21 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal development andsensations in the 21st week of pregnancy.

Mon, Oct 24, 2016

Congratulations – half of your pregnancy is already
behind! Every day your body is changing more and more, so now
you have to pay more attention to your wardrobe, “fitting”
it for your new options.


Changes in the body at the 21st week of pregnancy

In the 21st week of pregnancy, your uterus rises above
navel approximately 1 cm. Hip bones begin gradually.
prepare for the upcoming delivery, their compounds become more flexible.
There is an improvement in appetite and general well-being, since early
toxicosis, which plagued you in the first half of pregnancy,
finally left behind. Your overall weight continues to increase,
and for normal body movements you now need to attach more
effort. In this regard, some discomfort can bring
increased sweating.

The load on the spine also increases, so that by the end of the day you
feel lower back pain, fatigue and decay
forces. To avoid these problems, discard high-heeled shoes.
heels and try to relax more during the day.

Fetus condition at 21 weeks gestation

Your baby is about 20 cm tall and weighs about 300
gram. He is already pushing with might and main, reminding you of yourself during the day!
From 21 weeks the growth rate of the child slows down a bit, but
continue to actively improve all its organ systems. TO
this time, the baby has already learned a lot, for example, he can
swallow the amniotic fluid from which its small intestine
absorbs sugar and water. The urinary system of the child too
actively working, passing through the kidneys about 450 ml per day
fluid. In the blood of the fetus appear leukocytes and red blood cells, and in
digestive tract – special enzymes necessary for
digesting food. At this stage, your baby can still freely
swim and navigate in the amniotic fluid, but very soon he
will take the position of the head down.

Possible sensations in the 21st week of pregnancy

In addition to the discomfort in the lumbar region, at week 21
Carrying a child can disturb you and quite painful
leg cramps, which especially often make themselves felt at night
time. Doctors believe that this is due to a large load on the muscles
feet. If you have a cramp, bend your leg or just
move your fingers, or even better – ask your husband to make you

In the remaining manifestations this period is quite calm, so
that many women mostly focus on communicating with their
a child. TOаждый новый толчок малыша — это его заявление миру о
yourself and a big joy for parents so try more often
talk to him, stroking his belly. Even being in the womb,
the child is already able to catch your intonation and respond to
the timbre of your voice, then dying down, then actively kicking from inside your
stomach. That is why try less nervous and pass
baby only positive emotions.

Necessary medical supervision

During this period, the doctor continues to monitor the course
pregnancy, paying particular attention to the presence of lower edema
extremities. The fact is that due to changes in blood circulation in
pregnant woman’s body, there is a danger
complications like vein thrombosis. Its main symptoms are just
painful swelling, redness and burning in the legs. It may
become a fairly serious problem requiring treatment in
hospital, so doctors must monitor the condition of your
feet. Your blood pressure, your total
condition, and if necessary you can be sent to
ultrasound procedure.

General recommendations

Since the twenty-first week of pregnancy a lot of discomfort
you can bring your legs, then try to provide them
comfortable shoes. Do not forget about moderate exercise,
that have a positive effect on keeping yourself in
sportswear. But keep in mind that due to the center shift
gravity coordination of your movements may be slightly impaired,
so be very careful in the presence of
any of the relatives – in case of a fall they will immediately
you need help. TOомплекс упражнений должен быть рассчитан
to your position, only then will it really be for you
helpful. The best option of physical activity at this time for
you will be yoga, walking or swimming.

TOалендарь беременности по неделям:

  • First week of pregnancy
  • 2 week of pregnancy
  • 3 week of pregnancy
  • 4 week of pregnancy
  • 5 week of pregnancy
  • 6 week of pregnancy
  • 7 week of pregnancy
  • 8 week of pregnancy
  • 9 week of pregnancy
  • 10 week of pregnancy
  • 11 week of pregnancy
  • 12 week of pregnancy
  • 13 week of pregnancy
  • 14 week of pregnancy
  • 15 week of pregnancy
  • 16 week of pregnancy
  • 17 week of pregnancy
  • 18 week of pregnancy
  • 19 week of pregnancy
  • 20 week of pregnancy
  • 21 weeks gestation
  • 22 week of pregnancy
  • 23 week of pregnancy
  • 24 week of pregnancy
  • 25 week of pregnancy
  • 26 week of pregnancy
  • 27 week of pregnancy
  • 28 week of pregnancy
  • 29 week of pregnancy
  • 30 week of pregnancy
  • 31 week of pregnancy
  • 32 week of pregnancy
  • 33 week of pregnancy
  • 34 week of pregnancy
  • 35 week of pregnancy
  • 36 week of pregnancy
  • 37 week of pregnancy
  • 38 week of pregnancy
  • 39 week of pregnancy
  • 40 week of pregnancy


Taya 03/30/2016 I read that a husband should be attracted to a massage.
Opened this page to him .. help))) Silently started))) Good
all the same recommendations are written, and priyayatnye …))) No, well
really hard, and the loin and legs hurt, everything pulls. Not
deadly of course, but why should I alone suffer ?! Tomochka
03/30/2016 And for me, for some reason, toxicosis suddenly returned !! Well not
so much, but the second day is nausea. I hope that soon
it will end. And the kid, apparently, feels good, in
all there is fun and kicks))) Evelina 03/30/2016 Swimming,
really helps. And on the general state of beneficial effects.
Fatigue leaves, you feel more cheerful. I recommend to all moms,
during pregnancy do not relax, and do not lie all day on
the beds! You’re worse! More activity! Алина 30.03.2016 TOак
imagine that baby floats there .. so sweetly))) I’m so
love him! I do not know if I can trust in the future child,
mother-in-law for example … She, of course, experienced in these matters, three
raised without a husband. But my .. We must somehow learn to trust. Here is
The back is accurate, it delivers quite a few problems. And I’m not so kind
I move a lot .. I often rest .. All the same, my lower back hurts
whine … Yes, I still gained in weight as much as 7 kilograms, you need a little
fasting days to spend …

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