Beef liver salad – общие принципы приготовления
Those who wish to improve their health and increase hemoglobin,
just need to include in the diet beef liver. But to use
pure product is a bit boring, so you can cook it from
It has a lot of delicious and healthy dishes, such as beef salad
the liver. There are several types of beef salads
liver: hot, cold, puff or the most common, where all
the components are simply mixed.
Fried and steamed vegetables (carrot
with onions), bell pepper, mushrooms, green peas, pickled
cucumbers, cheese, eggs and greens. Can немного поэкспериментировать и
try to combine in one dish completely incompatible, at first
look, foods (like liver with grapes, oranges or
apples). In beef liver salads may be present and
other offal, such as chicken liver. For refueling more often
whole mayonnaise, sour cream, mixture of vegetable oil with
mustard, lemon juice or garlic and table vinegar.
Beef liver salad – подготовка продуктов и посуды
Start cooking beef liver salad should be with
preparation of the main ingredient. To do this, the liver should
rinse thoroughly, peel off films and cook. Can также
extinguish the liver with onions or cook a by-product for a couple.
The cooking time of beef liver in a double boiler is about 1
hours If a предварительно порезать печень на небольшие куски, она
cooked much faster. Cold liver нарезают небольшими
cubes, wedges or straws. Wash vegetables thoroughly if
required – boiled or fried in vegetable oil, then –
It is usually served on serving plates that can
decorate with lettuce and other herbs. From the dishes required
also a deep salad bowl or bowl, pan, frying pan and small
bowl for cooking sauce. From kitchen equipment useful
also a grater, cutting board, colander and garlic press.
Recipes салата из говяжьей печени:
Рецепт 1: Beef liver salad
This tender, tasty and hearty dish is suitable not only for anyone
holiday, but for the usual dinner. Beef liver salad
using the most affordable ingredients that do not require complex
preliminary preparation.
Ingredients Required:
- 300 g of beef liver;
- 2 onions;
- Half a cup of ordinary rice;
- 2 chicken eggs;
- Salt, black pepper – to taste;
- Vegetable oil – 30-45 ml;
- A bunch of dill;
- Mayonnaise.
The way preparations:
Boil eggs hard-boiled, pour water and cool. Then – clean and
rub on a coarse grater. boil liver in salted water until
readiness and cool, rub on a medium grater. Cook rice until
readiness in salt water, recline in a colander and cool. Dill
wash and grind. Bow чистим и нарезаем тонкими полукольцами.
Fry лук на разогретой с маслом сковороде до золотистого
colors. Now we proceed to the formation of layers of beef salad
liver: 1 layer – liver, 2 layer – fried onions, mayonnaise, 3 layer –
rice and some mayonnaise, 4 layer – finely chopped dill, 5 layer –
яйца, промазанные mayonnaise. You can decorate the finished dish with greens
or slices of tomatoes. It is desirable that the salad stood a few
hours in the fridge and soaked.
Рецепт 2: Beef liver salad и сельдерея
This meat dish is very nourishing, tasty and fragrant.
Preparing a salad quickly enough and is suitable for any event.
(holidays, arrival of guests or relatives, family dinner and
Ingredients Required:
- 400 g of beef liver;
- 200 g of dried mushrooms;
- Chicken eggs – 3 pcs .;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 1 celery stalk;
- Mayonnaise;
- Salt;
- Dill;
- Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l
The way preparations:
Rinse the liver in water, cut into small pieces and cook until
preparedness in salted water. Mushrooms soak in water and cook until
readiness Bow режем тонкими полукольцами (по желанию можно обдать
boiling water to remove the bitter taste). My carrots, clean,
grate and fry in a pan with vegetable oil.
Cook eggs hard-boiled, cool, clean and chop finely. My celery
clean and cut into small pieces. Put the liver in a bowl,
mushrooms, eggs, celery, carrots and onions, dressed with mayonnaise and
mix all ingredients gently. To taste add salt and
decorate the dish with dill sprigs.
Рецепт 3: Beef liver salad с виноградом
Very tasty festive dish that will surprise everyone
guests. Grapes, liver and vegetables are in perfect harmony with each other,
the result is a very interesting aromatic
Ingredients Required:
- Beef liver – 320 g;
- 2 onions;
- 1 medium carrot;
- Dark grapes (seedless variety) – 120 g;
- Bunch of green lettuce;
- 2 tbsp. l butter and vegetable oil;
- Red and black pepper – to taste;
- Salt – to taste.
The way preparations:
My liver, cut into small pieces and simmer on slow
fire until ready, periodically adding water. Cold liver
salt and pepper. Onions and carrots clean, cut into thin strips and
fry in a pan with butter until golden brown,
then add liver to vegetables and stew all together about five
minutes Wash grapes carefully, cut each grape
in half. Lettuce leaves should be washed and dried.
We put in the salad bowl liver with carrots and onions, add
grapes and season with vegetable oil. All components carefully
mix it up. The finished dish is decorated with lettuce leaves.
Recipe 4: Salad of beef liver “In French”
The main ingredients of the salad are mushrooms and liver, so the dish
It turns out so nourishing and nutritious. Beef liver salad
It can be both festive and ordinary everyday dish.
Ingredients Required:
- 250 g of beef liver;
- Champignons – 200 g;
- 1 head of onion (preferably red);
- Green Salad – 240 g;
- Olive oil – 75 ml;
- Vinegar – 40 ml;
- 50 g butter;
- Salt and black pepper – to taste.
The way preparations:
Lettuce leaves thoroughly washed and dried. Liver wash
and remove the film. My champignons and cut into small slices.
Onions clean and cut into half rings. Pour on preheated pan
30 ml of olive oil and add butter. Fry
mushrooms until tender, stirring occasionally. Shifting mushrooms into
bowl, and in the remaining oil fry the liver and onions. Add to
pan a little salt and pepper. Whisk the remaining oil with
vinegar, pepper and salt. Mix liver, onion and mushrooms, refuel
cooked sauce and lay out a snack on lettuce leaves.
Рецепт 5: Beef liver salad с маринованными
The dish turns savory, fragrant and very tasty. Can
feel free to offer such a snack to guests or prepare a salad from
beef liver for a normal meal.
Ingredients Required:
- Beef liver – 400 g;
- 3 small carrots;
- Pickled cucumbers – 5 pcs .;
- 3 onions;
- Mayonnaise;
- Pepper;
- Salt;
- Dill;
- Vegetable oil.
The way preparations:
Liver thoroughly washed, remove the film, cook until done,
cool and cut into small pieces. My carrots, clean,
grate and stew in vegetable oil until cooked. Bow
clean, cut into half rings and fry in vegetable oil to
golden color. Cucumbers cut into small cubes and lightly
wring out. Dill wash and grind. Putting all the ingredients in
deep salad bowl, salt a little, pepper, mayonnaise and
how to mix all the ingredients. Beef liver salad с
pickled cucumbers ready.
Recipe 6: Warm salad with beef liver “Manor”
Ingredients Required:
- 60 ml of soy sauce;
- 20 g of pine nuts;
- 200 g of beef liver;
- freshly ground pepper mixture;
- 100 g of champignons;
- 10 ml of balsamic vinegar;
- 2 tomatoes;
- 50 ml of olive oil;
- 30 g of arugula.
The way preparations:
Rinse the liver under the tap, cut off the film and remove the ducts.
Drain with a disposable towel and cut into oblong
Peel, wash and dry the champignons. Crumble mushrooms
Pour the oil in the pan, put on the fire and heat it.
Put the liver and fry, constantly stirring, until light
ruddy Add the mushrooms to the liver and cook another three minutes.
Now pour in the soy sauce, stir and simmer for two minutes.
Rinse and dry the arugula. Put it in deep dishes.
Add to it the washed and sliced tomatoes. Shift
here is fried liver with mushrooms along with the juice formed
when frying.
Sprinkle the salad with balsamic vinegar, season with pepper mixture.
and mix. Serve the salad warm by sprinkling it with cedar.
Recipe 7: Salad with beef liver and apples
Ingredients Required:
- 400 g beef liver;
- ground black pepper;
- an Apple;
- salt;
- Bell pepper;
- 80 g sour cream;
- 3 pickled cucumbers;
- 50 g of mayonnaise;
- green onions.
The way preparations:
Rinse the liver under running water, put in a deep dish and
soak for half an hour in milk to get rid of the bitter
taste. Then drain the milk, scald the liver with boiling water and remove
film. Cut the liver into large chunks and boil until soft.
Drain water. Cool the liver and cut into small pieces.
Washed green onions finely crumble. Peel the apple off,
remove the core, and cut the flesh into cubes.
Free the peppers from the stalk, clean the seeds and
cut into small pieces.
Pickled cucumbers finely chop. Put all shredded
products in a deep bowl, and mix them with mayonnaise and sour cream,
salted and seasoned with black pepper.
Recipe 8: Potato salad with beef liver
Ingredients Required:
- half a kilo of beef liver;
- mayonnaise packaging;
- 400 g potatoes;
- 40 g of dill;
- 200 g pickled cucumbers;
- 50 g green onions.
The way preparations:
Wash and clean the liver of films. Cut ducts and
boil in lightly salted water for half an hour, adding to pan
a peeled onion, a couple of greens, and a few peas of pepper.
Then pour the broth. Liver cool and three on a coarse grater.
Boil the potatoes in uniforms, cool, remove the peel and
we grind the same as also a liver. Pickled cucumbers rub on
grater with small holes.
Deep plate lined with food film and lay out
in her salad layers:
– half boiled potatoes. We coat with mayonnaise;
– grated beef liver;
– pickled cucumbers. Greens and grease
Lay out the layers in this order again. Turn over the salad
on a flat dish. Снимаем тарелку и удаляем film. Generously
dab with mayonnaise and sprinkle with chopped dill.
Украшаем рубленными грецкими nuts.
Recipe 9: Salad with beef and beet liver
Ingredients Required:
- four beets;
- garlic;
- beef liver – 300 g;
- mayonnaise;
- one and a half cup of round rice;
- lemon juice;
- vegetable oil;
- salt;
- bunch of parsley.
The way preparations:
Wash thoroughly beets. Wrap each vegetable in foil and
bake in the oven until soft. Then cool, peel off
and crumble into small cubes.
Rinse the liver under running water, pour boiling water over it and remove
film. Remove the ducts and cut the liver into small pieces.
Put the by-product in the heated vegetable oil and fry two
минуты до легкой ruddy Cover with a lid, twist the fire and
потушите еще пять minutes
Boil the washed rice until tender, fold it in a colander and
rinse. Parsley finely crumble. Put all prepared
products in a deep bowl. Salt, pour lemon juice, add
мелко нарубленный чеснок and mix.
Beef liver salad – секреты и полезные советы от лучших
The main secret of cooking beef liver salad
lies, of course, in a properly prepared by-product.
If you first place the liver in a dish of milk and leave
soak for a while, the product will become more tender and will not lose
This quality is in the process of further heat treatment. If a
season the salad with a sweet and sour sauce, the meat will be especially
savory and fragrant.