You will not believe, but it came up with women

Вс, 25 дек 2016 Автор: Валентин Новиков

В XIX веке ткачиха Табита Бэббит серьезно облегчила труд
men everywhere. Who would have thought that watching
her brothers who sawed thick logs she would come
to create a prototype circular saw? Tabitha noticed that the tree
is processed only when the ordinary hand saw
moving forward, and its reverse course is only a waste
strength and energy. After thinking about this problem, she made a saw with
a special round blade that allows you to cut wood in 2
times faster. В начале XX века американка Мэри Андерсон,
who came to New York, was shocked by the falling snow
the city and trolley buses that drove with open windows, because
the snow prevented the driver from perceiving the road and he had to constantly
go out and clean the glass.

After thinking about this problem, Anderson thought over this
the problem, which resulted in the prototypes of the first janitors.
The driver could only use the handle in the cab,
to make the review much better. Amazing that Mary got
patent for this invention, but, contrary to obvious benefits, a wide
The device has spread only a dozen years. Like this
Surprisingly, car silencers are also women’s hands.
Older cars made altogether non-melodious sounds, scaring horses and
passersby The society was indignant and demanded to ban the cars, however
the number of cars on the roads only increased, the problem is
remained unsolved. Однако в 1917 году американка Долорес
, уставшая от постоянного шума, изобрела первый фильтр
sound, aimed at reducing noise in cars. Sculptor
Партисия Беллингс подарила миру промышленный силикон.
Patricia, wanting to increase the life of his sculptures, during
for eight years, I was looking for material that could make her creations more
durable. As a result of a series of experiments in 1970 from under the arms
Patricia released a compound known to us as an industrial silicone.
The material is also heat resistant.

Стефания Кволек подарила миру кевлар — основу
body armor and protective pads used in military
industry today. Stephanie worked all her life at DuPont and in
During her experiments and experiments she managed to get a unique
synthetic fiber that turned out to be stronger than steel and more
flexible than nylon. And for the achievement – the Wi-Fi network, which today
пользуется практически каждый человек, стоит поблагодарить Хэди
. Difficult fate woman, actress and inventor,
who managed to combine femininity and firmness, in 1941
presented to the “Council of Inventors of the United States” developed its technology
radio transmission, which is noise-resistant. It should be noted that
the patent she received was donated by the US government. In the sixties
For years, this technology has been used in the design of American
rockets, well, and after the second technological revolution that was noisy,
entered into our lives by thousands of fashionable gadgets – formed the basis
reliable simple and convenient communication between them.

Lamarr refused the reward, all her research and
Heedy’s experiments were done to help the world, and the resulting
film fees she was more than enough.

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