Beetroot and carrot salad – general cooking principles
If you, despite the time of year and time of day feel
malaise, often sick and not getting enough sleep, most likely, your
the body does not have enough vitamins. Not pharmacy pills, but
inexpensive but very effective vegetables from the market. Revise your
diet Vegetables and fruits should be at least half of the total
volume of food consumed.
If the proportions are not met, it’s time to correct the situation. Special
quickly and effectively help you get back to normal beet salads and
Beetroot and carrot salads – preparation of products and dishes
Carrots and beets are growing in abundance in our homeland, and therefore
You can be sure that imported preservatives for these
vegetables are not used. But our pesticides and fertilizers
used, and therefore be sure to wash the vegetables thoroughly before
cooking dishes. It will not be superfluous and use
metal brush – scrape them thoroughly carrots and beets,
then clean off the thin skin of vegetables.
Salads are beautifully served on large flat plates, but if
the celebration and the table is forced, then use the deep plates. Also
Prepare before cooking beetroot and carrot salad
several plates for ingredients.
Recipes салатов из свеклы и моркови:
Recipe 1: Beet and Carrot Salad
This salad will not only help you fill the body faster
vitamins, but also improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. If a
your goal is to improve the functioning of the digestive mechanism, you can
also sit one day on the “diet” of beetroot and carrot salad,
using it three times a day.
Ingredients Required:
- 2-3 carrots
- 2-3 beets
- Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
- Olive oil 1 tablespoon
- 2 garlic cloves
- Fresh parsley
Cooking method:
Rub peeled carrot and beetroot into small or medium
Chop the parsley as small as possible.
Garlic skip through the garlic press.
Mix all the ingredients. Salad season with lemon juice and
olive oil.
Recipe 2: Oriental beet and carrot salad
Any dish can be turned into a representative of the cuisine of the peoples of the world,
adding to it a few simple ingredients, most often it is
maybe even a pinch of spices. Make beetroot salad and
carrots with oriental flavor.
Ingredients Required:
- 2-3 carrots
- 2-3 beets
- Garlic 3 prong
- Suluguni cheese 150 grams
- Fresh parsley
- Mayonnaise dressing
- Caraway
- Cardamom
- Salt
Cooking method:
Peeled carrots and beets to rub on a medium or large
Chop the parsley with a knife.
Suluguni cheese divided into fibers by hand.
Garlic skip through the garlic press.
Mix all the ingredients. Salad with mayonnaise and good
mix it up. To let beetroot and carrot salad
Eastern flavor, you need to put it in a cold place at 1-1.5
Recipe 3: Salad of beets and carrots with ham
Not all men want to eat vegetables, I think this food is not satisfying and
may not even be tasty. But the situation is easy to correct – if
the hostess will cook a really tasty dish. Cook the salad
from beets and carrots with ham.
Ingredients Required:
- 2-3 carrots
- 2-3 beets
- Garlic 3 prong
- Ham 300 grams
- Peking cabbage 200 grams
- Walnut 100 grams
- Mayonnaise
- Salt
Cooking method:
Carrots and beets should be well washed – it is best to rub
with a metal brush, then cut the tails and rub them on
крупной или средней grater.
Chop the cabbage with a knife as small as possible and thinner.
Ham cut into thin and long straws.
Peel the nuts and chop, but not very finely –
best with a knife.
Garlic skip through the garlic press.
Mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise.
Recipe 4: Beet and Carrot Salad with Fried Mushrooms
This salad can be called off-season, because you can cook it
in any season. The benefits of beets and carrots are clear, but the mushrooms
are a great vegetable protein. Mushrooms in the recipe
It is recommended to use champignons, but this is only because
their availability and low price. If a же у вас есть грибы белые,
boletus, forest, then you can completely replace the mushrooms.
Ingredients Required:
- 2-3 carrots
- 2-3 beets
- Onion 1 piece
- Garlic 3 prong
- Champignon mushrooms 400 grams
- Walnut 100 grams
- Sunflower oil for frying
- sour cream
- Salt
Cooking method:
Wash carrots and beets (under running water and using
ершик), отрежьте хвостики и потрите ее на средней grater.
Chop the onion large, peel the garlic.
Mushrooms cut into four pieces each – that is, not very
On a hot frying pan greased with oil, pour onions,
fry it for 3-4 minutes, then add to it
mushrooms Fry the mushrooms, stirring them over medium heat, until
all the water will not go away (within 8-10 minutes).
Garlic chop into three or four parts of each tooth. On hot
pan greased put garlic and roast it in
stirring for 1-1.5 minutes.
Mix all the ingredients, and add garlic to the salad together.
with butter, on which he roasted – so beetroot and carrot salad
will be even more fragrant!
Recipe 5: Dessert Beet and Carrot Salad
Since the carrots and carrots are vegetables that have a pleasant sweet taste,
They can be safely used to create dessert dishes. AT
unlike ordinary sweets, such desserts will not only be tasty, but
and good for your health and your children.
Ingredients Required:
- 1-2 fresh carrots
- Beetroot 1 piece
- Prunes 100 grams
- Dried apricots 100 grams
- Raisin 100 grams
- Apple sweet variety 1 piece
- Walnut 100 grams
- Honey for dressing
Cooking method:
Wash carrots and beets and rub them with a metal brush,
потрите на крупной grater.
Chop walnuts with a blender or knife.
Prune and dried apricots, cover with hot water for ten minutes, after
then drain the water, and chop the dried fruit with a knife.
Raisin pour boiling water and leave for 6-7 minutes, after which the water
Wash the apple, clean the seeds and tails, cut
Mix the ingredients and season them with honey.
Recipe 6: Carrot Salad with Beets and Apple
Ingredients Required:
- mayonnaise packaging;
- an Apple;
- salt;
- a handful of walnuts;
- small beets;
- two carrots.
Cooking method:
For this salad beets can bake in the oven, boil or
use raw. Wash well, remove the tail and antennae. If a
you decide to heat treat the vegetable, then boil it or
bake in the oven, wrapped in foil. Cool the beets, peel and
нашинкуйте или измельчите на grater. Just peel a raw vegetable, and
cut into thin strips.
Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel and chop.
long, thin stripes.
ATысыпьте чищенные грецкие орехи на сухую, хорошо разогретую
pan и хорошо прокалите. Make sure that they are not burnt.
Cool and chop in small pieces.
Wash the apple and wipe it with a dry cloth. Cut in half,
remove seeds and pith and peel off the skins. Nashinkuyte
the flesh is thin bars.
Put crushed beets and carrots in a deep plate,
add apple and walnuts to them. Salt and mix,
adding mayonnaise.
Recipe 7: Carrot Salad with Beetroot “Mistress”
Ingredients Required:
- salad mayonnaise;
- two beets;
- garlic – 15 g;
- three carrots;
- a handful of walnuts;
- cheese – 150 g;
- a handful of raisins.
Cooking method:
Rinse beets and boil until soft. Cool the vegetable, peel
и измельчите на мелкой grater.
Wash raw carrots and peel them. Rub the same
like beets. Grind cheese similarly. ATсе сложите в отдельные
Free the garlic from the husk and crush it with
garlic crushers. Nuts melenko chop.
Rinse the raisins and pour boiling water over it. Leave it to steam out.
for a few minutes. Then drain the liquid and spread the raisins on
disposable towel and lightly dry.
Form the salad in layers as follows.
– в морковь добавьте изюм, майонез и mix it up. ATыложите смесь
to the bottom;
– Mix the cheese with garlic and mayonnaise. This will be the second
– Cover the top with a mixture of beets, nuts and mayonnaise.
Decorate the salad to your taste.
Recipe 8: Carrot Salad with Beets and Meat
Ingredients Required:
- three small beets;
- mayonnaise;
- two carrots;
- fresh dill – 40 g;
- spicy cheese – 140 g;
- two-thirds cup of walnuts;
- 400 g pork or beef pulp;
- garlic – 20 g;
- prunes 0 60 g
Cooking method:
Rinse the meat and boil it until tender. Beet and carrot
clean up thoroughly, clean out of everything superfluous, put it in
pan with water and boil until soft. Carrots cooked earlier
so get it, and cook the beets until ready.
Cool the vegetables and peel. Grate carrot shavings medium
thickness, and chop the beets on a grater bigger.
Prunes sort, wash and fill with boiling water. Steam up
сухофрукты четверть hours Then drain the liquid and prune
cut into slices.
Chop grated cheese into fine chips.
ATыложите на сухую, хорошо разогретую pan грецкие орехи и
fry until aroma. Cool and chop finely.
Peel and rinse the garlic.
Rinse the dill under the tap, dry it, putting it on a napkin,
and grind.
Put the salad on a serving dish
in layers:
– half crushed beets;
– carrot chips;
– cheese chips;
– slices of prunes;
– the remaining beet mixed with crushed garlic.
Spread each layer with mayonnaise. Put in the fridge on
night. Sprinkle with greens before serving.
Beetroot and carrot salad – secrets and tips from the best
If a в выбранном вами рецепте в качестве заправки используется
майонез или sour cream, то пусть это блюдо настоится в течение
an hour or two, then the salad of beets and carrots will become more juicy.
Decorate the salad with chopped herbs and nuts before serving. If a
dessert salad, you can also decorate it with whipped cream or
dried fruit.
Carrot has property maximally absorbed by the body
only in conjunction with any vegetable or animal fat,
so always add butter, mayonnaise or carrot salads
sour cream. Nuts are also vegetable fats.
Nuts will give the salad more spice if
pre-fry. Do not use butter or nuts for roasting.
stir constantly so that they do not burn.
It is best to season salads not with mayonnaise, but sour cream – such
Salad will be no less tasty, but also useful. Also майонезную
refueling can be done independently. To do this, mix 3
tablespoons of mustard powder, half a cup of oil (olive or
sunflower) and three egg yolks. Mix ingredients with
using a blender. This dressing does not contain unnecessary preservatives.
and chemicals, and therefore it can be stored for no more than a week
the refrigerator in a glass container. К заправке (будь это sour cream или
mayonnaise) add sesame, flax seed, crushed nuts.
If a вы думаете, какое масло использовать для заправки салата,
then prefer olive oil or flaxseed oil. Besides
of this, the crude crude oil is useful, although it has
characteristic odor that not everyone likes.
Add generously to non-dessert beetroot and carrot salads
chopped greens, even if it is not provided by the recipe. It is better
Dill, parsley, wild garlic (wild forest garlic) are best.
Also добавляйте обычный чеснок. It will be very tasty to cut the teeth
garlic in several pieces and fry in sunflower oil about
2-3 minutes. Such a trick noticeably decorates the taste of the salad, and the aroma
make a multi-faceted and unusual.