19 week of pregnancy. Fetal development andsensations in the 19th week of pregnancy.

Mon, Oct 24, 2016

Starting from week 19, many pregnant women are finally
long-awaited event – they can clearly feel the first
the movement of the child within itself! These lungs are still almost
indiscernible pushes will give you a huge range of emotions, because you already
physically can feel your baby!


Changes in the body at the 19th week of pregnancy

At this time your figure has already changed significantly –
tummy clearly visible under clothing, as well as increased
chest. The placenta also grows, and the weight of the uterus is about
320 g, and you can even grope her bottom slightly above the navel.
Due to the enlarged uterus, pressure on the diaphragm increases, and
also on the intestines. This can lead to difficulty breathing and
disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Kidneys also
subjected to increased load, which leads to accumulation in
body fluids and the appearance of edema.

Fetus condition in the 19th week of pregnancy

The baby inside you continues to evolve – on
the nineteenth week, its height reaches almost 25 cm, and weight – 230
gram. He has already formed the beginnings of molars, as well as
phalanxes of fingers on the arms and legs were formed. On the pads
Fingers already even loomed individual print pattern!

An important achievement of your child in this period is his
ability to hear sounds and respond to them. Therefore, you can start
read him tales and sing lullabies – the sound of my mother’s voice is very
favorably affects the emotional state of the baby. also in
this time from the hairs and skin cells begins to form
generic grease that partially covers the body of the fetus white-pink
by layer.

The endocrine glands of the baby are already beginning to be included in
processes occurring in a small body, and actively
make hormones. Spleen joins circulation
blood, helping in this bone marrow and liver.

Possible feelings on the 19th week of pregnancy

As for the physical sensations of the woman in the nineteenth week
pregnancy, they are not always pleasant, except, of course, the first
pushes the child to which you can listen endlessly! AT
the rest of the increased volume of the abdomen leads to increased
loads on many organ systems: the circulatory system,
gastrointestinal tract, urethra. AT это время вы
you may feel pain in your back and legs, heavy stomach,
difficulty breathing. Try to correct it to make it easier.
eat, wear comfortable, uncluttered clothing, shoes on
low heels. Watch your posture and, if possible,
perform simple exercise complexes.

ATаше психическое состояние тоже меняется — вы испытываете
complex range of feelings and emotions. This and the joy of the upcoming
maternity, and an awareness of the importance of your nurturing mission
child, and the feeling of unlimited happiness from the already tangible
tactile communication with your child. AT то же время, вас начинают
overcome fears about the upcoming birth, so try
fill your day with pleasant experiences.

Necessary medical supervision

The nineteenth week of childbearing is characterized by possible
risk of exfoliation of the placenta, so if you notice bleeding –
consult a doctor immediately! also in этот период у вас могут
having problems with blood pressure so the nurse in
female consultation is required to regularly measure it. When visiting
female consultation doctor, among other things, will examine your legs for
the subject of edema, and, if necessary, will give the appropriate
recommendations. And, of course, no one has canceled regular delivery.
blood and urine tests – this makes it possible to monitor the level
sugar in the body.

General recommendations

Since your baby is actively growing and developing, you must
provide him with the availability of all the necessary trace elements and
of vitamins. Enrich your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, and
as well as dishes prepared with maximum of their healthy

Try to walk every day for at least two hours – it will help
saturate the lungs with oxygen, which your baby really needs!
Ensure proper rest and gather strength, because it is already very
You will need them soon!

Weekly pregnancy calendar:

  • First week of pregnancy
  • 2 week of pregnancy
  • 3 week of pregnancy
  • 4 week of pregnancy
  • 5 week of pregnancy
  • 6 week of pregnancy
  • 7 week of pregnancy
  • 8 week of pregnancy
  • 9 week of pregnancy
  • 10 week of pregnancy
  • 11 week of pregnancy
  • 12 week of pregnancy
  • 13 week of pregnancy
  • 14 week of pregnancy
  • 15 week of pregnancy
  • 16 week of pregnancy
  • 17 week of pregnancy
  • 18 week of pregnancy
  • 19 week of pregnancy
  • 20 week of pregnancy
  • 21 weeks gestation
  • 22 week of pregnancy
  • 23 week of pregnancy
  • 24 week of pregnancy
  • 25 week of pregnancy
  • 26 week of pregnancy
  • 27 week of pregnancy
  • 28 week of pregnancy
  • 29 week of pregnancy
  • 30 week of pregnancy
  • 31 weeks of pregnancy
  • 32 week of pregnancy
  • 33 week of pregnancy
  • 34 week of pregnancy
  • 35 week of pregnancy
  • 36 week of pregnancy
  • 37 week of pregnancy
  • 38 week of pregnancy
  • 39 week of pregnancy
  • 40 неделя of pregnancy


ATелла 30.03.2016 Мне сказали, что у меня девочка!! Terribly pleased! AND
husband, strangely enough, it was the girl who wanted! ATрач говорит, что к
no complaints to the child))) Still claims to the child
были…)) ATсе, не могу уже дождаться, когда же этот ребеночек на
the light will appear !!! Anya 03/30/2016 My husband and I only do that
listen to the movements of the baby)) He even kicked a papa in his ear
already))) In addition to these sensations, or what is not. Moreover, some pain,
nausea and other things. Very wonderful period, enjoyment.
solid))) Evgeniya 03/30/2016 The husband strictly forbade doing
УЗAND больше, чем положенно…А у меня какое-то беспокойство..ATроде
ни на чем и не основанное…Может просто из-за of pregnancy эти
fears I hope that everything is fine, I try more with pregnant
communicate, and there are enough of them in my environment)) Aleftina 03/30/2016 Wow,
you! Well now for sure, a full-fledged citizen already! Once and prints on
fingers formed ..))) And the range of emotions and feelings, as if very
varied! I even wondered if I could really become
a full-fledged mother … Kira 03/30/2016 I felt him !!! Only
for the first time, and my pregnant girlfriend, too, has been pushed for a couple
weeks ago started, and I was very upset that I had them
not. AND вот оно – чудо!! Now I feel like a full future

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