Why dream of painting lips with lipstickcolors? Basic interpretations of different dream books – why dream paintinglips

Сб, 27 янв 2018 Автор: Инна

In your dreams you can visit different countries
participate in events, meet a variety of people.
You can also look after yourself in a dream, or see how it is
do others. К чему снится красить lips? Worth to understand.


К чему снится красить lips — основное толкование

Если женщине приснится сон, в котором она красит себе lips — ей
reality is not enough attention and affection. She needs to think about that
in fact, she needs care and love. She needs to try
изо всех сил, чтобы самой полюбить себя, если она красит lips
colorless lipstick. Such a dream means that it has long been
lost her desire for healthy relationships and real feelings.

Dream Interpretation advises not to rush with the interpretation of the dream, until you
understand all its details:

— Вы ли красите lips;

— Какого цвета помада, которой накрашены lips;

– Is the lipstick washed off the lips;

– Who else is involved in your dream;

– What do you feel at the same time.

Сон, в котором вы красите себе lips тёмной матовой помадой —
says that you exaggerate over some event of yours
of life. Dream Interpretation does not advise you to go into negative thoughts.
Try to find something positive even in such confusing

Если во сне вы красите себе lips помадой и её цвет вам явно не
like – try to think about what you really
so annoying in life, maybe it’s someone’s behavior,
someone’s deeds. Or do you rate yourself insufficiently?
In any case, there is a conscious complication of the situation,
which could have been avoided.

К чему снится красить lips перед важным мероприятием? Such a dream
means that in reality you make some very important decision
which will make you feel more confident in
professional and financial spheres. Try more
trust your inner voice. He will quickly lead you to
required result. If you still doubt that
undertake in this situation, and from what to refuse – trust
by chance and wait for a positive result.

Красить lips чёрной помадой — сгущать краски над событием,
which is not worth your attention. We can talk about some
a person, or a group of people who have become actively involved in
вашей of life. Do not go into negative thoughts. Is not
will lead you to the cherished goal, but only away from her. Try hard
survive the negative period of life with dignity and not to shift their
problems on other people’s shoulders. Solve them yourself, easily and simply.
It will provide you with a good mood in the future and confidence in
to myself.

Если во сне вы красите lips блеском — вам хочется яркой и
беззаботной of life. You can easily get it if you
follow the dictates of the heart. It remains a bit – force yourself
to believe in the reality of everything that surrounds you, to find a positive
in all this and not deny yourself the pleasures of life that
and so you are available.

К чему снится красить lips грязью? Such a dream может приснится
when the girl is not confident in herself and in her surroundings. She is
may not have already faced with their slander and reproaches. She is very
It is difficult to deal with this, lack of opportunities and motivation. She is
she begins to blacken all around to get rid of someone else
negative. She is перенимает привычку нападать первой на тех, кто ни в
what is not to blame.

Если девушка во сне красит сажей lips возлюбленному — проблем не
to avoid. Conflicts in a pair will be permanent; it will not succeed.
get rid of in no way. Because the girl herself will sow in
partner grain of doubt and fear. If you dream that you
красите lips, но помада внезапно исчезает с них — вы попадёте в
very difficult situation. You will be much promised. In exchange for you
asked to do something nice for a person. You will try and
fulfill your obligations, but no one’s obligations to you
will rush to perform.

You will not see a real result from your work, only
get frustrated. Perhaps similar situations in your life
often repeated, then it is time for you to think whether such
your life that you suddenly find yourself surrounded by liars and
traitors. If this has already happened – then you often attracted
in their lives of people of such a disposition of character and mind.

Сон, в котором вы красите lips помадой в магазине, но никак не
You can choose the appropriate color – says that you will need
decide in life, decide what you really
want to. If you are thinking about changing jobs – it’s time to change it.
But which one? Which option to choose? You should stop
your choice on the version that will bring you the maximum
moral pleasure.

If you dream that you красите lips синей помадой — вас
expects quite an active vacation. You will be glad to those people who
share it with you. Try to be as active as possible.
time and not lose the opportunity to expand your circle of acquaintances.
Если во сне вы красите lips зелёной помадой — вы будете иметь успех
in the financial arena. If you were planning to do your own thing,
or increase your income – now just suitable for this

К чему снится красить lips по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что красить lips во сне — означает
the need to emphasize their sexuality and individuality.
You may want something new in your personal life, something
незаурядного, когда во сне вы красите lips алой помадой.

Such a dream указывает на повышенное сексуальное влечение к
the opposite sex and your need to be realized in
relationships with men. Сон, в котором вы красите lips помадой
skin color – says that you want smooth and calm
отношений, которые не будут отличаться от спокойной семейной of life.
You do not seek adventure and conquest, you will be enough
home comfort and care.

Если во сне вы красите lips помадой с крупными блёстками — наяву
вы захотите новых эмоций в личной of life. Try to review
your attitude to the second half. If you do not see in it
prospects – do not try to revive the relationship. But if
prospects in the relationship you see – try to focus
on all positive qualities of the character of the partner.

Сон, в котором беременная женщина красит lips — говорит о том,
что ей не хватает позитивных изменений в of life. She is хочет удивлять
and make others happy. Wants to attract attention. And she is
It will be difficult to ban.

К чему снится красить lips по Эзотерическому соннику

Если во сне вы красите lips не себе, а другой женщине — такое
the dream suggests that you will be directly dependent on
actions and decisions of other people. This dependency will
characterize your whole life.

Если во сне вы красите себе lips яркой помадой — стоит ожидать
позитивных изменений в of life. If the lipstick has a dark shade –
One should expect negative changes that will lead to disastrous
the consequences. Сон, в котором вы красите lips и потом целуете
mirror – says about your desire to communicate with loved ones
by man.

You really want to discuss with him all sore. Tell him
how was your day, how you spent time with him and without him, any
small change in communication will be important. But you just can not find the method
to give him information. To convey your emotions to him.

К чему снится красить lips по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, если женщина красит во сне lips
bright calling lipstick – it lacks a reality of realization. She is
really wants to solve something in her life and can’t understand with anything
what a problem, what act to begin with.

Если во сне женщина красит lips помадой экзотического цвета —
she is ready for experiments and adventures. But do not forget about
common sense and the fact that any actions may have negative
effects. Try to find a lot of leisure options.
and entertainment, if the day before you had a dream in which you
красите lips чёрной помадой.

The dream book of Aesop says that such a dream can foreshadow you
the terrible consequences of your rash and other people’s actions. You
worth preparing for stressful situations and frequent drops
настроения, если вы красите помадой не только lips, но и лицо.
Dream Interpretation advises to take a break from the routine and do your own
shelved with pleasant household chores. Now
it’s time to take care of yourself.

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