Zodiac signs prone to depression

Zodiac signs prone to depression

Difficult life situations, constant conflicts with
others – can lead to any depression. What kind
are zodiac signs the most prone to depression?

Top 5 Zodiac signs prone to depression


Taurus – most prone to depression

They are literally in it. For them
insignificant melancholy is almost normal, everyday
a condition in which they fall periodically. The saddest thing is that
they can become depressed even when everything in their lives
stable and normal. They just get sad, lonely,
incredibly scary, or just not on its own. Predict depression
the calf is simply impossible. It arises at the same time and in the same way.
suddenly disappears somewhere.

Bad things are with those Taurus who are trying to all around
prove that life is terrible, that everything is lost, nothing is impossible
to change. This happens when Taurus does not
busy. They begin to get depressed and upset. They are increasingly
it seems that everything in life is terrible.

Gemini – they are prone to silent depression

It can even lead to suicidal tendencies and deplorable
the consequences. They just go to themselves and it’s very difficult to understand what
Gemini is puzzled, what is wrong. Misunderstanding by
close people just kills them. The problem is that Twins do not
ready for a frank conversation and you just have to guess
what is on their mind what upset them. If the depression goes away,
then there can not do without the intervention of doctors, but it will be very
it’s hard to get the Gemini himself to admit that he has

Raki – they often hover in the clouds

Cancers live in their own world, a world created in the image and
the likeness of the real. In this world, everything is difficult, everything is in collusion, against
Cancer. Depression rolls on him like a snowball and brings to
hysterics and screams. If Cancer is offended, it’s better not to touch it,
wait until he himself goes away from the problems and what is happening. Quiet
to go into depression in Cancer will never work because he is inclined
to clarify relationships and scandals.

Scorpios – any trifle can emotionally crush them

It may even be a minor quarrel with an old friend and
Scorpio instantly falls under the influence of depression. Even if he
he started parting, finding out the relationship – he will be depressed and
nothing you can do about it, you just have to wait until
the blues will recede. Exhortations and encouragement will not work here.
You will have to devote all your free time to soothe the depressed.
Scorpio But this is a thankless job, since the next wave
depression can cause any little thing.

Capricorns – they charge themselves too much, therefore, often
get depressed. It would seem that you can and should live much easier
so as not to be offended later by those around you, that they betrayed you,
cheated, disappointed. But this is not an option for Capricorn. is he
gallantly creates difficulties and problems around him and then for a long time
will suffer.

The remaining signs of the zodiac

Рыбы – они редко впадают в депрессии, но, если
this trouble happened to them – quite difficult because of depression
are selected. And why, because everything is forgiven and much
close their eyes. And when patience ends – fall into
depression, do not explain anything, do not ask for help, sometimes even
leave the family because of this.

Овны – грустят и впадают в депрессию очень
rarely, but if it so happens that their work began
Adverse changes – depression is inevitable. is heи могут сами
scare yourself trying to find terrible coincidences in the current
situations and really find them. The thing is that work –
This is a way of realization for Aries, and if it’s not all right, then
not all is well in his emotional life.

Львы – они очень часто злятся, и когда ничего
can not do with the situation – are disappointed and
lose their temper. At this moment it is better not to argue with them, but simply
retire and let the lions calm down. After a period of active
resentment, the Lions go into deep depression if their problems are not
are solved.

Девы – могут долго и упорно пытаться ввести
themselves in a state of depression, but remain in it for quite some time.
All because they get bored in it. is heи лучше поговорят о
problem, discuss sore, but go to extremes simply do not
will be And this is right, otherwise, why is there so much pleasant and
good moments.

Весы – для них депрессия – это страшное
event. is heи считают её заболеванием, которое приводит к остановке
life, therefore, is very harmful. If Libra’s condition worsens
health – they may well be depressed, but not for long, until
the next walk in the fresh air, until the next coming

Водолеи могут впасть в депрессию, но им в ней
not interested. is heи лучше чем-то займутся. Of course, difficult
life situation can bring them to depression, but not minor
troubles problems and someone’s opinion about them. This is all Aquarius
they will ignore it and will not betray it. AND
do the right thing.

Стрельцы – вот кому действительно повезло иметь
stable psyche, almost not prone to depressive
states. is heи в любой момент жизни могут переключиться на что-то
positive, distract from pressing problems and feel just
wonderful, not thinking about hard everyday life and a difficult period of life.
How do they do it? Great faith in yourself and a lot of positive
they share with others. is heи готовы любому подать руку в тяжёлое
time, therefore, is not as perplexed by its own problems as by strangers.

Today, depression has become almost normal.
a phenomenon to many of us. Knowing your penchant for her is better.
make every effort so that the irreparable doesn’t happen,
so that depression does not become a way of life, do not limit

If you have already fallen into it – try to find
reasonable grain in everything that happens and immediately stop
be sad Better – work on yourself and on the situation that
you happened, because a lot of things in our lives are the same to us

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