Women’s opinion: January 1, the Russians spent at homeor away

Sat, 02 Jan 2016

On New Year’s Eve, the Women’s Opinion portal conducted a survey,
the result of which it turned out that the Russians are scheduled for January 1
big plans. 16% of respondents said they plan to hold
this day in the fresh air doing sports or just walking. Have
6% was scheduled cultural program: cinema, theaters, museums, etc.
5% planned to devote this day to shopping. 25% were going to visit
and only 48% planned to relax at home. But on January 2, it turned out that
not all plans came true.

To the question “How did you spend January 1st?” 70.2% of respondents honestly
admitted that they spent the whole day at home. Someone in front of the TV with
Olivier plate. And someone doing housework.

At the same time, 22.3% of the 25% of those who came to visit

Only 5% had enough strength for sports and walks in the fresh air. it
less than a third of those who were going to spend that day like that. maybe
weather prevented, but most likely the post-holiday

Only 0.8% of respondents reached the shopping centers. And cultural
The program was successful in 1.7% of respondents.

But it’s nice that the holidays are just beginning and still
in front.

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