Women’s treason

Fri, Feb 21, 2014

Male treason hurts, hurts and ruins many families. but
society itself perceives don Juanism quite tolerantly and hardly
not complacent. And sometimes trips to the left are justified by biology –
supposedly penchant for polygamy is embedded in the very male nature.
Women’s treason is something that is shyly silenced and not
submitted for public discussion. but она существует и наносит
no less damage to partners, and the stronger sex hurts even
more painful. The betrayal of a friend is often complete
surprise for men who are not used to keeping track of the accumulating
discontent, resentment and other nuances of fine female nature.

The very nature of women’s treason is much deeper and more tragic. AT
unlike men, with their amazing ability to spin light,
noncommittal romance on the side, beautiful half
mankind will never be able to refer to the lured devil and
other “Sunstroke.” This is confirmed by the attempts of deceived wives.
get to the bottom of the true cause of the husband’s mistress –
ladies see culprits in the family harbor’s misfortunes either
yourself or trying to find other valid arguments
prompting a man to seek new relationships. In fact, it is
women never change “just like that.” Reasons for treason may
to be diverse, but they are always there and always justified.


It would seem that with this option everything happens the same as with
men – a spark, an irresistible attraction, blinding –
all this attracts, tempts and fogs the mind, throwing lovers
towards each other, contrary to the official bonds of Hymen. But rare
a woman is able to get her portion of love nectar and calmly
return to a comfortable life. ATедь одной физической удовлетворенности
not enough – they need to again and again relive the situation, look for
continue the relationship. One random love affair
Ariadne binds the mind and heart to another partner, forcing
look for new meetings.


Pay the spouse the same coin for treason, according to the biblical
an eye for an eye? Why not? But to make sweet
revenge, without breaking his own family, most likely not
will come out. The reason – the ability to instantly regret what he did, in
the desire to immediately repent of their own sins. At the same time
the role of the confessor why is he appointed himself freshly baked
cuckold. And he who could forgive secret betrayal and
close your eyes on suspicions being put before the fact
recognition, forced to respond immediately. And most likely, instead
Christian forgiveness and tears of reconciliation for treason will follow
imminent separation.


Women are patient. And their dissatisfaction with a partner they are able to
hide for years. Only here unspoken claims have a property.
accumulate, forcing increasingly to peer into other men and
to celebrate their virtues, which seem especially beneficial in comparison with
unpleasant habits and traits of a spouse. And it doesn’t matter
are the roots in psychology or physiology, natural modesty
interferes with expressing your wishes regarding sex life
partners or delicacy does not allow to ask the husband to stop
scatter wardrobe items throughout the apartment. The result
long-term silence and humility can easily become treason – after all
someone else’s lawn is always greener.

Can a woman hide her treason? Paradoxically,
only the one who is not able to cheat and dodge the inevitable punishment
loves. It is indifference and sober calculation that allow you to behave
as a man, carefully noticing traces and deftly leading a deceived spouse
by the nose. In the same place where love still lives and raging passions that have happened
treason is bound to be made public – not by a sharp-sighted neighbor, not
insidious gossip girl and not true “family friend”. Woman herself
becomes a messenger, bringing bad news – and she herself receives
her first whip.

Текс: ATера Гюлер

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