Why dream of murder? Basic interpretationsdifferent dream books – why dream of killing

Пт, 15 июн 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can witness how pleasant
Events that will give you joy and pleasure, and events that
who will lead you into a dead end in life.

Why dream of murder? How to interpret like


What dreams of murder – the main interpretation

If in a dream you see a murder from the side, and can not
understand what is happening – in reality you will fall into a similar situation and
You will not understand what is happening in your life. Can you
rely on something good and joyful from life, or is it already
nearing the end.

Dream Interpretation does not advise panic and upset in advance, rather
Total. Such a dream does not portend anything bad to you, but only
warns that you have to take care of yourself and your health. You
it’s time to get involved in personal life and personal networking.

It is also important to pay attention to such details.

• Have you been a member of the murder;

• Have you been killed?

• Have you seen blood;

• Did something scare you in a dream;

• Have you been afraid after sleep;

• Who else have you seen in your dream?

If you dream that in a dream you are afraid of any rustling, you are afraid
of any sound and worry that the killer is about to come to you – you
in reality are afraid of responsibility and do not want to be responsible for some
a business. Maybe. We are talking about your business in which you are allowed
mistake and now do not know how to fix it.

If you dream that someone knocks on your door and you
you understand that there is a murderer behind it – troubles crowded around
your threshold, but do not rush to let them in on the threshold. Let them still
wait a bit until you figure out what to do

If from such a dream holds you down by fear – do not rush
make hasty decisions. Better understand what you really
want from your life. Maybe you want to really
change everything and no longer return to this issue. Maybe. You
subconsciously afraid of change and life will push you to them.

If in a dream you kill a mother, you depend morally on her. You
you need to know her opinion, be sure to understand
Does she approve of you? You очень устали от этого и
just want to build your life smoothly and calmly. You устали от
clarify the relationship with her, and from the fact that she is constantly
controls everything in your life.

But the dream book does not advise to save grievances and keep them to yourself. It is better
relax and enjoy yourself taken
making. They will be faithful. If you dream that you are killing yourself
yourself – such a plot in a dream promises you a dramatic change in reality. You
cross the principles yourself and get what you want. You всё
It will be given very easily, you can even not doubt. If you
afraid to take the first step towards change – not
worry, life will lead you where you want.

If you dream that an unfamiliar woman shoots you right in
chest – you will try to understand the causes of the machinations in
reasons for dissatisfaction on the part of people close to you. You услышите от
they have a lot of truth, you can draw your own conclusions from this situation.

You также сможете узнать своего врага в лицо после такого сна. is he
show up and you will be surprised. If you are in a dream will shoot
several times – in reality, the troubles also will not be accidental.
These will be the targeted words and actions of the people you
once offended, or who once refused.

If you dream of killing a child – you will be afraid in reality
make some important decisions that will later lead to
global changes in life. If you dream you are killing
child – you are afraid to show your weaknesses to others. You боитесь,
that they will play on your weak points and put you in
adverse light.

If you dream that someone else is watching
murder and does not interfere – in reality, for your problems, too, someone
will watch from the side and will not interfere. Will not be
help you, will not give advice. And you need help so much, so
need support and advice. But it’s a matter of time, which you have

If in a dream you are trying to understand a complicated matter, establish
who is actually a murderer, who committed a crime – in reality
you will also try to figure out which colleagues are not honest with
you, who from colleagues decides your fate as it suits him, who from
colleagues trying to take your place. It may be your best
friend among colleagues with whom you shared the most intimate.

If in a dream you see killing animals, and you see a lot of blood –
terrible showdowns are waiting for you, mood swings are waiting for you,
internal contradictions. On the one hand, you do not want to swear,
but do not want to completely obey the will of a person who is not
all right.

If in a dream you write out information about the killings – you will be
very interested in who actually can you
hurt You будете собирать доказательства потустороннего
interventions and come to the conclusion that many problems in your life
created by you artificially. You сами обижаетесь на людей тогда, когда
they could be forgiven for some household trifles. You сами
focuses on the negative and do not want to believe that
a bright future is possible. You сами всё чаще погружаетесь в
melancholy and find no way out of it.

What dreams of murder in Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that murder is a dream when
relationship is nearing completion. One of the partners for a long time
wants to get rid of them and no longer spend time on them. Other
the partner most likely wants everything to be like him

If you видите во сне, как мужчина убивает свою возлюбленную —
you are very afraid of adultery, very afraid of betrayal, which may
happen to you at any time. You очень боитесь, что вам сделают
painfully and morally killed when you love. Fear paralyzes
you and your life. You нужно перестать бояться. And then you quickly
solve all your problems, especially if you stop
бояться того, чего на самом деле not.

If you dream that someone is trying to kill you, but he doesn’t
succeeds – you will not fall into the trap and will not conflict, you
can avoid quite a complicated relationship that just you
will destroy. You перестанете опасаться таких отношений.

If you dream that someone is killing you and you feel cold
and shivering through the body – in reality you will be very afraid of something, you
you will be all on edge, you will experience and suffer because
for a long time you will not be able to explain yourself such a state.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is being killed, this is very
good sign. is heа сможет избавиться от тех проблем, которые её
long time ago And will be able to solve problems and issues with loved ones

What dreams of murder on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the murder is a dream to
completion of some complicated business. If you при этом видите
a huge pool of blood means that you will suffer losses and will be forced to
admit it. If in a dream you see yourself killed – it means you
too close to your heart will take those people who are just
you want to help with advice. is heи просто хотят поддержать вас, но не
know how best to express your feelings.

What dreams of murder that you are watching from the side? You
You will look from your side from close people and understand that they
largely wrong. You будете постепенно менять о них мнение и это
will destroy you.

What dreams of murder on other dream books

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что убийство снится
when you’re tired of recurring problems, recurring
negative scenarios. You хотите выйти из замкнутого круга, хотите
become a free man who can many problems and questions
solve very quickly and efficiently. And most importantly – you want
learn to solve them yourself.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что убийство снится
when a person is afraid of his own desires. He needs
be more selective in his desires and thoughts, he needs more
trust yourself and not rely on anyone else. If a
man dreams that he is killed by someone from the native people, someone from
loved ones – such a dream would mean that he was tired of constant
total control over it. is he устал от того, что им постоянно
someone is interested. I’d like to live for my own pleasure,
live by yourself. I really want support from loved ones, understanding and
forgiveness But while this is not possible, while everyone is defending his point

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