For many of us, walnuts are greetings from childhood. If a remember children’s tales, then Thumbelina was sleeping in a cradle, made from walnut.
Little Muck served as an evil sorceress in shell shoes this fruit … But if we know a lot about the nut itself, then to the question: “What are the benefits of partitioning and walnut oil?” no answer each.
Interesting Walnut Facts
And yet, first, a few words about the nut itself. This is one of the oldest products on earth. Despite his name, his homeland is not Greece at all, but the Middle East.
Today, walnuts are cultivated in many countries in Asia and Europe, including in the republics of the former Union. Trees on which grow walnuts are unique.
Firstly, they are striking in their height – up to 35 meters. Secondly, they are distinguished by high life expectancy – up to 400 years.
Thirdly, a walnut is unusually fruitful. It retains the ability to bear fruit until old age and can produce 300-400 kilograms of nuts in one season.
Fourth, walnut is capable of apomictic development fruits, that is, without fertilization, which is found in the plant world infrequently.
Where is walnut used?
In terms of application, walnut is universal plant. Literally all its components are involved. Wood is of high value due to its excellent the qualities and beauty of the slice pattern that the annual rings form tree.
From the shell get the organic paint of black and brown colors. In addition, powdered shells are used as space industry insulator.
Leaves are used to heal wounds and cuts. BUT representatives of traditional medicine offer bathtubs and baths with adding a decoction of these leaves to treat childhood diathesis and inflammation of the lymph nodes.
Jam is made from green walnuts and made healing vitamin tinctures. The juice of green nuts is rubbed into the skin to stop unwanted hair growth (on the legs, above the upper lip and etc.).
Walnut – 10 Benefits
Are walnuts healthy? Undoubtedly! No wonder the walnut endowed with the sonorous title of “royal nut”. Although the scientific name this fruit is very prosaic: “drupe false.”
The walnut kernel is a treasury of valuable to the body substances.
1. It contains vegetable proteins that are close in composition to to animals – the source of amino acids from which all tissues are built organism.
2. The composition of walnut kernels includes many vitamins (vitamins E, C, group B, etc.) and provitamins, as well as mass mineral substances (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iodine, etc.), which ensure the normal functioning of body systems.
3. Walnut contains healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids, including the famous omega-3 fatty acids. Acids inhibit the development of atherosclerosis, lowering the level of “bad cholesterol. ”
They are involved in the formation of myelin sheaths of the nerve fibers, ensuring the smooth functioning of the central nervous system.
Unsaturated fatty acids stimulate the production of serotonin – one of the “hormones of joy” that improves mood and enhances vitality.
4. Walnut contains the amino acid tryptophan, which promotes the production of melatonin – the “sleep hormone”. At insomnia recommended eating a few walnuts at night nuts.
5. The astringent taste of the nut gives the shell, which contains antioxidant phenols that prevent the development of cancer.
6. Walnut consumption has a positive effect on development mental abilities. This property of a nut has been noticed by people. long.
So in ancient Iran, commoners were forbidden to eat walnuts so that they do not become smarter than their rulers.
Funny that the walnut kernel slices really look like the hemisphere of the human brain.
7. The phytohormones contained in walnuts help prevent breast cancer in women.
8. A rich set of vitamins and minerals makes walnuts nuts in a small amount are useful for pregnant women. However, it is not recommended to eat them for pregnant women suffering constipation.
9. Men are shown walnuts because of their ability to increase and restore potency.
walnuts with green leaves in garden, on green background
10. Walnuts are good for children:
- they enrich the growing body with valuable protein, mineral substances and vitamins;
- contribute to the normal growth and development of the child;
- regulate lipid metabolism;
- normalize the state of the nervous and immune systems.
Walnuts are given to children, from 2 years old, only in crushed form and no more than 2 nucleoli per day.
How to use a walnut?
Greece nut combined with many products. It is added to meat, fish dishes and confectionery.
But in order to get the maximum “return” from this fruit, it better to eat raw.
Walnuts can be added to salads or to make healing mixture: take in equal quantities prunes with walnuts and dried apricots, cut and mix with honey.
Such a salad cleanses the body of toxins, helps reduce weight, strengthens the body’s defenses and gives a powerful charge of energy. The main thing is not to abuse it.
Walnuts with honey are effective after serious illnesses for quick recovery. Several decades ago when there were no necessary medicines yet, this composition is doctors recommended to people with a heart attack.
Why is walnut oil useful?
This is a cold pressed oil that retains all the beneficial walnut kernel substances. Therefore, all that has been said about walnuts can be attributed to oil.
Walnut oil has bactericidal properties and with external application accelerates the healing of wounds and cuts.
It is very popular in cosmetology because it improves and rejuvenates the skin, helps to strengthen and healthy hair.
But treatment with his stomach ulcers (such tips can be hear often) – under a big question mark. Ulcer – Infectious Helicobacter pylori disease and treat it need antibiotics.
Walnut Eardrum
From the membranes (partitions) of the walnut make decoctions and tinctures widely used in traditional medicine. For cooking the broth of crushed membranes is poured with water, boiled for 15 minutes water bath, cool and filter. In the manufacture of tinctures the partitions are filled with vodka or alcohol and insist in the dark location.
It is believed that these drugs are useful for the nervous system and with bowel diseases. They normalize weight and supposedly help in treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Harmful walnuts
Like any product, walnuts, butter, decoctions and tinctures from they have contraindications:
- stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
- gastritis with high acidity;
- skin diseases;
- allergy.
In addition, walnuts and oil made from them – high-calorie foods.
Adult for preventive and therapeutic purposes it is enough to eat 4-5 nut kernels daily or drink no more than 3 teaspoons of oil per day.
Now you know how walnut partitions are useful and how useful walnut oil. But, before using them in food or use for treatment, ask your doctor, can Do you use these products?
P.S. Live healthy! Walnuts are helpers of the heart. What are useful walnuts, how to choose them right?