A gift to dad on his birthday with his own hands. 100desires, phone holder, sweets and pleasant things fordads

Сб, 02 июл 2016 Автор: Ксения Рахимова

It is difficult to come up with a gift for a loved one.

On the one hand, I want to give a useful and necessary thing,
which is usually expensive. On the other hand, present
as a gift a trinket – shameful.

Для любимого dads хочется постараться так, чтобы удивить его и

He will appreciate the time and effort spent on the idea.


Coupons with wishes as a gift to dad for his birthday
by hands

This gift belongs to the category of creative. Only men with
a sense of humor will appreciate it. The gift is suitable for dads absolutely
any age. Coupons are not difficult to do. Even a child
able to prepare them yourself.

For the manufacture of leaves with desires will need: color
decorative paper, scissors and pen. Decorative paper can
do the printer. Enough in a suitable program to develop
coupons sketches and print on white paper by
the printer.

Ideas for desires can be different: wash the dishes,
kiss dad 100 times, sew a button on the shirt, give dad
sleep well on weekends, go to the movies, make breakfast,
make a massage after a hard day’s work. The list is very
individual character and can include in addition to comic phrases
real, innermost dreams of man.

Wishes can also be limited by duration. Let be
the head of the family will hurry so that everything will be fulfilled.

Holder for your phone as a gift to your father for his birthday
by hands

Mobile phone holder is a very practical gift.
All people who have a phone charge it daily from the network. And where
only the intercom does not lie at this moment: on the shelf, with
which can easily fall; on the table, where it constantly interferes; on
стуле или on полу.

Here is the perfect solution that will save dad from suffering and
experiences. It is made only manually and according to a simple scheme.
This homemade.

Для работы пригодятся: бутылка пластиковая,
краски витражные из магазиon для художников, кисть, ножницы.

Step 1

Из пластиковой бутылки вырезается форма держателя, как on
drawing This stage is recommended to entrust to an adult.
Cutting the shape of the bottle with a knife or scissors can be difficult and
dangerous for a child.

Step 2

Painted. Figure can be varied. As far as
allow fantasy. Возможно даже onписание пожеланий и поздравлений
birthday boy.

Оригиonльный подарок папе on день рождения своими by hands

Сладости папе on день рождения своими by hands

No way to do this holiday without sweets. Can
to cook an unusual cake that the birthday man loves. And also
You can bake cookies with a secret.

Every sweet horn hides a wish. Congratulations may
come from all members of the family at once or it is each specific.
Конечно, такой подарок преподнесет женская половиon families.

А вот такой бумажный торт может вырезать мужская половиon семьи
для любимого dads в качестве подарка on день рождения своими
by hands.

All parts are made entirely from colored paper. Pieces
вырезаны по схеме, указанной on drawing

Вся изюминка заключается в onполнении каждой коробочки разными
things. These can be sweets, gifts, cards, wishes and so on.
further – everything that the birthday man loves. Любителям дарить носки on день
рождения папе — отличonя идея разложить их в каждый кусочек

Легкие поделки для dads on день рождения своими by hands

Чаще всего dads получаются on свои именины одежду. Why not
to decorate a t-shirt or shirt. In a pinch, not even a new one,
and worn to give this thing a second life.

For the manufacture of such a pattern, only “paints according to
fabrics. Их можно onнести кистью или пальцами. Last option
подходит для маленьких деток, но следует зonть, что акриловые
paints belong to type quick-drying. Рисунок требуется onносить
very fast. From the hands of this paint will be washed off a few

После onнесения рисунка краска должon высохнуть. For paints
некоторых фирм после окрашивания поверхности onносится закрепитель.
It’s like a wooden surface after staining is covered.
colorless varnish.

Painted clothes can be washed in a washing machine
high temperature. Most companies produce acrylic paint,
рассчитанную on это.

Чаще всего в качестве подарка для dads on день рождения члены
families give the tools. Why not украсить их с любовью. Chapter
семьи будет вспомиonть о вас и празднике каждый раз, когда будет
брать в руки, onпример, украшенный молоток.

На рисунке инструмент разрисован все той же «краской по fabrics.
Эта краска крайне универсальon и хороша для onнесения on такие
surface. К тому же оon обладает хорошей износостойкостью.

Even the baby has every chance to beautifully congratulate his beloved dad with
holiday. Without the help of mom, of course, can not do.

Буквы on листах бумаги распечатываются при помощи принтера или
drawn by hand with a marker. It will be more difficult to hold photo session with
baby Детки не любят долго стоять on одном месте и послушно
hold items in hand. But dad will appreciate the work

Из получившегося коллажа можно сделать магнит on холодильник,
photo in wallet, passport, small calendar in the diary
as a bookmark.

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