16 week of pregnancy. Fetal development andsensations in the 16th week of pregnancy.

Mon, Oct 24, 2016

If up to 15 weeks of pregnancy a woman barely notices
the changes that are happening to her in this important period of her
life, then at week 16 everything changes: the tummy is noticeably rounded,
baby becomes more active, and mom’s cheeks become pinker
due to an increase in circulating blood volume. And she certainly
begins to like his own reflection in the mirror.


Changes in the body at the 16th week of pregnancy

At week 16, the expectant mother’s mother actively continues
expand, giving space to the growing body.
The amount of amniotic fluid increases slightly and by the end
weeks normally is about 230-250 ml. More actively begin
mammary glands develop, breasts become more sensitive
due to local increase in blood flow. Some future moms
a venous pattern protrudes across the chest and the Montgomery tubercles appear
(small performances on the periphery). On week 16
pregnancy needs to take into account another important point – because
hormonal activity intestinal peristalsis in women
weakens, which causes constipation.

The state of the fetus at 16 weeks of pregnancy

Today, all the important organs of the baby are already formed, its tiny
the heart beats rhythmically, the facial muscles of the face begin to work in
correct mode: the child grimaces, opens his mouth, can
also pulling sponge and scowling forehead. In urinary work
system marked significant progress. Every 40-50 minutes the fruit
excretes urine. There are tiny nails on the fingers and toes, and
coordination of limb movement increases dramatically. To bone
Calcium begins to flow into the baby’s system, making the bones
thicken, and the head and trunk become mobile. Eyelids
open, and the baby will soon open his eyes. Sensible sex
signs of fetus, girls have already formed the reproductive system:
uterus, tubes and vagina. The weight of the baby varies from 70 to 90 grams.

Possible feelings on the 16th week of pregnancy

Pregnant women are not the first time 16 week start
feel the stirring of the child in the womb. This is not like the tremors and
sharp turns of the baby, inherent in recent months, rather
This can be compared with the “walking” of gases in the lower intestine.
Some girls and with the firstborn begin to feel unusual
sensations in the lower abdomen, similar to “tumbling” or “nervous ticking”.
But usually pregnant women start feeling for the first time.
baby’s desire to “show himself” only at 18-20 weeks.

Required medical surveillance at week 16
of pregnancy

Week 16 (as well as the next three) – the time of some
analyzes, tests and ultrasound (optional). Ideally, similar analyzes
must give in no later than 18-19 weeks. It is in this period
pregnant women have to donate venous blood for triple deployed
a test that allows you to identify some genetic abnormalities
(for example, detect the extra chromosome of the fetus – Down Syndrome), defects
spinal development. Using screening (ultrasound and blood test)
neural tube defect, Edwards syndrome and gender can be identified
future child, and also see the first mimic “games” of your

General recommendations

As noted above, women in the second trimester period (week 16
inclusively) often suffer from constipation. To prevent them
It is necessary to perform a set of simple exercises, daily
walk in the open air and eat rationally by including in the diet
raw vegetables and fruits. We must not use loose teas and

Since 16 weeks in order to prevent fetal hypoxia, it is advisable
apply useful hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO),
is a physiotherapeutic procedure allowing
increase the level of oxygen in the tissues of the female body
(respectively, in the body of the fetus). The procedure is not included in
a list of mandatory medical procedures, so the expectant mother
need to take care of this itself. Referral from a doctor like
The rule is not required.

In the diet it is time to introduce vitamin-mineral complexes,
including vitamin D, iodine and calcium. In addition, it should be mentioned
about poses for sleeping. Спать на животе, начиная с 16 недели of pregnancy,
Absolutely forbidden! Falling asleep on the back can also
provoke back pain (but not all). Therefore, the most
optimal sleeping position – lying on its side with bent to the chest

Календарь of pregnancy по неделям:

  • Первая неделя of pregnancy
  • 2 неделя of pregnancy
  • 3 неделя of pregnancy
  • 4 неделя of pregnancy
  • 5 неделя of pregnancy
  • 6 неделя of pregnancy
  • 7 неделя of pregnancy
  • 8 неделя of pregnancy
  • 9 неделя of pregnancy
  • 10 неделя of pregnancy
  • 11 неделя of pregnancy
  • 12 неделя of pregnancy
  • 13 неделя of pregnancy
  • 14 неделя of pregnancy
  • 15 неделя of pregnancy
  • 16 неделя of pregnancy
  • 17 неделя of pregnancy
  • 18 неделя of pregnancy
  • 19 неделя of pregnancy
  • 20 неделя of pregnancy
  • 21 неделя of pregnancy
  • 22 неделя of pregnancy
  • 23 неделя of pregnancy
  • 24 неделя of pregnancy
  • 25 неделя of pregnancy
  • 26 week of pregnancy
  • 27 неделя of pregnancy
  • 28 неделя of pregnancy
  • 29 неделя of pregnancy
  • 30 неделя of pregnancy
  • 31 неделя of pregnancy
  • 32 неделя of pregnancy
  • 33 неделя of pregnancy
  • 34 неделя of pregnancy
  • 35 неделя of pregnancy
  • 36 неделя of pregnancy
  • 37 неделя of pregnancy
  • 38 неделя of pregnancy
  • 39 неделя of pregnancy
  • 40 неделя of pregnancy


Chamomile 03/30/2016 I heard that some future moms eat
a lot of sweet. And I, in life, sweet tooth, completely threw it
business!))) In general, there is no desire to eat some cake there,
ice cream or something else. I think I even became slimmer,
Well, except for the tummy! Alexandra 03/30/2016 Yesterday I felt
movement of the baby !!! There were so many emotions !!! Now all
I listen, freeze every two minutes, but so far nothing … All
Anyway, it’s very cool! At that moment, I fully realized that
is pregnant! Catherine 03/30/2016 My cub performs such
stirring !!! I didn’t know that at the 16th week children move, but
all the more so much! The doctor said that everything is fine, it happens.
I can’t even imagine what he will grow up, once at that age,
there that performs))) Barbara 03/30/2016 Girls! Pregnancy is
not so hard at all! I’m the first time in this position, and always
I thought that being pregnant was very, very difficult. Well, then toxicosis,
then some other problems … But it turned out .. Very easy and
the main thing is nice !!! Vasya 03/30/2016 Constipation, this is probably the problem
all pregnant women … I eat like normal,
balanced, and walk regularly … Anyway, this problem
exists. I read about the complex exercises, try to do,
I hope will help.

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