Eggplant for the winter – the best recipes. howcorrectly and tasty to prepare eggplants for the winter.

Sun, Nov 06, 2016

If the eggplants are cooked properly, they are made.
varied and very tasty dishes. This vegetable is indispensable for
the diet of vegetarians and people on a diet. 100 grams
Eggplants contain a total of 24 calories. To prolong their lives and
preserve vitamins and nutrients, come up with conservation.
Eggplants are salted, pickled, frozen, dried, pickled, made from
them caviar, salads, snacks. It is both tasty and healthy. Any dish from
they are excellent, and on the content of calcium, carotene, vitamins B1, B2,
phosphorus, folic acid, they are superior to many other vegetables.
Your attention provided both simple and more time consuming.
on cooking recipes blanks eggplant for the winter. Try,
replenish your stocks and make them more diverse.


Recipe 1: Pickled Eggplants

Eggplant “10 on 10”

One of the interesting cooking options for pickled
Eggplant for the winter is considered to be the recipe “Eggplant 10 to 10”.
This is a great appetizer – and cooking it is easy and the contents of the jar
goes with a bang. The most time-consuming exercise in canned vegetables
considered cutting and roasting vegetables. In this recipe, nothing of this
no need to do, so you can cook it pretty quickly.
Vegetables are desirable to take not very large, medium size. So они
more evenly stew.

Ингредиенты: By 10 штук баклажанов, репчатого
onions, tomatoes, Bulgarian sweet pepper, 2 glasses of water, 1 each
stack table 9% vinegar and sunflower oil, 2 tables. spoons
sugar plus 1 table. ложка соли.Способ

Pre-peel the onion, cut the core of the peppers, with
cut eggplant sepals (tails). Peel and cut
eggplant is not necessary.

In a large enamel pot lay whole vegetables in layers –
eggplants, peppers, onions, top layer tomatoes. The contents of the pan
pour marinade and simmer for about 30-40 minutes until cooked vegetables.
The degree of readiness can be checked with wooden sharp stick

For the marinade it is necessary to mix vinegar, oil, water, sugar,

When vegetables are stewed until cooked, they need to be decomposed into
sterilized banks, pour the marinade in the neck, in which they
getting ready, roll up. Sterilization is not required. To vegetables not
cooled, you need to fill one jar and immediately roll it up. Then
second and so on Byка баночка заполняется и укупоривается, остальные
vegetables are waiting for their turn in the pan, which stands on a small
on fire Roll up the banks put on the floor, turning upside down,
wrap a blanket and leave to cool.

Output about 3.5 liters.

Recipe 2: Eggplant Salads for the Winter

how приятно открыть зимой баночку с овощной закуской. Product
immediately ready for use. You can serve it as a side dish to fish,
meat or a separate dish, and you can eat in a simple way – with
bread or potatoes. Below are two tasty and uncomplicated in
cooking recipe salads, the main ingredient of which
stand out eggplant. Novice hostesses can debut
try to make Turkish salad. It becomes easy and
quickly, but the taste does not suffer from this. Simply put, spoil it
is impossible.

Eggplant salad in turkish

Ингредиенты: By 2 килограмма баклажанов и
tomatoes, 1 kg of Bulgarian sweet pepper and onion, 2 pcs.
chili (bitter pepper), 3 cups grow. oils, salt.

Способ приготовления:

All vegetables are coarsely chopped into about 4 pieces (large
eggplants can be smaller, for example, 8 parts), remove the peppers
seeds. At the bottom of the pot, cauldron or pelvis to put onions, peppers,
tomatoes, eggplants (no need to clean them). Above овощи полить
растительным маслом, посолить и тушить около 40 minutes In the process
тушения периодически пробовать on salt. Ready salad in hot
form spread on sterilized jars and roll up. To complete
leave to cool under a blanket. Output 6 liters.

Just a delicious eggplant salad

Ингредиенты: 2,5 килограммов баклажанов, 2
kilograms of Bulgarian sweet pepper, 1 kilogram of carrots and
репчатого лука, 4 литра томатного сока, 100 grams растит. oils
(for roasting), 10 pcs. small bay leaves, 300
grams of sugar, half a cup of garlic, salt and 9% table
vinegar, 1 tsp. lie black peppercorns, 1-2 pieces of chili
(bitter pepper).

Способ приготовления:

Tomato juice mixed with sugar and salt, put boil on
the slab. Byка он onгревается и закипает, самое время обжарить в масле
until cooked onions and carrots. Onion chop half rings, and
Carrot straws (as an option, grate on a coarse grater). Peppers
remove the seeds, cut the tails off the eggplants. If eggplant
young, with delicate thin skin, you can not peel them from the peel.
Pepper cut into noodles (stripes 0,5-0,7mm), large eggplants

Add all the vegetables to boiled tomato juice and cook, stirring
смесь, 35-40 minutes At the end of cooking add to the pea pan
черного перца, лавровый лиArt. Byка салат доваривается, измельчить
on grinder garlic with bitter pepper, pour in vinegar and add this
garlic mix in a salad, boil for another 5 minutes. By
the end of this time, the salad must be decomposed by
sterilized hot jars and immediately roll up. Additional
sterilization is not required.

Recipe 3: Salted Eggplants

Salted eggplants with sauce of moans

Muja is a garlic sauce that is served to fish, meat and
vegetables in Moldova and Romania. There are many ways to do it.
cooking In this recipe, it is close to the classic
option. This method of cooking salted eggplants
borrowed from the Moldavian cuisine.

Ингредиенты: 3 килограмма баклажанов, 2 головки
garlic, 1 table. Spoon of salt with a slide, 100 g grow. butter, dill and
сельдерей (зелень).Способ приготовления:

Have washed eggplant trim tails. In salted boiling
water (2 tablespoons salt / 1 l water) lower prepared vegetables and
boil for about 3 minutes. Eggplant can be put aside for the time being,
so that they cool down and water is flowed from them, and in the meantime
do the cooking of the sauce. What is required to take garlic,
salt and butter. Traditionally, garlic for this sauce is minced in
mortar, but it does not matter. It can be scrolled in a meat grinder,
skip through the garlic press or rub with a small

Cut the cooled vegetables along to get a pocket. Inside
the pocket and the outside of the eggplant grease muzhdeem and put in a clean
washed dry jars. You can put some greens between the vegetables
celery and dill (finely chopped or sprigs). Greens can
replace with another one to your liking. Cover the jar with gauze
or with a clean cloth, then put in a warm dark place on
several days.

After 2-3 days, you can cut off a piece of eggplant and try.
If they are sufficiently salted, then the banks are covered with iron.
lids, put in a container of water, bring to a boil. Byсле того,
as the banks are sterilized for about 20 minutes, they are rolled up. Time
sterilization indicated on liter jar.

Recipe 4: Pickled Eggplants

Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots

Ингредиенты: 1 килограмм моркови, 2,5
kilograms of eggplants, 7-8 cloves of garlic, medium size 2-3
pieces of onions, long celery stalks (by the number
eggplant), vegetable oil, 2 table. spoons of salt.

Способ приготовления:

1. Cut the tails with a sharp knife near the eggplants, make a deep
longitudinal section (pocket), then boil in salted water (1
Art. spoon salt / 1 liter of water) for half an hour. Water to drain
cool the eggplants, put them under pressure (lightly press down with a plate),
to make the glass excess liquid.

2. Pour celery stalks with boiling water and leave them for 10
minutes Celery will be needed for tying stuffed
eggplants so that they do not crumble.

3. Prepare minced carrots. Why cleaned carrots
must be minced in a meat grinder or grated with a grater with
large holes.

4. Finely chopped onion fry in vegetable oil, add
carrot mince and 1 tablespoon of salt. Continue frying until
cooked carrots.

5. Now you can start stuffing. Cook 2 small
bowls. In one there will be crushed garlic, in the other vegetable
oil (about 150 g). Boiled eggplant to coat inside and
outside first with garlic, then vegetable oil, a pocket
Stuff the carrot mince and wrap celery. Stuffed
eggplants in dense rows folded in an enamel pan. Above
cover with a plate and put a small yoke on it (for example, a can
with water). Put the pot on the balcony or put in another
cool dark place for 2-3 days. If eggplant is enough
prokasilis, you can roll them up.

6. Arrange the eggplants in liter jars, previously
clean washed, covered with tin lids for seaming and
sterilize for 1 hour over low heat. Twist.

Recipe 5: Eggplant with Bell Peppers

Eggplant cooked according to this recipe is obtained
very very tasty. For the sake of the end result is not a pity to spend
time and make your own efforts. This is an original snack.
will be the way and at the dinner, and on the holiday table. Bell pepper
better to take small (about 6-7 cm in length). To one eggplant
The roll was placed in one pepper. The degree of sharpness will depend on
how bitter the chili pepper is.

Ингредиенты: по 2 килограмма баклажанов и
Bulgarian sweet pepper, 750 ml of water, 1 cup of sugar and
peeled garlic, 200 ml of table 9% vinegar, salt 2 tables.
spoons, 2 pieces of chili (bitter pepper), vegetable oil 100 g for
pouring plus for roasting eggplants (how many will take).

Способ приготовления:

For the filling, grind in a meat grinder 2 pieces of bitter and
Bulgarian pepper, 1 cup of garlic.

Peeled eggplants cut along the plate
6-8 millimeters thick. Then fry them in vegetable oil.
Cool it down.

Byка баклажаны остывают, можно заняться подготовкой перцев и
cooking potting. Peeled Bulgarian Pepper
boil for about 2-3 minutes in boiling water. Water to drain перец
leave in the pan.

750 milliliters of water, 200 milliliters will be required for filling
9% vinegar, 100 g grow. oils, salt 2 tablespoons plus 1
tablespoon of sugar. All ingredients are mixed and put on
the fire.

Byка заливка будет закипать, самое время onчать собирать перцы
from semi-finished products. On a slice of fried eggplant put
stuffing, roll it roll and paste into the cooled pepper.
Stuffed таким образом перцы разложить по чисто вымытым
Banks, pour boiling pouring. Byсле 15-ти минутной стерилизации
banks roll up. During sterilization, the vegetables in the can rise.
Byэтому, onполняя банку, нужно следить за тем, чтобы общая масса до
edges did not reach about 2-3 centimeters.


Mikola Shernik 10/06/2016 Hto love Bakery – keep the power of nature
a gift in front of you! Glorious recipe, and the headache – podvani schiro, vіd dushi!
Liliana 09/15/2016 It is also very tasty to add to minced carrots
shredded cabbage. In winter, you will lick your fingers. Irina 08.26.2016
Eggplant 10×10 – just a translation of products. Prepared for her
head-continuous vinegar to the taste, and seemingly unappetizing hodgepodge.
Tatyana 07.13.2016 I see in a jar of pickled eggplant green
Leaves and, it seems, sliced ​​green onions, but in the recipe of this NO. So
what are you putting GREEN? In the photo, the eggplants are cut into slices, and in
recipe entirely.

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