Бразилия — страна с федеративным устройством.
It is the largest public education by number
inhabitants and the size of the occupied area in South America. AT
Brazil is ranked fifth in the world rankings
The state is characterized by a large extent that
determines the diversity of climate and natural areas. Its borders
страна делит на севере с Суринамом, ATенесуэлой, Гайаной,
French Guiana; with Uruguay – in the south; with Bolivia and Peru – on
west; in the southwest – with Argentina and Paraguay; with Colombia – on
northwest. ATосточная территория Бразилии омывается водами
AT средние века Бразилия являлась португальской колонией, и этот
the factor has become decisive in the character of the formed local
culture. Portuguese became the only official language.
Catholicism is the predominant religion common to
the territory of Brazil.
AT Бразилии проживает 201,1 млн. жителей. Of these, white – 53.7%
population, mulatalians account for 38.5%, representatives
Negroid race is 6.2%, the rest (Japanese, Indians, Arabs)
– 1.6%. The trend of racial development is that the white population
gradually ceases to be in the majority, as evidenced
statistical studies of the past two years.
The currency in Brazil has changed several times.
It was originally a Brazilian flight, then Cruzeiro, then
Cruzado, and, finally, the modern real. Currency substitutions have always been
forced and associated with the impossibility of other economic
measures to stop inflation. For two local real in exchange
points will give one deutsch mark.
Brazil – the capital and major cities
The capital of Brazil is a city very close in sound. AT
Russian pronunciation of the name of the city and country perfectly
identical – Brazil (in some sources the capital is called
Brasilia is not the largest city in the state. He takes
only fourth in terms of the number of inhabitants (2.5 million people). ATместе с
two other cities (Goiânia and Anapolis) Brasilia is
most powerful economic center of the country.
Capital this city became relatively recently, in 1960. it
the third capital in the whole history (after the period of the primacy of Salvador,
and then Rio de Janeiro). Now in the new capital are all
government departments. Thanks to the implementation in
the postwar period of many grand construction projects,
Brasilia was honored to be included on the UNESCO List. Now the city –
world cultural heritage.
The state capital is located in the interior of the country
Brazilian plateau. For the city specifically chosen place
far from civilized centers. AT стратегическом плане такой
The approach was considered the most correct.
The largest cities of Brazil are: Sao Paulo with the number
10.8 million inhabitants, Rio de Janeiro – 6.09 million, Salvador –
2.89 million
Brazil – holidays and tours
A trip to Brazil opens up a lot of opportunities for tourists.
Traditional beach holidays offer local resorts.
The most visited of them were:
• Angra dos Reis (international class resort located
near Rio de Janeiro). itт город признан лучшим местом для
family holiday. Well-equipped coastal areas
strewn with fine golden sand. it местечко подходит для любителей
comfortable rest away from the noise.
• Ubatuba – located near São Paulo. Clearly
organized transport allows you to quickly get
from this quiet corner to the largest megacities of the country, including
and in Rio de Janeiro. The resort is located the most
a large number of hotels per capita.
• Buzios – located on a small peninsula, north
Rio de Janeiro. The little village where the fishermen lived
gradually turned into one of the best resort areas of Brazil.
Summer, a year long, allows tourists to visit this place
at any convenient time.
For excursion programs a significant place is
Rio de Janeiro. Here is a statue of Christ the Savior,
known all over the world. Its location – the top of the hill
Corcovado, which means “hump”. The statue is set to
height of 704 meters, and its own size – 30 meters.
Tourists are also interested in preserved buildings of the colonial
era. AT каждом большом городе есть свой музей. Therefore, any
Brazil tour will be interesting and
For ecotourism, Brazilian are considered a suitable option.
jungle. Even here, in the depths of the forest, hotels for lovers were built
“Ariau Amazon Towers” – hotel in the Amazon jungle. it
the structure rises above the trees, and the buildings of the hotel are connected
each other by special bridges.
Safari in Brazil – one of the favorite types of entertainment.
ATозможность покататься на джипах предоставляет экскурсия под
called “Makuko Safari”. The journey passes through the forest to the old
Iguazu Canyon, which formed as a result of soil erosion. AT
the excursion program also includes a boat trip on the boat
Both locals and visitors are keen on diving in Brazil
guests Fernando de Noron Island, Bahia and Pernambuco –
The best places for scuba diving.
Brazil – attractions
The most common acquaintance with this country begins with the city
Rio de Janeiro. Although, of course, every state and every city
has enough interesting for tourists
The famous mountain, called the “Sugar Loaf”, opens
magnificent panorama of the city. Among the historical places of interest
represent the museum of modern art, the national museum,
Historical Museum, Indian Museum and many other cultural
The botanical garden, located on the territory of the city, can
demonstrate literally all the plants that grow in
Brazil in different climatic zones.
Iguazu Falls are considered a real wonder of the world. They are
on the borders of three states, but from the territory of Brazil opens
the most fascinating view.
AT огромном городе Сан-Паулу впечатляют небоскребы. They performed
from glass and steel. itт город – современный промышленный центр
Brazil, there are 10 factories for the production of cars.
The economic breakthrough that turned a provincial town into
industrial metropolis, was perfect thanks to the development of coffee
AT столице страны, городе Бразилиа, для туристов интересно
literally everything. From the moment of design (the city is built in the form of
aircraft), to its modern design. The capital combines
the latest technology and skillfully inscribed in natural landscapes
Manaus is the most ecologically clean city in the world. is he
located on the shores of the great Amazon. Excursions start from here
introducing this mighty river. Especially impressive night cruise.
The eyes of crocodiles look spectacular among the darkness of the night in the light
hand flashlight. Lovers tickle your nerves will be pleased with this
a journey.
On the Amazon, you can ride on ships. AT программу
trips also include boating (canoeing) and fishing
Brazil – weather (climate)
AT Бразилии всегда жарко. AT западной части Амазонии преобладает
humid equatorial climate. There is always a lot of precipitation here (from
2000 to 3000 mm per year), and if we compare the average temperatures by
months, it turns out that they differ by only 1-2
degrees Therefore, we can say that summer does not stop here.
The central part of Brazil is in the wet zone
subequatorial climate type. Heavenly moisture here twice
less, in these areas droughts occur quite often.
Passat prevails in the eastern territories of the country
tropical climate. is he влажный, жаркий, засуха бывает регулярно, но
its period is short.
Brazilian seasons are the opposite of seasons in Europe.
AT самое жаркое время средние температурные показатели находятся в
area of +32 degrees. AT холодный период жара несколько спадет, но
it only ceases to be exhausting (+24 degrees).
The water temperature on the coast all year above 25 degrees. The best
April – September are considered as time for visits to this country. AT
these months are not too hot, although it often rains.
Погода в Бразилии сейчас:
Brazil – cuisine
AT Бразилии каждый район имеет свой традиционный набор блюд,
which are prepared most often.
So in Bahia, Vatapa is popular. It is made from sliced
mollusks with milled fish. ATсе это варится на кокосовом соке с
adding oil.
Here the piglet’s liver is also stewed in an original way –
along with the blood of the animal. AT жаркое (Sarapateu) добавляются
tomatoes, onions and peppers.
Another type of food is salted shrimps (Caruru). They are used in
combined with hot sauce (hot pepper mixed with plant
On Amazon, residents most love to cook “pato no tucupi”
– duck, sliced and cooked in a sauce with the addition of herbs
and spices.
AT Рио-де-Жанейро популярным стало фейжоаде — черная фасоль с
dried meat, smoked sausage, pork, garlic, pepper and
bay leaf. Ingredients are mixed and languished on the fire.
Treats are served on a large dish.
Brazilian vodka – cachaca, is characterized by crystal clarity and
high fortress. It is consumed with lemon juice, ice and
Brazil – carnivals
Being in Brazil and not seeing the local carnival means
that the trip was wasted. Carnival held in Rio de Janeiro
famous all over the world. it великолепное яркое зрелище, к которому
preparing every resident of the country.
Officially, the holiday begins on Friday, before Ash
by the medium. Representatives demonstrate their skills and mastery here.
all local samba schools. Rio Carnival is one of the largest
world holidays.
The event is organized annually by the Ministry of Tourism.
is heо объединяет свои усилия с Лигой Школ Самбы. Also to
events are directly related to all television companies,
leading live broadcasts throughout the country.
Have Each school of samba is selected for the presentation of a certain
The theme in accordance with which the site is made. Then
A presentation is being created – a program of performance. Brazilian can
make money a whole year to prepare your holiday
suit. The event turns out truly magnificent and spectacular.
Chic outfits draw attention to each platform. Two
similar sites just does not happen. Fantasy of the participants
The winner of this procession – one samba school, is awarded the main
money prize. However, for the participants of this colorful competition
much more important is the title they are honored – “School
special group.
In addition to the dancers, the group includes musicians and singers.
An important role is assigned to the driver of the platform – the cars should
manually controlled to avoid unpleasant
Ash Wednesday – the moment of truth. AT это день подсчитывается
number of points and determined the winner who is honored
salutes and general glee.
Brazil – visa application
Since 2010, a provision has been adopted for visa-free entry into Brazil for
citizens of Russia. You can be in the state
for 90 days. Repeated trip is possible not earlier than through
180 days from departure from Brazil.
To visit the country, you must present a valid
passport, proof of sufficient
amount of currency, and a return flight ticket.
Brazil – Embassy
The Brazilian Embassy is located in Moscow:
Bolshaya Nikitskaya, house 54. Tel .: 7 (095) 363-03-66.