Why dream sandals – to success in personalof life! The basic interpretation of sleep about sandals for differentdream books

Пн, 08 авг 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreamed of sandals?

Expect pleasant surprises and new things.

Sleep guarantees success with the opposite sex, but it is worth
take into account its nuances. What kind? Learn from this article.


Why dream sandals – basic interpretations

The world of dreams scares many. Even the most simple dreams can
cause panic and the desire to urgently change something. Not always worth it
to hurry in making decisions, it is worth exploring the interpretation of a dream.
Then you will need to deal with the actions that
really need to take. Sometimes you just have to wait.
positive result.

Why dream of sandals? Shoes in a dream have always been associated with
changes, with movement in life, with opportunities to change something
for the better. To a girl to dream about a new thing – it means to meet in reality
decent man.

What does the color sandals:

• Red sandals – you will be surrounded by gossip and envy,
reconsider your attitude towards the people who surround you;

• White sandals can symbolize the opportunity to get
An offer of marriage;

• Black sandals – symbolize a business meeting;

• Green – a rich suitor;

• Yellow – to separation, to a quarrel;

• Orange – make large purchases;

• Pink – mutual sympathy;

• Blue – cooling the senses;

• Golden – improving relationships with your man.

If a young girl dreamed how her shoes were trying on another
girl – she started up a rival, rather insidious. Worth being
vigilant. To see in a dream how you measure shiny sandals – yours
relationships are empty, they are not based on true feelings.

Special attention should be paid to those actions that were performed.
in a dream with sandals. For a long time to choose a new thing, but as a result
buy stunning sandals – your work will be appreciated by
merit, extra profit will fall like snow on your head. the main thing
so that the shoes were in time and in store.

If shoes were presented to you, such a dream promises the realization of dreams and
plans. If in a dream you have a new thing stolen – wait for problems and
obstacles. You will substitute a close person. Your heart in direct
sense of the word will be torn to pieces.

You should also take into account the model of sandals that you

• If you had to try on little sandals in a dream – in life
you often try on the role of the child, thus departing from

• If you are in a dream shoes your usual shoes – in life you
feel comfort and confidence;

• If you try on, shoes with heels and it is unstable – then
in life you are overcome by hesitations and doubts;

• If the heel is steady – it means that in a society you occupy a solid

It is also worth considering that the thickness of the heel indicates
strength positions. The best option would be shoes on the platform. She is
and steady and symbolizes the smooth flow of life.

Why dream sandals on the dream of Miller

Miller in his dream book provides a variety of interpretations.
dreams about sandals. He points out that the new thing promises huge
positive changes in a person’s life, especially if you are dreaming
to the girl. Put on a new thing – to change not in one area of ​​life, but to
changes on all fronts.

Miller also points out that high-heeled shoes promise
successful marriage. Try on high heeled sandals –
to look after a new lover, a new job.

If a dream that sandals are torn – it means that in real
life we ​​can expect losses and problems in the financial plan. See,
how a heel on a sandal breaks – to health problems. They
will be temporary, but will bring a lot of trouble.

Why dream sandals on days of the week

There are dreams that are treated equally regardless of the day
of the week. Mostly they are negative – for example –
to see in a dream torn sandals, means that in reality a person
come negative news. But on Tuesday night to see how
barefoot is torn – such a dream is treated completely
in another way – it means breaking the annoying and painful connection.

• If on the night from Saturday to Sunday you were visited by a dream,
where you wear someone else’s shoes – your friend will turn away from you;

• If in the night from Wednesday to Thursday I had a dream in which
A large number of people are wearing sandals in red –
Evil tongues will not give you peace of mind;

• If such a dream has a dream in the night from Friday to Saturday – all
troubles will be ignored by you;

• Buy new clothes in your sleep on the night from Thursday to Friday – you
lose a loved one, and no one will support you.

К чему снятся босоножки по другим dream books

В соннике Айленси указывается, что босоножки
dream of a long journey, travel, new acquaintances,
profitable connections and new challenges. Possible soon and very
good departure.

Shoot dirty shoes in a dream – your reputation will be blackened by your own
friends. It is not worth it so gratuitously to help them and so meekly
trust. Young girl buy white sandals – choose
groom To see in a dream how you give yellow sandals – your favorite
will change you.

• If you dreamed about losing your shoes, you will lose confidence and
love of a loved one;

• Black sandals do not promise mourning and disappointment,
on the contrary, they promise victory and a legitimate solution to problems;

• If sandals crush, rub – your soulmate you
prevents to develop;

• If sandals are narrow and small – your partner has slandered him
friends. In this situation you must stand up for his defense and manifest

• White sandals give the opportunity to change life to
the best;

• Enjoying his sandals – to the scandals on the grounds of inflated

• Praise someone else’s shoes – you are conceited and selfish.

По соннику Хассе босоножки означают леность,
unwillingness to move forward in life. Man got stuck on one
place and sees no prospects. This may concern both work and
love Worst of all if it concerns health. So man
apathetic to my problems.

If in a dream a girl tries to fasten her sandals, but he doesn’t
gives in – she pays too much attention to someone else’s words and someone else’s
of life. It’s time to live for yourself. If sandals are torn – will soon appear
unexpected guests. Their arrival will be noisy, but joyful.

В эзотерическом соннике сны о босоножках
interpreted as the probability of a long trip. Especially it concerns
dreams, in which is the acquisition of new clothes in green.
The trip will not only be distant, but also financially beneficial. If a
old sandals are dreaming – the trip will be successful and made
It will be on the already known places.

But in the book of dreams Azar explains so, what is the dream

• To a long and difficult trip;

• To the endless pursuit of a dream, running about;

• Red sandals promise renewed feelings, a new novel,
such a dream also suggests paying special attention to personal

• White sandals – to the discovery of ways, the opportunity to rejoice
every day;

• Black promises losses and troubles, everyday squabbles. the main thing в них
do not plunge, otherwise the normal course of events will be destroyed
for a long time;

• Yellow sandals – to find a new friend.

High-heeled sandals, platform – ahead of the test for
your will, there is a difficult choice that will change all your life. If a
I dream that your shoes are pretty crushed – they will make fun of you.

New shoes for family dream book promises joy and celebration.
This means that a person’s life is going well. Seeing yourself shod in
new sandals – in front of you will open up great opportunities
new ways. Try on shoes in a dream – look to the new
candidate, look for a new job.

Such a dream promises the right choice. If a девушке
dreamed that she put on only one sandals – soon she will be released
get married To see in a dream how sandals are presented to you – a person is set up
seriously, he is even ready to legalize the relationship. Worth being
grateful not only in a dream, but also in reality.

There are a huge number of interpretations of what dreams
sandals. But the main thing is sensations during sleep. If a, покупая
a new girl in a dream is something incredibly disturbing – her new chosen one
liar and scoundrel.

If a же босоножки были украдены, но при этом эмоции во время
positive dreams – then it turns out that the thief stole your
Problems. For those who have health problems – this dream promises
possibility of recovery. It is important to remember that dreams remain dreams, and
in reality, man himself creates his own world, his own reality. And let her
everything will always be great.

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