Wrap for weight loss. Effectiverecipes

As soon as women do not try to lose weight. Lately
wraps are becoming more popular and in demand
among ladies who want to lose weight, give the body
beautiful contour and tighten the skin.

Домашние обёртывания Almost all wraps give
good effect, however there are those that help in record
dates to find the desired figure. About super effective wrappings and
will be discussed in today’s article.

Hot and cold wraps

There are two types of wraps: hot and cold. And hot,
and cold wraps can be done at home if
comply with all necessary measures.

Hot wraps improve circulation, open pores and
increase sweating. Due to this, and is losing weight. For
Achievement effect will require ready mixture and thermal underwear. During
hot body wraps should be as hot as possible.

Cold wrappings are much safer and practically
no contraindications. For холодных обёртываний используются
components such as peppermint, eucalyptus or menthol extract.
Thanks to the extract, swelling is reduced, cellulite goes away, and the skin
becomes elastic. Cold wraps are usually sold.
in finished form.

Clay wraps

The most popular wraps with which you can
experiment in various ways. Someone put clay in
in its pure form, someone adds essential oils to enhance the effect,
ground pepper, mustard powder or honey. If you wish, you can
mix different colors of clay.

The prepared mixture should be applied to the body, driving in with tips.
fingers. Above you need to wrap a film, wear warm clothes and
jump under the covers. The effect will be even better if with a wrapping
to exercise. Clay left on the body at 50-60


Algal wrap

Very effective wrapping based on kelp leaves.
You can purchase these algae in a dry form at any pharmacy. For
hot wrapping leaves must be left in hot water on
20 minutes, then apply on the body, turn around with a film and
stay like this for an hour. For холодного обёртывания водоросли
must be in cold water for at least an hour so that they
well swelled. After that, they need to be applied to problem
skin patches and film wrapped. Keep need at least an hour.

Mustard wrap

Mix a tablespoon of honey with dry mustard. To fill with water,
to get a creamy consistency. After that warm
the mixture must be applied to the desired areas of skin and top cover
body wrap. This wrap will burn, so do not
warm too much. For достижения эффекта горчица должна
оставаться на теле около 40 minutes

Pepper wrap

The next wrap, like the mustard, is pretty hot, so
you need to be careful with him. It takes ground black pepper and
cinnamon in equal proportions, any base oil and a few drops
essential oil (lemon or orange). The product must be applied to the skin.
под пищевую пленку и подождать, пока не пройдет 50-60 minutes If a
it will burn much, it is necessary to wash the wrap earlier, so that
get burned

Chocolate wrapping

This type of wrapping is very popular in
professional showrooms. It can also be easily done in
home conditions. For приготовления нужно взять 500 грамм
natural cocoa, pour water, and then pour in the resulting
mix a spoonful of cinnamon. Remove the mixture after an hour. About the benefits
Cinnamon for weight loss – you can find out here.

Honey wrap

The most delicious wrap, which is also very effective. On
problem parts of the body need to apply a mixture of honey and cream in
ratio of 2 to 1. It is desirable if the cream will be fat. Above
body tightly wrap film. Wash off the mixture after 1-1.5 hours.

Процесс обёртывания

Oil wrap

For его приготовления потребуется любое базовое масло. Fine
suitable olive or coconut oil. They need to add
a few drops of citrus essential oil, for example, lemon
or grapefruit.

The more essential oil will be used, the stronger will be
oven, so for the first time, 8-10 drops will do. Ready mix
must be applied to the skin with massaging movements, and then cover everything
food wrap. An hour later, you can remove the mixture from the body.

When choosing the type of wrapping, pay attention if you have
allergies to this composition, otherwise instead of losing weight you will get a rash
throughout the body.

In conclusion, we want to say that wraps will not be
effective if you do not keep track of your diet. Not necessary
it is naive to assume that wrappings will be a panacea – far from it. They
help to lose weight, but with proper nutrition you must maintain
results achieved.

We wish to achieve maximum results in losing weight!

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