10 signs that your diet is notworks

dieta-ne-rabotaetYou have decided to try a new diet, but before
still not see absolutely no results?

Want to know why this is happening and whether to continue
stick to your chosen food program?

See below for the following signs that you
подскажут наверняка, works ли для вас данная диета.


Итак, 10 signs that your diet is not works:

1. You constantly think about food.

Constant craving for food is a bad sign, which is usually
means your body is starving. Increase your daily intake
calories, otherwise the basic metabolism will gradually decrease,
As a result, on the contrary, you will start gaining weight, and not losing

2. You fantasize about what you could eat for breakfast /
lunch / dinner

If you constantly feel tempted, this is an indication that
you are too strict with yourself and unreasonably excluded from
diet some key food groups. Check that
you get all the necessary nutrients from food, and
really enjoy what you eat. For example, I try
eat something that i like at least a few times
in Week.

3. Wherever you look – all the people around are eating, selling, or
advertise food

Again, this is similar to craving, so analyze your
diet, why are you so hungry. You can also try to break
daily amount of food for 5 small portions, it will all be
promote the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body and
relieve an acute feeling of hunger.

4. Are you going or have already begun to secretly have “forbidden”

I myself suffer from this when I try to limit myself from
A lot of products that I love. Try to make
some adjustments to your diet that will allow you
eat some of your former favorites, otherwise
temptations will “tread” on you every day more and more and

5. Вы чувствуете, что диета не works

Your intuition is the best thing to help you move on.
so if something does not suit you in the current nutrition program,
Ask a friend to analyze your diet from or
ask for a diet for advice on a specialized forum
for those who want to lose weight, links to which you can find in each
serious women’s magazine.

6. You have a lot of complaints about diet.

If the diet makes you see life “in gray colors,” urgently
Change the selected food program! It took me a few weeks
to realize that no diet and its mythical results
worth poisoning your life.

7. You have difficulty falling asleep

Struggling to sleep? Perhaps this is due to
nutritional deficiencies resulting in poorly chosen
diet, but also the reason may be that you have not enough
well organized preparation for bed. Try taking a bath with
by adding lavender oil or reading your favorite book for
hours before bedtime.

8. You do not like the food you eat

A diet in which you don’t like picking foods doesn’t work
it will therefore be necessary to re-revise your meal plan.
Take any food that you don’t like, and replace it with more
suit you option within the same calorie.

9. You do not feel good

If the diet makes you feel unwell, you should
stay. This means that such a diet is too heavy and has
severe nutritional deficiencies or food groups
power supply. Stop the diet and visit an experienced nutritionist who
will be able to prompt you what you did wrong.

10. You are not happy with yourself and become irritable.

If you have irritability and dissatisfaction with yourself, then
any diet will stop working. You will be incredibly hard yourself
motivate that will result in frequent breakdowns. Experiment with
different diets or try to switch to things that
help you put yourself in order.

Analyze this list and make sure that you are not experiencing
none of these symptoms. Good luck to you!

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