Why dream of treason

Why dream of treason
Th 16 Jun 2016


Why dream of treason – по соннику Миллера

Changed his wife in a dream – in reality you will be accused of violating the law.
It is unlikely that this will be a big deal, but a rash act is a lot
can erase in life. So watch out for thoughts and
by their actions. If a woman had a dream of treason – the dream is broadcasting
that it’s time for her to change tactics in relation to her beloved, otherwise
a wayward, domineering character will destroy love. Such a dream can
also mean a cruel deception coming from you.

If in a dream they changed you, it means that the partner is abusing
by your trust. Betrayal with a girl of easy virtue speaks about
the absurdity of the actions of men. Perhaps he was clouded by consciousness
imaginary friends.

Why dream of treason – по соннику Ванги

If you had a desire to commit adultery,
but at the very last moment you change your mind – such a dream attributes
strong will and it will surely help you in life
of success. If the betrayal is still realized – the feelings cool down soon, and
the collapse of plans will lead the subject to a severe depression. If a
a woman sees how she is cheating on her husband – to be humiliated by her; for
men such a dream brings trouble at work, discord in the family.

Why dream of treason – по соннику Фрейда

The fact of betrayal in dreams indicates that you or want it
do, or something like that has already happened in life. Maybe,
treason as such was not there, but the probability of doing it
existed. The second interpretation of the dream is reduced to a lack of
attention from a partner, the desire to diversify sexual
relations. Have you been changed in a dream? So, there is a place to be
subconscious fear, suspicion or painful jealousy.

Why dream of treason – по соннику Нострадамуса

Dreams of adultery foreshadow the coming changes. Meaning
dreams depend on the specific events seen sleeping. If a
a man sees how he changes – it can be interpreted as: –
unwillingness to accept the existing reality; – symbolic
image of some changes; – guilt for perfect treason
in reality; – the lack of female affection.

If a мужчина видит жену в постели с другим — это символ:-
surprise of change; – distrust of his wife.

A woman who sees her treason: – strives for independence; –
tired of the routine.

A wife who denounces her husband in a dream: – resists the will of her husband,
trying to change things; – does not want to change; – held up
insult on the faithful.

Why dream of treason – по соннику Лоффа

Treason in revenge predicts a very happy family union.
Repentant adultery means not being contented in
current state of affairs. Sleep prophesies, you go to any tricks
and tricks to change the situation, make it “work” on

Why dream of treason – по соннику Цветкова

A betrayal of a loved one (s) or friends in the process of sleep informs about
that you, overestimating your possibilities, conceived a grandiose
plan, and forget to calculate the details. Only this approach promises complete
failure. Hurry – the main enemy in a serious matter, so think
everything to the smallest detail, before you implement your plans.

Himself to appear in the role of a cheater is a bad sign. Sleep shows
in a critical situation, you do not have the courage and perseverance to
deal with problems. If a вы с гордостью отказались от близости
in a dream it means you have a very strong character.

Why dream of treason – по соннику Хассе

See how your man is cheating with a girlfriend or sister – to
the collapse of all expectations and hopes. However, there is a way out! Be
condescending and kinder to the partner, only in this case, he
will appreciate you, and you will feel the real joy of
proximity. Changing with someone means frantically wanting sharp
sensations. However, it is likely that instead you will come across
for trouble.

Why dream of treason – по соннику Менегетти

Meneghetti, like Freud, suggested that the reason for treason in a dream
becomes a psychological factor. It has long been known if a person is not
discharged in reality, so he does it in a dream. Brain consciously
generates images, thus trying to fill the gap,
because you will not go against nature. Most likely in real life
you lack caress and carnal joys. Passionate sex with
stranger or stranger may also symbolize the lack
diversity in the intimate sphere.

Why dream of treason – по соннику Лонго

Treason in a dream represents desire, conscious or
subconscious, to taste the forbidden fruit and reality.

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