Why dream of rain

Why dream of rain
Thu, Jun 23, 2016


Why dream of rain — по соннику Миллера

Get under the warm rain – auspicious sign, foreshadowing
a burst of energy. If at the same time the sky is covered with black clouds –
wait for the bad news. Hiding from the rain means avoiding reality
danger. Hear in a dream the sound of rain and a strong thunderstorm – to
an approaching disease that will be accompanied by an increase
body temperature.

Leaking roof predicts minor troubles. If you
very wet and cold – this dream tells you that
too trusting and do not see the obvious facts. Get under
heavy rain – a sign of spiritual or professional growth.

Why dream of rain — по соннику Ванги

Heavy rain at night with thunder and lightning spells war. If you
you fall under the summer rain – this is evidence of good intuition,
spiritual cleansing from sins, repentance. Also such dreams speak of
you have paranormal abilities. You their
afraid, running away, but sooner or later this gift will save someone
a life.

The rainbow after the rain is the divine sign that the Most High
sends as a symbol of forgiveness. Great changes await you
good side

Why dream of rain — по соннику Фрейда

Rain is a symbol of fertilization and ejaculation. Woman dreams
About the child, if in a dream falls under a downpour. A man like a dream
indicates a penchant for self-satisfaction. Shelter from the rain –
a sign of fear of liability and unwanted
pregnancy. Well, if you are wet and cold, then most likely
a blanket slid off you.

Why dream of rain — по соннику Дениз Линн

Water is a symbol of emotions, rain cleans, refreshes, gives life
plants Dreams of rain may indicate entry
in the phase of emotional cleansing, renewal, and are
potential sign of intensive growth, fruitfulness. but
if you experience fear in a dream, having come under a strong thunderstorm, –
It means that in reality you will soon shed a lot of tears.

Why dream of rain — по соннику Гришиной

– summer rain, without the wind always promises something good,
positive. Wait for a pleasant change; – getting wet under it is a sign
marital fidelity, finding happiness; – rain with a strong wind
dream of anxiety, anxiety; – a storm indicates
sexual dissatisfaction; – prolonged rainfall, which
provoked a flood – a good sign, foreshadowing an ambulance
the joy of adding to the family.

Why dream of rain — по соннику Лоффа

Water is a symbol of fertility. Rain represents activity,
personal growth, restlessness. To see this image in a dream means
to strive for something, self-actualize, set yourself
goals and persevere to them.

Why dream of rain — по соннику Зэдкиеля

Rain in dreams predicts troubles and worries, especially
if it is accompanied by a thunderstorm and strong wind. Small promises
minor trouble. Get under летний мягкий дождик —
auspicious sign, foreshadowing a new stage in your life. For
lovers such a dream is a foreshadowing of the imminent entry
in marriage.

Why dream of rain — по соннику Хассе

– to get wet to the skin – to a family crisis, the extinction of passion; –
wet hair indicates the approach of passionate, hot
love; – black clouds warn you that you are wasting your time,
and your efforts will not produce the desired results. – fine cold
the rain is dreaming of trouble; – if large drops fall on you, and
while hurting – wait for the disease.

Why dream of rain — по соннику Менегетти

This image indicates lethargy, depression, severe
introversion of the subject, which without intervention can lead to
development of an inferiority complex or bring to despair.

Why dream of rain — по соннику Даниловой

The warm summer rain symbolizes family idyll and harmony.
Lingering, cold rain or heavy rain is a sign of misunderstanding,
distrust and tensions. Most likely, your love is long
faded away, and life together turned into a kind of routine, from which
I want to run away. Children frolicking in the rain – such a dream
indicates excessive softness. This quality is often
use unscrupulous people from your environment. Learn how
Finally, sometimes say the word “no.”

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