Why the cat lost weight, what to do? PossibleCauses of cats losing weight and related symptoms

Чт, 01 мар 2018 Автор: Татьяна Качук

Sudden weight loss with your beloved pet is always
cause concern. And it’s not for nothing that cats usually lose weight.
is a symptom of primary or concomitant disease. AND
ignore it is not worth it.


The cat lost weight with normal or increased appetite

If your cat is losing weight but continues to eat, it is possible
associated with impaired ability of the body to absorb the pet
nutrients from food.

Here are some reasons why cats that eat can still
lose weight:

Глисты. Significant parasitic infection
leads to a decrease in nutrients in the body
cats, because everything useful is appropriated by helminths. Get infected by them
easy enough. If your cat is completely domestic and does not go out
on the street – it does not protect her at all. Helminth eggs can be long
time to withstand both low and high temperatures outside, and then
get into the house on the sole of the shoe or on the wool of other household

Диабет. This disease is more common in
old cats, but can also be observed in pretty young ones. Recognize
diabetes at an early stage is easy: your cat is losing weight quickly, while
her appetite remains the same, and sometimes increases greatly.
Pet starts to drink a lot and urinate often.

Гипертиреоз – повышенная активность
thyroid in combination with an increased metabolic rate.
The cat eats more to satisfy increased calories
the needs of the body, but this is still small and the weight begins
to decline.

Заболевания внутренних органов – это общее
an explanation of why a cat can lose weight. In many cases
other symptoms are present: vomiting, diarrhea, blood in the urine and

Другие медицинские проблемы. The above are described
the most common reasons a cat loses weight but
continues to eat normally or excessively. However, besides them,
there are many more. But diagnosing a cat is a vet job.

The cat lost weight and stopped eating

Cats, starving even just a few days, at risk of earning
liver dysfunction. Therefore, systematic nutrition is very important.
The most common causes of lack of appetite and weight loss

Стоматологические проблемы, такие как
broken tooth, gingivitis and oral cancer. This may lead to
weight loss is mainly because they cause the cat to feel
discomfort or pain while eating, the cat tries to avoid
inconvenience and ceases to eat.

Желудочно-кишечные проблемы могут вызвать у
cats nausea and vomiting, lack of appetite and, as a result, loss

ANDнфекционные заболевания часто сопровождаются
loss of appetite.

Другие медицинские проблемы. Anyway,
keep in mind that there are many diseases that can
cause the cat to refuse food, so it is recommended
visit to the veterinarian.

Введение в рацион нового продукта может
cause your cat to start losing weight. Sharply change the diet
pet can not, you need to enter any product gradually and make sure
That new food satisfies your cat.

Стрессовые состояния негативно сказываются на
аппетите и колебаниях weight. Stress can cause different events:
visits to the vet, relocation, the emergence of a new family member,
conflicts with other cats, etc. It is important to determine the source
discomfort and light and negative consequences to a minimum.

Пища стоит близко к лотку. Cats are eager
to keep the need as far as possible from your bowl of food, because
in the wild, their smell would scare the prey. This instinct
so strong that if you inadvertently put a bowl
near the tray, the cat may refuse to eat.

The cat has lost weight and loses hair

There are various reasons why your cat may
be problems with weight and coat.

Гипертиреоз, как описано выше, это повышенная
thyroid activity in combination with increased speed
metabolism. The cat eats more to satisfy the increased
caloric needs of the body, but this is still small and weight
начинает to decline. In addition to these symptoms, cat owners often
notice active hair loss scraps.

Рак и заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы
can greatly affect the body of the pet: the cat loses weight and loses
its beautiful wool.

Плохое питание и аллергия. Unbalanced
diet can not cope with the task of replenishing the body stock
nutrients. This can trigger weight and wool loss.
These symptoms may also indicate food allergies.

Блохи и дерматологические заболевания.
Defeat parasites and various dermatitis cause loss
wool and stress for the body that can affect appetite
и колебаниях weight.

The cat is thin and suffers from vomiting

Most cats sometimes suffer from vomiting due to dietary
intolerance and gastrointestinal infections. But vomiting, which
lasts more than 2 weeks and is accompanied by weight loss,
is a clear indicator of health problems.

Neoplasms in the digestive tract. Cats are susceptible to
various types of cancer, especially lymphoma and sarcoma, which
develop in different organs of the body. The appearance and growth of the tumor
may cause your cat to start fast
lose weight.

Воспалительное заболевание кишечника часто
causes violent seizures. Unfortunately for cats it is frequent.

Заражение паразитами. Round and ribbon
worms attach to the intestinal walls, cause irritation and
vomiting In addition, most of the ingestion is taken.
кошки nutrients.

Вирус иммунодефицита кошек. It’s viral
an infection that weakens the cat’s immune system and causes such
симптомы, как рвота или потеря weight. Pets are also
susceptible to secondary bacterial infections due to low
the functioning of the immune system.

The rapid fluctuations in the weight of your cat adversely affect
her health. При малейших изменениях здоровья питомца – необходимо
consult a veterinarian.

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