Why we are offended and how to stop itdo?

Mon 02 Mar 2015

Surely at least once you had to feel resentment
anyone Most often it turns out to be close people to whom
Us, as a rule, exaggerated expectations. But sometimes the bitterness of resentment can
cause deeds or words of quite strangers. If this
feeling arises often, most likely, it is up to you
look for the cause of their increased sensitivity. Some psychologists
believe that insult is not anger poured inward.
Being one of the most destructive human emotions, resentment
has a destructive effect on the person. This is an unpleasant feeling.
sucks energy and makes it impossible to see all the good that
is around. As a result of insults dissatisfaction
life, fatigue, nervous strain and depression.


Causes of touchiness

Usually the roots of touchiness go back to childhood, at a time when
there was a formation of personality. As a rule, have a touchy
human low self esteem which is a consequence
improper upbringing. Maybe sometime in childhood due
the fact that your family was not allowed the rapid expression of emotions, you
So began to respond to parental prohibitions. Resentment
Often implicated in heightened suspiciousness, self-pity,
blaming others for unfair treatment. Let’s get a look,
what else are the causes of resentment: • Repetition of patterns of behavior
parents, which is absorbed since childhood, and after
on an unconscious level. • A way to draw attention to yourself or
to influence others by causing them guilt. • Too
high expectations from their loved ones, who are often not
justified. • False perception of justice, a look at
the situation solely on its part. • The habit of judging people by
yourself or based on your own picture of the world.

How to stop being offended

If you notice that you are constantly offended, you need to urgently take
measures. Otherwise, you can drown in a stream of negative emotions, making it worse
just myself. After all, often those who are offended do not even suspect
about it. Итак, что можно сделать:1. First of all,
It is worth analyzing what people and situations most often cause
you have this feeling Perhaps, you criticism bosses on
work, or upset that the husband does not perform some of your
requests Remember these situations for yourself. Next time when
events will develop according to this scheme, try to see
on them as if from the side. This will help diary insults where you can
describe all the painful situations for you and your options
правильного поведения.2. If offense – the reaction to
criticism, try to understand why a person criticizes you.
Perhaps this is his way of asserting himself, hiding some of his own
inferiority complex. Then try to limit your
communicate with him or simply do not respond to provocations.
Constructive criticism should be taken as a motive for
самосовершенствования.3. Work on promotion
self-esteem and its importance, then you can not be offended.
Вы поймете природу обид и будете выше этого.4.
Accept that each person is different and has its own
ideas about life. No one is obliged to please you and do everything.
your desires, even close people. Sometimes you can discuss the situation and
correctly ask a person about something. But if this is impossible,
try to rely only on yourself, then do not have to
разочаровываться и обижаться.5. Change
childhood habits and mechanisms that have become for you
единственно верным способом реагирования.6.
Learn to accept people as they are, and then you will
feel resentment much less often. There are a lot of techniques and techniques that
help to forgive past grievances, and you can certainly choose for
most appropriate. Getting rid of touchiness is pretty
difficult, like any work on yourself. But as you know, the road to
a thousand miles begins with the first step. But if you learn
to cope with this negative emotion, life will become much easier and
happier Believe me, you will succeed!

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