Why dream of puppies? Basic interpretationsdreams: what little puppies dreamed about – there is a lot aheadbother

Пн, 22 авг 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams are often a reflection of a person’s internal state,
his inner experiences, his dreams. In dreams are like
happy and sad events. Do not worry about
the appearance of negative pictures in dreams. Worth understand them


What do little puppies dream about – general interpretation

Almost every child dreamed of in childhood to get from
parents a furry friend. Children do not understand that puppies are a concern.
and endless supervision takes time. These are huge
botherы и когда дети просят купить им щенка, они не подозревают о
that this could darken their joyful stay in the house.

For some children, puppies become loyal friends and when
such children have dreams about puppies – they perceive them very
positively. They recall their past experiences of raising little ones.
pets and happily meet them in dreams. But for adults
people dream about puppies can be unpleasant, since they already
They understand that little friends are worth taking care of. Therefore, dreams about
puppies can bring negative emotions to adults.

Worth отметить, что образ собаки трактуется
Many dream books are very ambiguous. In some, it means home
hearth, its keeper – a woman. In others – a series of failures,
who can visit a person.

Worth акцентировать внимание на том, что
man for centuries used dogs as faithful helpers in
various crafts. They acted as companions of his life and those who
helps promotion. Dog in some ancient
interpretations – a symbol of devotion, friendship,

In order to correctly explain why puppies dream
It is worth considering the following nuances of a dream:

• Age of puppies;

• Their number;

• Animal coloring;

• The manner of their behavior;

• The way a puppy treats someone who has a dream.

So, it is worth paying special attention to coloring

• White puppies – they dream of friendship, pure spiritual relationships,
not stained by lies and treachery;

• Redhead puppies dream like harbingers of new acquaintances, new
unexpected meetings that can dramatically change life

• Black puppies talk about possible machinations in your address, it is possible
quarrel with a friend or loved one;

• The white color mixed with dark – says that even
if negative events rush into your life, they will only bring
мелкие botherы. There are no great dangers to expect.

If in a dream there were small, newborn puppies – such a dream
promises small joys, gifts. If small puppies are very
thoroughbred – a person is waiting for huge achievements, pleasant acquaintances,
new connections.

If you have a dream in which the puppy is injured or injured –
minor troubles will darken the usual course of events, but they will
temporary. If the puppy is sick – you should also worry about your
health. It is worth considering whether you have enough attention to yourself.
are paying.

Dead animals in a dream do not portend death to reality. They only
they say that a person needs to be attentive to small things and
words that he says to other people. Such a dream
foreshadows that soon the disposition to a person will grow into a friendship.
She will get stronger and will be able to support people for years.

It is also worth looking at other interpretations.

  • If the puppy is sitting on your arms – you should expect a moral
    support from friends and relatives;

  • If you take a puppy by the paws – you expect a strong financial

  • If you dreamed how a puppy plays – you will be presented
    an unusual gift that will delight you for a long time

  • If the puppy is fond of you – your loved one will return to you, or
    instead you will meet this new feelings that will illuminate your
    life is joy;

  • If you are attacked by a little puppy – the conflict at home is not
    avoid, gossiping behind your back and it will be hard for them

  • If you feed your puppy from hands, you will have a patron,
    who can solve all your problems.

  • If you dreamed that a puppy got fleas – you will be comprehended
    мелкие неприятности, которые принесут массу bother. If there are children
    you – these troubles will be directly related to them. If a
    a large number of puppies will dream – it is worth waiting for a big party.
    The house will be full of children and relatives.

Also pay attention to such

  • If a собака кормит своих детей — в семье воцарятся хорошие
    relationship, possibly visiting relatives and friends;

  • If a приснится сам процесс появления на свет щенков — работа
    will please you, it will bring great results, work will be

  • If a собака грызёт кость — нужда и отсутствие денег подкрадутся
    to you unnoticed;

  • If a щенки во сне играют с котятами — возможны новые отношения и
    new feelings that will enable life to develop.

  • If a приснится, что щенка вы убили — наяву вам угрожает
    danger and foresee all its results you can not. Worth
    expect trouble that will arise from nowhere. If a во
    dream puppy bit you – your best friends will betray you, darling

What do the puppies dream about in Miller’s dream book?

Feed your puppy according to Miller’s dream book – your friend needs support.
If a щенок во время кормления пытается укусить вас — друг вас не
thank all your efforts will be in vain. If a щенок во сне
is white – the friend will be very grateful to you.

If a во сне вы спасли щенка — вы окажете поддержку незнакомому
man, and between you will make a strong friendship. If a вы потеряли
in the dream of a little puppy – you feel lonely and sad. But if you
suddenly found him – you will find peace of mind and peace. If a
щенка чужого вы нашли во сне — вы завяжете new connections.

According to Miller’s dream book, acquiring a puppy, both small and
older – promises the acquisition of bonds, lucrative contracts,
possible scenarios, moving things forward.

What do the puppies dream of Freud’s dream book?

Freud points out in his dream book what to choose a puppy in the market –
often speaks of gossip, and dismisses them to the person you are
trust. If a человеку приснится сон, в котором он сам выступает
In the role of a puppy, it means that he is tired of confusion and misunderstanding. His,
perhaps I really want to be alone, but it will not save him
from awareness of reality.

Why dream of little puppies? Freud indicates that if
the dream came to the man – he will soon meet the charming
a stranger, if a woman – she will meet a young intriguing
person Such meetings may well have a bright love

What do puppies dream about in other dream-books

В соннике Майя указывается, что найти щенка,
or if you purchased it from the hands – you will get a new reliable
a friend. If a щенка вам подарили — ждите подарка судьбы.

If a вы подарили щенка — вас отвлекут мелочными делами от более

What little puppies dream about – according to Azar’s dream book – they promise
birth of a child. In the Russian dream book, little puppies dream of
the fact that the girl has long had time to get a child.

В соннике Цветкова сказано, что щенки, которые
They do not play at all – they are dreaming of new problems and situations that
it will be very difficult to solve. You will be immersed in solving them, and not
notice important matters and questions.

Также в соннике Цветкова любой сон о щенках
treated by the possibility of receiving a gift. In the noble dream book
The main focus is on puppy color:

• Black puppy dreaming of new acquaintances;

• Curly puppy – to petty squabbles;

• Red puppy – to various incidents.

В соннике эзотерическом сказано — играющий
the little puppy promises betrayal and deception from the closest people.
If a щенок ласкается — вас любит молодой человек, прежние чувства к
you will return.

For many, the appearance of puppies in a dream – is associated with home
делами и botherами. And this is really true. These affectionate
pets sometimes become people’s best friends. Sometimes
such dreams indicate that the person is awfully awake
friendship, support, he needs support.

You should not look for this support outside of the family, you should turn to your relatives and
close people and they will support in difficult times. But,
if you still make new acquaintances, they will only be given
the joy of communication and pastime. These are the light connections that
nice to support. Sometimes, такие встречи являются судьбоносными,
and man becomes part of life forever.

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