Zucchini Muffins with Sausage – Unusualsnack! Zucchini muffins with sausage and bacon, cheese, carrots,garlic

Пт, 09 сен 2016 Автор: Марина Выходева

Squash cake – incredibly tender, tasty, dietary

These pastries can be served for breakfast, dinner, take with you to
the road.

Choosing a recipe!


Zucchini Muffins with Sausage – General Principles

For cupcakes, it is not necessary to use young zucchini. Can
take and ripe vegetable, but with him have to remove the skin, seeds
taken out. Then the zucchini is crushed. The easiest way to do this.
use a grater. Chips shake off in a bowl, add the rest

What to put in the dough:

• flour;

• eggs;

• spices;

• greenery;

• different vegetables;

• ripper.

Sausage is added to the already prepared and stirred dough. Product
cut into strips, cubes, any other pieces. If she
boiled, you can use the grater, but better than a large one. Sausage
it can be boiled, smoked, dried, half-smoked. All kinds
Product suitable for cupcakes. There are recipes with ham,
bacon, chicken, sausages.

Snack cupcakes usually use metal or
silicone. In any case, it is desirable to grease the vessel from the inside.
butter cream. It will contribute to the appearance of brown crust on
sides of products. If there are no portions, you can use one
a large bowl, for example, for baking cakes or a frying pan without

Zucchini muffins with smoked sausage

Recipe simple squash muffins with sausage, which
should certainly be smoked. In this case, baking will
incredibly fragrant.


• 100 g sausage;

• 300 g zucchini;

• 70 g flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 4 g ripper;

• spices.


1. Squash three large, we shift in convenient for kneading dough
a bowl.

2. Break eggs into another bowl, put salt, pepper, you can
add a little dry or fresh, but chopped finely greens.

3. Beat eggs for a minute until light skins.

4. Pour to grated vegetables.

5. Next you need to pour out the flour, add the ripper. Stir
dough until smooth.

6. Sausage режется мелкими кубиками до 5 миллиметров,
laid out in the already cooked dough. The mass is stirred.

7. Now you need to spread the dough into molds. In the process
the baking cupcakes will rise a bit, so the form to the top is not
we fill.

8. We send baked. At a temperature of 190 degrees cupcakes
will prepare about 25 minutes. The exact time depends on the juiciness

Zucchini muffins with sausage and cheese

Recipe amazing cupcakes from zucchini with sausage, in which
also goes some cheese. It is better to use solid varieties. In the dough
You can add different spices that you like.


• 300 g zucchini;

• 2 eggs;

• flour 70 g;

• 100 g sausage;

• 140 g of cheese;

• 1 tsp. ripper;

• 4-5 sprigs of dill;

• pepper, sweet paprika, salt.


1. If the zucchini is small, with a thin sandpaper, then its just
wash and rub. Скидываем в a bowl.

2. We also rub cheese, you can immediately add it to the zucchini.

3. Cut the sausage into small cubes. Add to the future

4. Next, throw the fennel, chopped finely.

5. Smash the eggs, pour the ripper, immediately mixed with

6. Dough should be thoroughly mixed, add pepper or others.
spices to your liking. Salt at the very end, so that the zucchini did not
let in a lot of liquid. Add a third of a teaspoon.

7. Stir the dough in a greased molds for
standard cupcakes.

8. Put in the oven at 200 degrees. Bakery snack
baking 15-20 minutes.

Dietary muffins from zucchini with sausage and curd

Option diet cakes, which is added to boiled
sausage without bacon. Can использовать молочные или любые другие
sausages. Fat curd arbitrary.


• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• 150 grams of sausage;

• 250 g zucchini;

• 2 eggs;

• incomplete glass of flour;

• spices;

• 1 tsp. ripper;

• oil for forms;

• dill, garlic to taste.


1. Immediately rub the zucchini, sprinkle with salt, leave for a while
preparation of the remaining ingredients.

2. In a bowl, break the eggs, immerse the whisk, beat
just a minute

3. We spread out a pack of cottage cheese to the eggs, beat together. If a
the product is dry and with grains, it is better to first grind it through
sieve or punch harvester.

4. Add salted zucchini to the eggs and cottage cheese, which are already
should have released juice.

5. Now we put all the other spices, herbs and garlic, do
to your taste.

6. Pour the ripper.

7. Add flour, achieving the desired consistency. Dough should
быть тягучее, не жидкое и не густое, как для preparations

8. Cut cubed sausage or rub. Mix with dough.

9. Spill the mass in the fluff molds, do not make containers

10. Baked cottage cheese muffins with zucchini 40-50 minutes. We put and
cook at 180.

Zucchini Muffins with Sausage and Cornmeal

The recipe is very appetizing snack cupcakes, which are prepared
with the addition of corn flour. The crumb turns out very beautiful,
bright color. Some cheese is also added to these muffins, but can
replace the dough without it.


• 2 small zucchini;

• 3 eggs;

• 150 grams of sausage;

• 60 g of wheat flour;

• 100 g of corn flour;

• 0.5 tsp. soda;

• 70 grams of cheese;

• spices, oil.


1. We rub zucchini. Can использовать цукини, с ними тоже
baking is obtained.

2. We break eggs into a separate bowl, we throw to them any
специи, которые планируете заложить в dough. Immediately add a third
a teaspoon of salt. If a колбаса соленая, то can положить немного

3. Beat eggs with spices, pour to the zucchini.

4. Grate the cheese finely if you add it.

5. Now it’s the turn of flour. If a нет кукурузной муки, то перемелите
cereal for porridge, sift. Насыпайте оба вида муки в dough.

6. Soda needs to be quenched with acetic acid. Send in total
mass of

7. Cut the sausage. If she вареная и без жира, то can
grate, but only with large chips.

8. Combine sausage with dough, stir.

9. We shift in the form, put baked.

10. Cooking cupcakes will be half an hour, the temperature is 180

Muffins from zucchini with sausage on the dough with semolina

Option cupcakes, which are prepared with semolina. Bakery products
it turns out more friable, airy. Flour is also added, but in
a small amount. Sausage любая, can взять ветчину.


• 250 g zucchini;

• 100 g sausage;

• 3 eggs;

• 4 spoons of semolina;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 clove garlic;

• 1 щепотка ripper;

• salt with pepper;

• a little parsley, dill.


1. Salted zucchini, grated with large shavings.
let the juice.

2. Add eggs, spices, garlic clove, pre

3. Put the flour with semolina, add a pinch of baking
ripper. The mass should be stirred, leave for fifteen minutes.
The croup should swell.

4. Cut the sausage in small cubes, lay in the ready

5. It remains to spread everything in molds, bake in the oven until
readiness It will take about half an hour. Cooking at 180

Кабачковые кексы с колбасой, беконом и garlic

Far from diet cakes, but awesome.
delicious, juicy. Бекон для них can взять копченый или соленый,
You will need it not very much. В рецепте идет чеснок, can брать
fresh or dry powder.


• 100 g sausage;

• 70 g bacon;

• 250 g zucchini;

• 2 eggs;

• 80 g of flour;

• garlic clove, greens;

• 0.5 tsp. ripper;

• 1 scoop of sour cream.


1. Cut the bacon into very small cubes. Can сначала
hold it in the freezer, it will be easier.

2. Sausage is also cut into cubes, sent to a bowl to

3. Rub zucchini, chop garlic, greens.

4. Add eggs to the vegetables with ripper, pour the flour with
spices, throw sour cream, stir.

5. We shift bacon with sausage, the dough is ready!

6. We distribute by portion molds.

7. Печем кексы полчаса при 180. If a нужно, то время can
to add.

Zucchini muffins with sausage, carrots and onions

Option carrot muffins with zucchini and onions. Finished goods
очень яркие, аппетитные, колбасу для них can использовать


• 150 g carrots;

• 200 g zucchini;

• 50 g onions;

• 150 grams of sausage;

• 3 eggs;

• spices;

• 120 g of flour.


1. Rub the carrot and zucchini. Can воспользоваться комбайном.
Все сразу закидываем в большую по размеру a bowl.

2. Add the eggs.

3. Лук режем мелко, can чеснок тоже добавить. We shift in

4. Pour spices, flour, stir. Do not forget to add
ripper to make cupcakes soft.

5. Режем колбасу, can сделать мелкую соломку.

6. Stir тесто, распределяем по смазанным формам.

7. We put baked. Temperature around 190 degrees, time
about 35-40 minutes.

Zucchini Muffins with Sausage – Useful Tips and Tricks

• On the cupcakes will be ruddy and crisp, if the forms after
smearing sprinkle with semolina. Can использовать также
breadcrumbs, but they must be white.

• Готовить кексы can не только с обычными кабачками, но и
zucchini. They behave perfectly in the dough, combined with sausage and
baking is very delicate.

• Snack pastries will be even more delicious if instead of sausage
use bacon, smoked breast or ham, ham and others
products. Can добавлять сырой фарш непосредственно в dough.

• Want to make a stuffed cupcake? Do not add sausage to
общую mass of Cut the product into cubes, put each piece in
Center the molds, bake in the usual way.

• Кексы can выпекать не только в духовке, но и в мультиварке.
True, in this case, you get only one, but big.
Use the “Baking” mode. A complete 50-60 cycle is usually enough.

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