Why dream operation: on the stomach and otherplaces? Basic interpretations: why dreams of surgery in others or inmyself

Сб, 31 дек 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams often come to us suddenly and bring with them
various events from the past and forecasts for the future. But how
interpret what dreams tell us? For example, to
what dream operation? Worth to understand.


What dreams operation – the main interpretation

Many do not like going to the doctors and are afraid of any medical
manipulations, not to mention how much operations cause
People panic and nervous exhaustion. But not only in reality the operation can
lead to nervousness, dreams in which you have to be surgical
intervention can also cause resentment and confusion.

Dream intersection is advised not to take such dreams literally,
because, most likely, you are just tired physically and you don’t
Enough rest. Your body asks for your help. Remember not
have you recently experienced stress, have you ever had to go
medical facilities, you may have had to take care of your health
someone close, and you are pretty serious about it?

If at least one of these events in your life did happen, then
you should think not about the danger of the forthcoming operation, but about
state of your mental health. Perhaps you need peace and
you have long dreamed of taking a rest – allow yourself this.
It is important to remember all the details of the dream in order to interpret
him completely.

If someone accompanied you to the hospital before the operation – you
you can rely on this person in the future. He will always render
you can get help, you can count on support even
the most serious matter.

It is worth remembering which body you had to go on.
operation If this heart – surely resolve all disputed
situations with your soulmate, do not insist on any
clarify the relationship. Such a dream may indicate that you
it’s time to prioritize and discuss all the concerns
questions You for some reason put it on the back burner, and
now is the time to act. Do not expect from your
partner full understanding of the situation immediately. He may need
time to sort out your feelings.

What is the dream operation on Miller’s dream book?

Miller’s dream book says that you shouldn’t be afraid of dreams,
которых вам делают operation They are often not interpreted.
literally and have a slightly different meaning. What dreams operation on
belly pregnant woman? Such a dream may foreshadow her efforts and
problems that she can solve by herself, but through
some time. If a pregnant woman dreams that she has
oozing blood after surgery – she should be very careful
Treat your health in the following days.

If a young couple dreams that someone has been made
operation, and he is undergoing rehabilitation – then in a relationship with them
a very difficult period is planned, and it will take a long time to experience it.
The complexity of the situation is that the couple was not ready to
to the trials of fate and now it is rather difficult to take everything with them
going on. What should be done in this situation? In advance
подготовить myself к возможным изменениям судьбы и её поворотам.

If you dream that during the operation you fall into a coma
you have a long period of life, filled with delusions and
losses. You already see that the coming is not an easy time, but
you can’t do anything about it.

What dreams of operation on Freud’s dream book?

The operation of Freud’s dream book dreams of global changes in
personal life that will make you look in a new way not only
on existing relationships, but also on personal life in general. Important
remember that whatever you do in a dream to recover
health, in reality you will have to work just as hard for
restore relationships.

If a young unmarried girl would have a belly surgery –
it is time for her to think about the fact that in the near future she does not have children
will appear precisely because of the wrong choice of partner. She is
chooses those men who do not appreciate her
uniqueness and do not give it enough attention. Not worth it in the future
step over your principles and allow yourself openly

If a man dreams that he acts as a surgeon – he is on
really lacking not only female attention, but also
friendly communication with women. He needs mutual understanding
and support from the parties of the weaker sex. It is female caress and
love can push him to great things.

What dreams of surgery for other dream books

What dreams that do the operation? In the autumn dream book said
what is a dream foretells you serious problems with
health In the summer dream book it’s said that if you dream
It looks like you are doing an operation or others are doing it to you – in
your affairs someone brazenly intrude and you have to postpone
their decision until better times.

In the modern dream book, it is said why dream about doing the surgery.
– such a dream talk about the need to take responsible
decision. It will also be very difficult. But ultimately you
будет под силу выполнить все обязательства, которые вы на myself
laid down.

• If you appear in a dream, as you personally do the operation or
become an assistant during its implementation – you are successful
complete all started affairs;

• Operate with a laser beam — you don’t
An independent person in life and not able to take thought

• If you are sick and you dream that you are on
operating table – you will soon defeat the disease and be able to live
full life;

• To see in a dream how someone implants an organ – your affairs
successfully completed, there are very few up to this point;

• If you see that some organ is implanted in you – you
hard times are expected, and it is precisely because you are not morally
ready for problems – they will seem very difficult to you.

In the spring dream book, it is said that to do an operation in a dream – to evil,
which lurked in the heart of a loved one. In the dream book wanderer
it is said that being on the operating table yourself is such a dream
foreshadows recovery and health promotion. If you
dream of a scalpel – your relationship will be broken, but for the good

In the dream book Hasse it is said that to see in a dream an operation is you
you need to show maximum patience and then you will get everything. If a
you dream that they operate on you – you will gain very health

In the esoteric dream book it is said that the operation is dreaming of
restructuring your body at a subtle level. Also such a dream
may say that you should open up the ability to
clairvoyance and clairaudience. If you приснится, что вы лично
you are operating someone – you interfere too much in life
another person. What dreams operation on животе? Such a dream
says that your inner experiences prevent you from building a life
Here and now. It is necessary to drop fears and actively engage
moving up the career ladder and promoting your life.

In the dream book of Medea, it is said that an operation in a dream is a symbol of that
that someone encroaches on your rights, on your movable property and
real estate If a во сне вы сами стали хирургом — вы сами лично
the master of the situation and all responsibility for completing the case lies with
you. If a вы во сне переживаете операцию — вы обретёте свободу
spiritual after a long period of stagnation and difficult moments. If a
you see someone’s operation or make it yourself – it’s time for you
to manage affairs and all life situations just as you
you yourself want to, do not need to give meaning to opinions and desires

In the dream book Kananita it is said that to be operated in a dream is
to recovery. Your body gives you a signal that the way out of
situations found and soon you will be able to restore their former strength.
In Tsvetkov’s dream book, it is said that to see how they operate on you is a dream
favorable and promises changes for the better. Fear for your
health is no longer worth it, as well as for the future as a whole.

If a вам явилась во сне операция — вам стоит внимательно
look at all even the smallest details of sleep. You might see
in the role of operated friends – such a dream indicates
the need for your feasible assistance to these people. Important
recall emotions during dreaming and after sleep. You may have been
frightened and depressed – then minor problems soon
excite your life. Perhaps you on the contrary were unnecessarily
cheerful, despite the plot of sleep – then all the problems successfully
resolved, no matter what.

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