Women, why do you hate freedom?

Пт, 27 фев 2015 Автор: Александр Кленин

The question is, frankly, rhetorical. I know the answer, and you just
do not understand. In real life one could hear: “How is this hated?
Quite the contrary! It is you, men, under your freedom wrinkle
anything you want: avoiding responsibility, laziness, unwillingness
grow up … “Right?

Do you know how you designate what we call freedom?
�”Allegedly” freedom. And when you once again hear: “Do not push on
me … you try to limit my freedom … you oppress me … “-
you really do not understand what we are trying to tell you.
Because you do not understand what this very freedom is. Prisoner,
one who considers himself free will not seek freedom. Because
just will not understand – what it is.

Girls, women, grandmothers and other citizens, imagine your
reaction to the proposal to pull everyone without exception
burqa I don’t think that any of you would have shown joy and experienced
happiness from such a perspective. Naturally, with the exception of those
it is already wearing. And if you were obliged to wear it, forced,
what would you answer? Would you remember the violation of women’s rights? But
faithful Muslim women, on the contrary, would be outraged if they
someone decided to say that the veil shows them
unfreedom. Probably everyone heard about the anger that caused
France ban on wearing hijabs?

* Hijab – the personal choice of every woman

And right! This is not the absence of freedom, but the very opposite.
their personal choice. It could not be otherwise, because the face is decent,
�A “real” woman should see only one man – a husband. Well,
even eunuchs were allowed, but these are not counted. Must be exactly
So! And those women who do not understand this are their women.
no, they are “dirty.” Well, или как евнухи — вообще не женщины.

And there is nothing surprising in such arguments, because it is
they all know from childhood. Their mothers, aunts, grandmothers and great-grandmothers went
the only way. So it is right. And the freedom of such women will be
be that no one forbids them to wear what they
WANT to wear themselves.

And, it would seem, Allah is with them, most likely, these lines in
mostly read emancipated, civilized, in moderation
feminist and educated on traditional for European
culture values ​​ladies? But precisely “it would seem.” Because вы
do not differ from supporters of the burqa. Each has its own
own “burqa”, which has become so familiar that
impossible to remove it. And you will fight for her right in the same way.
on yourself to carry. Because sincerely you do not understand that without it
you can live. To live in a different way – a free man.

I have the courage to express persistent conviction – almost none
a woman does not know, does not understand what inner freedom is. Not
understands that such a concept exists at all.

Do you know how wild elephants are caught in India? They are
strong, free. But domestic elephants, tamed, help –
pounding the “wild” brother in the trap. After that the elephant is starved
hunger, and then begin to feed. And he gets used to the feeling
lack of freedom, to feed and submits to man, begins to do that, “that
need to”. But without relatives, almost traitors, he is in this trap
I could not get there.

* Here they are – wild and free!

With women, everything is absolutely the same. From early childhood alone
women, older, do not allow to breathe freely to others, those whom
bring up. Remember the compulsory instructions familiar with small
years: a woman should be able to cook, sew, wash … and hundreds more
other “must”. But что такого ужасного произойдет, если ты
something from the above do not learn? Happen the most
a terrible tragedy of women, worse than that can not be! You
NOBODY WILL TAKE THE MARRIAGE! Not поверю, что существуют девочки из
good families who have never heard of this creepy pugalki. And you
at least once tried to ponder the content: do not take? Like a thing
as an item in a store, as a commodity. Just do not throw reproaches
men, have you heard this, mainly from women? And sure
all this you yourself continue to say to your daughters. Is not

Women from early childhood are deprived of the perception of the very concept of “freedom”.
And they do not just obey, but take it for granted. Already on
all life. See what boys play? Notважно, бегает он с
wooden sword or plastic machine, but he imagines himself
a hero, he dreams, he represents something that can be
seek. And what should a good good girl play? AT
school, store, hospital or “home”. Even in their games they already
are not free, prepare for something obligatory, for precise execution

Yes, when a girl plays – she also dreams. However, to dream
she has only to do what she really has to do.
And then these “game” dreams come true. And turn into
boring, annoying with its monotony, routine. And God forbid
the girl come up with some kind of their own, unusual, dream. ATосприниматься
she will be like not quite adequate child. And all mom-aunt grandmother
chorus rush to redo it in the “normal” – correct. Like those
elephants in india forcing a free big animal to become

And never a woman will be able to understand, to some so incomprehensible
�”Freedom” are men seeking? Why do they not want to strive for
the desire for which they drove into her still small head — to be
not free, to lose the ability to dispose of itself
life, become a must-have app to someone else.

ATы ведь совершенно всерьез произносите какую-нибудь очередную
nonsense that men do not want to take responsibility
because they grow up late. ATы ведь и правда так думаете? because
that you perceive our freedom as some sort of childishness or even
infantilism ATы просто не умеете понять, что можно остаться
free even as an adult.

* Female stereotype

Even from infancy, you knock out the right to be from your daughters
free. ATы внушаете им, какими быть НАДО и что они делать
SHOULD. And after such a massive suggestion, the only freedom
maximum, they realize when they are not forced to do something.
Not случайно считается, что свобода в понимании мужчины — делаю то,
what I want to do myself, but in the understanding of a woman I don’t do what
I do not want to do.

ATпрочем, все это большинству женщин и не нужно. They after all KNOW
что «паранджу носить need to”. What a woman must desire to become
mother. Must want to marry. Must redo the husband to
deprive him of this, completely incomprehensible to her, the desire for freedom.

ATпрочем, я практически уверен, что абсолютное большинство женщин
even close can not understand what I was talking about here. therefore
I will try (despite the fact that I understand – this is practically
it is impossible) to explain what is the freedom that you give us
trying to strip.

Freedom is far from having to do something that will
�”Bad.” Notт, это просто внутреннее понимание того, что все, что
you do, you do because you chose. CAM, understand? Not
because it is necessary or necessary, not because you owe it
to do and not so that you are not nagged spouse. And only
because you just wanted it yourself.

ATы думаете, что свобода «по-мужски» – это напиться пива с
friends, to spend the whole evening in the garage when the house is full or
something like that? Nothing like this. Freedom is when you
doing what you yourself decided to do. Because захотел. Gone
all day with a child ride on a hill not because you need to
to fulfill his father’s duty, but because you want him to be
OK. In the morning, while she sleeps, he managed to run for just now
cooked cakes that she loves so much, not to from her
achieve something, but simply because he loves her. Or nailed this
damn cabinet in the bathroom is not to stop him to cut, and
because it’s more convenient.

* So you see our freedom ???

And you все время стремитесь лишить нас этих ощущений, из которых и
is happiness. And we run for the whole evening to the garage or after
work get drunk beer. Not потому даже что нам так уж этого
хотелось, а потому, что… Notт, это объяснить еще сложнее. But,
exaggerated, can be compared with the day when you skipped school.
Just like that, for no reason. To feel a sip of freedom to
just to feel – let it be nonsense, but the one you chose

By the way, really, before the goosebumps and the dying of the heart, so that
gasp from tenderness, stroking how she sleeps, to the joy of understanding
– I breathe with it the same air, we can only love those women
who do not deprive us of this freedom. Because они свободны

Although, most likely, it is also necessary to try to explain?

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