Why dream of stones? Basic interpretations of differentdream books – what dreams of stones

Вт, 26 июн 2018 Автор: Инна

If you had a disturbing dream, do not be in a hurry to get upset and
be disappointed. Perhaps trouble is temporary and soon everything has
you in life will improve.

Why dream of stones? Does it have such a negative value?


What dreams of stones – the main interpretation

If in a dream you saw a huge amount of stones that lie
on your way – do not hope for a quick and easy decision
questions. You are likely to be stuck half way through
big problem. A dream in which you see someone like stones
scatters – says that the order in your life is not yet

To fully interpret a dream, it is important to consider all of it.

• What stones are we talking about;

• What did you do with the stones;

• How many were there;

• What were their colors?

• Whether you piled stones, or scattered;

• Have you built any stones?

If you cannot clearly articulate what you saw in your dream –
try to remember your emotions and experiences that dream
accompanied – they can give you such necessary hints. Maybe,
that in a dream you will see yourself sleeping on the rocks. If you need it
brings discomfort, then in reality something will also be uncomfortable.
You will be more and more worried about this, not realizing that
in fact, everything is wonderful.

If in a dream you see someone knocking on the window with a stone – wait
big trouble that a stranger brings to your life
person. At first, it may seem like a harmless joke,
which by no means affects your future life. But, on
the fact of the matter. Difficulties and difficulties await you ahead, because
constant control by someone from the outside.

If you dream that you throw stones at the lake, then you
You will deliberately refuse so important and suitable
you opportunities. You can also catch yourself
deliberately refused something important just because
able to assess the situation.

Dream Interpretation advises after such a dream not to rush, not to force
events and live in harmony with yourself and the laws of life. Otherwise you cannot
nothing to do and you have to start all over again. Rebuild
relationship, re-build a business.

If in a dream you see someone throwing stones into the water – you
lucky In your workplace you can achieve a lot and it
allow you to clearly outline a picture of further progress on
career ladder. If in a dream you see someone trying
get a stone out of the water – do not rush to relax. Maybe, в
your life will be the person who will constantly you
prevent from building smooth and unbiased relationships with others.

If you dream that someone knocks on the roof and you understand
that stones fall from the sky – be prepared for global
changes. A period of global catastrophe will begin in your life. what
can you do in this situation? You will be able to more actively
deal with yourself and your business. You can throw away all that else
you recently worried.

If you dream that you are building a castle out of stones – in reality you
really want to change something drastically in your life. Do you want to
start to rejoice again, have fun, do not get upset
on trifles and do not panic, if suddenly something happened to you.
In fact, everything will turn out even better if you
Take it as a rule – to respond to everything calmly and carefully.

If you dream that there are huge stones around you. Nayav you
may encounter a situation that you really don’t have
friends and it is very difficult for you to establish relationships with someone for the reason
only of a complex nature, but also of a peculiar perception

If in a dream you see someone constantly trying to throw
you are a stone – be prepared for the fact that you will always be
aim bad words and bad deeds. You will become an object for
someone’s bullying and nothing you can not do about it. For
make a difference – just try to react rarely
on someone else’s comments and other people’s actions. Take care of yourself more and more
their own affairs.

If you dream that someone knocks a stone at your window
car – try to look closely and determine who it is on
really In this case, this person will stop you from moving forward and
build your business You will increasingly panic and
be disappointed.

If you dream that you are wearing precious stones – such
dream means you will enjoy more privileges in
of life. You should be more attentive to your desires and
to fuel their large opportunities.

If you dream that someone constantly opens and closes
jewelry box, but does not take them in hand and does not
puts on – such a dream promises you and not a friend and not an enemy. You can not
solve problems because a person fails to fulfill his obligations
can not help you because of their own prejudices.

If you dream that someone is trying to steal precious
stones – someone very much wants to lean on your happiness on
your good and peaceful life. Don’t worry who it is
may be. Just happily meet every day and happily
treat everything that happens in it. If you don’t
comes out – review your attitude to life and to the situation.

What dreams of stones on Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that stones can dream when
You really want to do something yourself, but, while not hesitating. You
create obstacles before yourself and your happy personal life
and start to fight with them valiantly. Dream Interpretation advises to stop
do it and not provoke in your life the problems that
could just be avoided.

If you dream that someone from the stones laid out your name –
expect pleasant confessions of love and pleasant communication with loved ones
by man. You have nothing to fear and nothing to fear. Soon in your
life will get better and you can really enjoy
приятными моментами of life.

If you dream that someone gave you precious stones –
do not be in a hurry to rejoice. Most likely, you will be cruelly deceived and
the person who promised you untold riches will simply deceive
you. Do not try to defend their point of view. Just try
find another way out of this situation.

If you dream that someone gave you a crown with stones and you
she feels great, beautiful and spontaneous –
in reality you will feel that everything is wonderful and that you are very
easily reach the goal. На the fact of the matter. You будете очень долго
try to achieve something and defend their point of view. That
the case that you will need it, but not to someone else.

If a pregnant woman dreamed that she was flooded in a cave
камнями — что-то, или кто-то будет мешать ей продвигаться в of life.
She will have some difficulties in understanding with
around It will increasingly be closed in itself and to nothing
good it does not lead.

What dreams of stones on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that stones dream when
you fight with yourself. You можете долго мечтать о светлом будущем
and eventually come to understand that everything in your life is lost.
You старались сдерживаться и получать от жизни максимум
pleasure. But in the end – you followed only your interests and
did not take into account the interests of others.

If in a dream you see gems – in reality you will not get
of what they hoped for. The brighter they sparkle and the more beautiful
they seem to you – the more you will be deceived and the less
you will receive benefits from all that you will do.

What dreams of stones for other dream-books

In the dream book Гришиной сказано, что камни снятся
then, when you are ready to start your journey, but at the same time, you are not ready
say goodbye to the past. If you dream that you add
stones in a pile – yesterday, joyfully and carelessly followed their
mental impulses, today you will already be alert
follow everything that happens.

You даже можете сами закрыться от проблем. But that will not solve them. TO
what do the stones dream of in Aesop’s dream book. In the dream book
сказано, что камни снятся как символ того, что вам
it’s time to work for the good of other people. Do not ignore this
need and try to be helpful to others. Then yourself
get the desired result. You can get support from loved ones
people. But do not demand it from them. Try to keep a low profile and
With gratitude, then close people will be happy to help you.
It will only be necessary to say.

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