- 1 Diet rules for 500 calories per day
- 1.1 Prohibited Products
- 1.2 Sample menu drinking diet
- 1.3 Меню на a week
- 2 Weight Loss Results
Диета на 500 калорий в день — способ быстро потерять лишний
weight. Daily calorie intake for each has its own. She is
depends on lifestyle, metabolism, height and weight. The average
the value of calorie intake for a woman per day is 1500-2000
calories. The name of the diet contains the essence of the diet – consume 500 per day
Purpose: the body, receiving a lower rate, begins to spend its
Like any way to change your diet, this method has
its strengths and weaknesses. Minus diets:
придется высчитывать, количество калорий каждой порции. To
the measurements were accurate should purchase kitchen scales and
armed with a table of calorie foods.
Недостаток методики — резкое ограничение и
a lot of stress for the body if you stick to it for a long time
such a diet.
Достоинство диеты при похудении в разнообразности рациона.
If monodiets quickly bored with their products, then you can
cook something new every day. Accordingly, on such
nutrition can spend a lot of time without disruption.
Diet rules for 500 calories per day
In nutrition mode, it is important to keep track of consumed
calories. The principle is simple: we count calories and lose weight.
quickly and efficiently. Diet for
похудения жесткий, поэтому постарайтесь заблаговременно
purchase a complex of vitamins that will protect the immune system.
Reducing energy consumption to 500 calories per day is dramatic.
restriction. Because doctors do not recommend using
методику постоянно. Optimal, according to nutritionists,
It is considered the alternation of the days of normal food with the days when you can
есть только до 500 calories. They believe that fasting days
должно быть не более 2 в a week, потому этот вариант питания
got the name 5: 2. Days with limited power
should not be in a row, but in between normal
in days.
Prohibited Products
It is recommended to eat foods as rich in vitamins and
minerals so that weight loss does not harm the body. Largely
The limitations of this regime are similar to normal nutrition:
can not be fried in butter, fatty, pastries and sweets. But given
The method of losing weight has an even more strict framework.
Prohibited Products:
- all fat;
- fried
- fast food;
- sweet soda;
- smoked
- flour, sweet;
- salt (blocks water);
- foods high in starch (potatoes,
Another weight loss option is a drinking diet, where all the tricks
food is replaced by drinks. The principle is the same can be used up to 500
calories per day.
Drinking a diet up to 500 Kcal – approximate
- breakfast: 200 g of natural yoghurt 2% (132 Kcal);
- перекус: 300 г морковного сока (84 Ккал);
- обед: 200 кефира 1%-го (80 Ккал);
- полдник: 300 г грейпфрутового сока (90 Ккал);
- dinner: 300 g of orange juice (108 Kcal).
Do not drink:
- condensed milk
- calorie smoothies
- alcohol.
An important point in this diet is the right way out. If you spend
on a drinking diet for 7–10 days, the intestines will break out of solid
food. Because immediately after the end of the drinking regime is not
pounce on food, and gradually add to the diet liquid porridge,
after soups and meat with vegetables.
Меню на a week
При составлении меню на a week при условии двух разгрузочных
days, you can provide an approximate scheme.
Меню на a week для диеты на 500 Ккал в день (завтрак,
snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):
1st day
- 100 g of boiled oatmeal in water (88 Kcal), 2 apricots (23 Kcal),
green tea without sugar; - 100 g of tomato juice (21 Kcal);
- 200 г лукового супа (88 Ккал), 100 г вареной перепелки
(134 Ккал); - 100 г натурального йогурта 2% (60 Ккал);
- 100 г творога 0% (71 Ккал), 50 г клубники
(20 Ккал).
2nd day
- 100 g of boiled barley porridge on water (76 Kcal), 500 g of black
смородины (22 Ккал), 100 г кофе Латте (29 Ккал); - салат: 100 г тертой моркови (32 Ккал) с 1 апельсином
(36 Ккал); - 100 дорадо на гриле (96 Ккал), 50 г шпината
(11 Ккал), 2 томата (30 Ккал), зеленый tea; - 50 г ежевики (15 Ккал);
- 200 г кефира 1% (80 Ккал), 2 апельсина
(72 Ккал);
3rd day
- 100 g of boiled buckwheat on water (132 Kcal), 50 g of parsley (23
Ккал), 100 г яблочного сока (42 Ккал); - 100 г молока 1% (40 Ккал);
- 100 г отварной рыбы минтай (79 Ккал), 2 огурца
(30 Ккал), 100 г морковного сока (28 Ккал); - 100 г ряженки (40 Ккал);
- 100 г творога 0 %, 50 г голубики (15 Ккал), зеленый
4th day
- 100 г омлета (184 Ккал), 100 г тыквенного сока
(38 Ккал); - 1 апельсин (36 Ккал);
- 150 г свекольника (54 Ккал), 100 г лимонада
(26 Ккал); - 100 г натурального йогурта 2% (60 Ккал)
- 200 г грибного супа (100 Ккал).
5th day
- 100 г рисовой каши на воде (78 Ккал), 100 г персикового
сока (40 Ккал); - 100 г натурального йогурта 2% (60 Ккал)
- 100 g boiled turkey fillet (130 Kcal), 100 g leaves
салата (12 Ккал), 100 г сладкиого красного перца
(27 Ккал); - 100 г грейпфрутового сока (30 Ккал);
- 150 г творога 0 % ( Ккал), 50 г голубики
(15 Ккал);
6th day
- 100 g oatmeal with milk (102 Ккал), 100 г кофе латте
(29 Ккал); - 100 г морковного сока (28 Ккал);
- 150 г сельдереевого супа (55 Ккал), 100 г крабового
мяса (73 Ккал), 1 огурец (15 Ккал), 1 томат
(15 Ккал), 100 г лимонада (26 Ккал); - 100 г кефира 1 % (40 Ккал);
- 100 г куриной грудки на пару (113 Ккал), 2 томата
(30 Ккал);
7th day
- 100 g of boiled barley porridge on water (76 Kcal), 100 g of plum
сока (39 Ккал) - 2 томата (30 Ккал);
- 150 г рассольника (63 Ккал), 50 г петрушка (23 Ккал),
зеленый tea; - 100 g of blackcurrant juice (40 Kcal);
- 100 г кролика на пару (150 Ккал), 50 г рукколы
(12 Ккал), 1 томат (15 Ккал), 1 огурец (15 Ккал),
150 г киселя из кураги (81 Ккал);
Slimming results
Nutritionists claim that adhering to a diet of 500 calories in
day weight is quickly reset, but later to maintain weight
It is necessary to alternate the days with a normal diet and with a limited one.
But if you purposefully sit on this diet day after day, then
You can very lose weight in a very short time. But there is a high
the risk of bringing yourself to exhaustion.
Photos before and after weight loss: