Why the kitten does not eat dry food? What to do,if the kitten does not eat dry food, do you need to teach

Вт, 28 ноя 2017 Автор: Ксения Орлянская

Often, cat lovers are faced with problems associated with
feeding your pet. If you are concerned that your kitten
do not eat dry food, then, first of all, you need to deal with
reasons for which the animal refuses the proposed food. AND
only after that take corrective measures.


The reasons why the kitten does not eat dry food:

– I do not like feed

Most often, the kitten does not want to eat dry food,
just because he doesn’t like that one. Maybe you should
try changing the manufacturer of the product or, to begin with, at least
offer your pet a different taste of the same feed. ANDмейте в виду, что
often pets like people have their own flavoring

– Pet too small to eat solid
of food

Also a common cause of abandoning dry food is
kitten age. If you are just starting to teach your baby to be firm
of food после периода вскармливания молоком матери, то, возможно, что
it will take some time. As a rule, kittens go on
This diet is at least 4 weeks old. Kitten’s body should
gradually get used to new products, so sometimes
just wait. Now specialized stores offer
A wide range of food for cats of different ages, so you can
give preference to dry food for the little ones.

– Adaptation

If you took a kitten and brought it to a new home, then the first
time he can refuse not only dry food, but also
любой другой of food. This behavior may indicate that the baby
I have not had time to adapt to the new situation and conditions
accommodation. He needs time to get used to everything new.
Также адаптация может касаться именно of food, так как там, откуда вы
They took a kitten, he could have a completely different diet.
offered by you.

– Dirty dishes

ANDногда хозяева не слишком ответственно подходят к процессу
feeding their pets and ignoring the elementary rules
hygiene. So, bowls, from which the kitten eats, can be simply
dirty and exude unpleasant odors that repel
animal. Pour food only in clean dishes and do not forget to wash
её после того, как котенок закончит приём of food, чтобы частички
the food left in the bowl is not spoiled.

– ANDспорченный продукт

Some pet lovers prefer to purchase
dry food in bulk for future use. For this reason, the product may
lose your taste or even spoil due to
long-term storage. To avoid this, try to buy
feed in small quantities and must comply with the conditions
storage indicated on the packaging.

– Overfeeding

If the kitten with pleasure and in large quantities
consumes other food, and ignores dry food, there is a chance
that you overfed him. Perhaps he prefer wet
feed or other food and if after giving up dry
feed, you immediately offer your pet his favorite treat, then he
may not perceive dry food as food.

Possible health problems leading to the fact that the kitten
do not eat dry food

In addition to the listed reasons for the rejection of dry food, the most
Dangerous causes may be associated with poor health.
kitty. In such cases, the pet may completely disappear.
appetite. Other symptoms of the disease can also be expressed.
Most likely, without a special education, you will be difficult
put your pet the correct diagnosis. Therefore follows
consult a veterinarian. Here are the most common problems with
здоровьем, из-за которых котенок do not eat dry food:

– Problems with teeth

– Dehydration

– Helminthiasis

– Viral or bacterial infection

– Diseases of internal organs

Solutions to the problem

– Turn to the vet

In case you are not sure about the reasons for your pet’s refusal
dry food and suspect that this may be due to
health problems then immediately refer to
a specialist. After examining the animal, he will give you further
recommendations, according to the results of diagnosis. Maybe your
pet need treatment. If any health problems
It will not be revealed, then the choice of further actions is yours.

– Meet the kitten’s preferences

If you are convinced that your kitten is just naughty and
предпочитает сухому корму другие виды of food, то самым простым
an option would be to take a pet’s whim. Make up his diet
only from their favorite food and do not force to eat dry

– Teach a kitten to dry food

Many owners prefer this option, as dry
feed is a product intended to
balanced nutrition of cats. According to experts, such food
much better for the body of the animal than homemade food.

How to teach a kitten to eat dry food

Если причины, по которым ваш котенок do not eat dry food, не
associated with health, then this problem can be solved independently.
The main thing in this issue is patience, since the process can be
long enough. It is important that the training is carried out
step by step:

1. First of all, start gradually adding dry food to
привычные продукты питания kitty. If the baby goes to hard
food after the mother’s milk, then soak the food in water or milk.
If your pet has already grown up and just prefers food over
soft consistency, then soak the feed before
by adding.

2. Watching the kitten’s reaction to the gradually changing composition
diet, try to gradually increase the proportion of dry food in
soaked in food.

3. About a week later mixed food with soaked
feed, try to start adding feed in a dry state.

4. If the kitten eats the proposed food, then every other day you can
pour only dry food into a bowl. If the favorite
refuses the usual food with the addition of dry food, then
keep feeding him some more time soaked and then
go on to the next steps again.

Anyway, the process of teaching a kitten to dry food is very
is individual and depends on both the pet and the owners. therefore
This is best achieved by those who approach this issue.
patiently and unobtrusively and based on the reaction of his

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