбы не спровоцировать осложнений, нельзя:

• lubricate the elements of the rash coloring antiseptics – “green”,
fucorcin, iodine, etc .;

• wipe the elements of the rash with lotion or alcohol;

• squeeze acne;

• open the bubbles;

• refuse treatment prescribed by a doctor;

• self-medicate.

A rash on the face of a newborn – what to do to prevent

whatбы свести к минимуму появление сыпи на лице у новорождённого,
you must follow some simple but important rules.

1. Hygiene.

whatбы исключить появление сыпи после срыгиваний, слюнотечения,
leftover food, you need to keep your face clean using wet
napkins without alcohol and odor or clean water. For prophylaxis
diaper rash necessarily cleaned with clean water after each chair,
wet the skin dry. Frequently give the child the opportunity to take
air baths.

2. Observe a comfortable temperature in the child’s room (18 – 220
C), do not bundle him up unnecessarily – newborns are much easier
suffer cool weather.

3. Bathe the child no more than once every two days. Better to do
it is water without soap, so as not to wash off the protective layer and not cause
irritation. After water procedures, gently wet the skin, but not

4. Observance of cleanliness:

• wet cleaning in the apartment, airing, bathing home
animals – mandatory procedures, if in the house a newborn;

• washing even new children’s clothes, despite assurances that
who gave her that she had already washed the best means.

5. whatбы уберечь новорождённого от аллергии, кормящая мама

• follow a certain diet – to exclude from the diet
potential allergens (whole milk, sea fish and other
seafood, some berries (strawberries, raspberries), chocolate,

• wash the baby’s underwear and look after the baby’s skin only
specially designated means;

• carefully choose diapers, baby food, competently
introduce complementary foods;

• Newborn clothes should be made of natural fabrics.

6. Vaccination

In order to avoid infectious diseases that occur with a rash on
face and not only, and in severe cases cause complications up to
lethal outcomes, you need to vaccinate on time
child This will help protect it from negative consequences.

Mostly a rash if it doesn’t cause discomfort or
создаёт дискомфорта, как правило, не угрожает жизни child

With the appearance of rashes, accompanied by a sudden increase
temperature and intoxication, it is imperative
consult a pediatrician. The doctor after examination will determine
cause and prescribe adequate therapy. Self-treatment
unpredictable results may result.

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