Willow – healing properties and application inmedicine

Wed, 06 Jul 2016


Willow – a general description

Willow – a genus of woody plants with a chic sprawling crown and
characteristic grayish bark, belongs to the willow family. Foliage
many species are curly and thick, some very rare. Leaves,
located on reddish and flexible branches, pedunculate. AT
depending on the type of tree blade with finely toothed
edges may have a wide, narrow linear or elliptical

Flowers of opposite sex are very small, almost imperceptible.
Collected in dense inflorescences – earrings, especially noticeable to
leaf blooming. Box fruit is enclosed between 2 doors,
which are subsequently opened. Seed – small and light – loose
carried by wind over long distances.

Willow – types and places of growth

World flora has about 300 species of willow, common
mainly in the temperate countries of the northern hemisphere. Willow –
satellite wet places, but one of the species – willow goat
willingly settles on sandy soils. This species is more widespread.
others, living throughout Eurasia, preferring
coniferous deciduous forests.

Other common forms include:

– White willow (willow) – grows in floodplains throughout the territory
RF; – fragile willow – fills alders, planting along roads, dams and
dams; – Norway willow – stripes stretches from the Far North to
Caucasus – willow trehtychinkovaya – shrub species growing on
the banks of many Russian rivers; – basket willow – grows in
along river floodplains, has very flexible shoots, so its often
used in basket weaving.

Willow – обитатель самых различных мест и условий, что указывает на
high ecological plasticity of the genus. Decorative species
Planted as a great addition to the urban landscape.

Willow – лечебные свойства

From time immemorial, magical
properties. White willow bark has antipyretic (thanks to
acetylsalicylic acid), astringent,
anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anthelmintic and diuretic
actions. Tea from fresh leaves relieves fatigue, willow broom
osteochondrosis and gout are treated in the bath. Quinine contained in it
is a powerful remedy against malaria.

Positive results were achieved in the treatment
gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea. Willow is also used
outwardly: for rinsing the mouth, throat, douching,
varicose veins, foot sweats, skin diseases. Plant
used as a sedative, antifebrile and
wound healing agent, and a weak bark decoction treats weakened
and brittle hair, saturating them with all the necessary substances.

Willow – лекарственные формы

Medicinal raw material is the bark of young trees, which
carefully collected in April before the first leaflets bloom. Exactly
this month it is easy to exfoliate from the wood. Dried under
canopy, with good ventilation.

Rarely for medicinal purposes use earrings, the collection of which
produced during flowering, dried in a shady place. Store
the obtained dry extract for 4 years, preferably in
paper and cardboard packaging.

Willow – рецепты народной медицины

ATарикозная болезнь, тромбофлебит, мышечное утомление: 120 гр. not
слишком измельченных корnotй ивы заливают 5-и литрами воды, смесь
кипятят и варят на очень медленном огnot 10-15 мин. Then cooled
to a tolerable temperature and dipped in broth legs to cool. Decoction
can be used up to three times with preheating.
The number of procedures – to improve the condition (usually from 5 to 8

Tachycardia tincture: 100-150 gr. fresh or dry male
earrings pour a bottle (500 ml) of vodka, put in a dark place on
21-30 days, then strain and use the tincture of 35 cap.
раза три в сутки в течение дnotй 10-15. After a month you can repeat

Diarrhea, uterine and LCD bleeding, ulcer, aggravation of gastritis,
gargling: use white willow. Handful of shredded
корnotй насыпать в 250 мл воды, кипятить на медленном огnot минут 30,
then all the press, and the volume to bring to the original. Drink decoction to
meals (3 p. day) on the table. a spoon.

Fresh leaves can be brewed by scalding them with boiling water.
Juice or gruel is an excellent remedy against furunculosis, eczema,
acne and other skin problems. Solid leaflets appropriate
прикладывать или привязывать к болезnotнным местам, мозолям и

Willow – противопоказания

– age up to 16 years; – pregnancy 2, 3 trimesters; – presence
вирусных инфекций (грипп, ОРATИ);- индивидуальная

Simultaneous administration of willow-based preparations with
other salicylates (aspirin), cough drops,


рая 08.05.2016 при варикозных болезнях not корни измельченные
apply, and willow bark. And in general, all the recipes are about bark,
а not о корнях ивы. ATика 22.04.2016 Мnot тоже нравиться ива, как
tree. It gives such comfort on the pond. Я, как и многие, not
suspected that willow is medicinal. I was interested in her
property helping fight tachycardia. Be sure to try
this way. Glory 04.22.2016 Willow, one of my favorite
trees. She is so beautiful, elegant. Especially, precisely such as
on the picture. Just beautiful. И у нас в саду растет ива, но not
such as a shrub. Рядом река, и ветви ивы спускаются в notе,
creating such a mysterious environment))) Gulya 04/22/2016 Yes, for
treatment of dry and brittle hair, you need to make a decoction of willow. But,
коnotчно, not следует ждать, что после первого же примеnotния, у вас
will become thick and silky hair))) These procedures need to be done
periodically, for example – a month. Olga 04/22/2016 Thanks for the article,
and for advice to use willow, as a hair treatment. They are at
I am brittle and thin, I will try to treat willow. So well written,
что она дает все notобходимое волосам)) Ото же отвар из notе нужно

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