Why dream of lipstick? Basic interpretations: towhat dreams of lipstick in tubes, on lips or on clothes

Ср, 14 сен 2016 Автор: Инна

Every girl aspires to be beautiful and bright.

Lipstick has become the best helper in creating a bright and
memorable image, but why dream of lipstick?

Worth to understand.


What dreams of lipstick – the basic interpretation

Dreams – a special world through which you can understand the events
past and hear echoes of the future. Every girl especially
attentive to her image in a dream she
eyeing his appearance, to his state of health.
Particular attention to the fairer sex pay for makeup,
especially if it is bright and catchy.

It is worth noting that if in a dream the girl dreams about how she
tries to change her image as she buys a new and bright
lipstick – it means it’s time for her to change something in her real life.
It’s time to actually refresh your image – it will give it
confidence and will open up new opportunities to meet with a decent
a man

If in a dream you have long and scrupulously selected a lipstick for yourself –
then in reality you will also be scrupulous about your second
a half. If you do not have one, you will be long and confident
to sort out between gentlemen. It all depends on what
you will choose lipstick as a result:

• If it is bright lipstick – you will make the right choice in
the side of a romantic and memorable relationship;

• If you do not like the bright tone of the chosen lipstick in the end – you
disappointed in your chosen one;

• If you choose not bright lipstick, but you are satisfied – you
proponent of a measured life – and you get it;

• If you chose a lipstick of cool shades and do not want it
enjoy, or do not get from this pleasure – you expect
loneliness and the choice in the direction of loneliness you make yourself.

If you dream about how you are wearing lipstick – you are very
Surprise in reality. Surprise it will be the same as your emotions in
time to sleep. If they are bright, then you will be surprised by a pleasant
bright event. If sadness overpowers you – it’s worth waiting for sad ones
news, and, moreover, from afar.

In some dream books, lipstick in a dream is interpreted as a probability
See you soon. It is not necessary to date you.
invite a new cavalier – it could be your soulmate.

If you dream that you have stolen lipstick – in reality you are covetous
on someone else’s family happiness. But do not count on what you
get a perfect relationship in the end. Another’s grief will not be in store
your new relationship.

What dreams of lipstick on Miller’s dream book

Why dream of lipstick? Miller’s dream book says that such a dream
may promise good news and news. If young unmarried
the girl in the dream paints her lips with lipstick – she is determined to
search for a man throughout her life. The main thing – do not trust blindly
representatives of the opposite sex, as they can
cheat by using trust.

If a girl dreams that she paints the lips of scarlet or red
lipstick – their relationship with her young man is not enough
spontaneity and passion. If they are not urgently added to privacy –
relationships will exhaust themselves.

If a girl dreams about how she chooses lipstick with her friends –
she should be careful with her surroundings, maybe in him
hid the enemy, envious. At the same time, sleep can indicate not only
on the enemy woman, but also on the enemy man.

What dreams of lipstick on Freud’s dream book

The red color of lipstick in Freud’s dream book comes from the fact that
the girl itself is very passionate and needs the same
to the man. A man who would become not only her support, good
an option for creating a family, but also a faithful friend.

If a man dreams of how his girlfriend in the store chooses
lipstick – in reality, he can become a witness to her betrayal, betrayal.
If, among other things, his girlfriend buys lipstick along with
her friends – in reality she will tell a lot about them
relationship to friends that will cause scandal. So just a scandal is not
will end, and as a result of it the relationship can be broken.

If a girl dreamed of how she lost her lipstick and for a long time looking for her
in her purse – she needs to look into her secret desires and
implement them. If she does not fulfill her desires, she will miss
A good opportunity to become happy in your personal life and marriage.

What dreams of lipstick on other dream books

В эзотерическом соннике сказано, что помада
dream of striving to seduce someone. At the same time, scarlet, red color
lipstick indicates aggressiveness is exactly yours. Not hard
achieve goals – sometimes it is an unreasonable risk. If you are in a dream
for a very long time, paint your lips with lipstick – you should be more attentive to
your self-esteem, she clearly suffers from your lifestyle.

If you dream of lipsticking your clothes, then in reality
someone will blacken you, your decency will be called into question.
You should not trust people so blindly – they will use your
trust even close friends.

В житейском соннике указано, что помада
is to girls as a symbol of secret knowledge and secret intent. If a
girl paints lips in lipstick lipstick – she keeps inside
many secrets and mysteries. She needs to be honest with her family and
close friends. Yes, of course, it must be a mystery, but it
It does not mean that everything should be hidden from others.

If a помада именно ярко красная — женщина не уверена в своей
attractiveness. This is indicated by the fact that in a dream she’s
wants to look more attractive, passionate. She is worth in life
change your look to attract a man.

Buy cheap lipstick on the market – you’re lying, and others
you people know about it. You must stop creating yourself a liar.
image and become a real, responsive person.

If a же сон о приобретении помады приснился мужчине — он
hopes for a quick change in relations with his half.
These changes must be positive. Maybe even
a marriage proposal will be made.

If a же женщине снится, что помаду она теряет — она из-за своего
capricious nature will lose a lot in life, perhaps even a family.
What should be done in this situation? Diminish the fervor and stop
blame others for all mortal sins.

В соннике Дмитрия и Надежды Зимы сказано, что
lipstick, seen in a dream – only symbolizes desire
become more attractive to others. It is worth assessing the situation
and answer yourself the question of who exactly you want to attract to your
a life. Are you aiming to become more sexual, or just draw
attention to the opposite sex?

В универсальном соннике сказано что сон, в
where you buy lipstick in the store – promises you a new pleasant
acquaintance that can grow into something more. If a девушке
dream how she paints her lips in a dream – in reality she happens to her
an accident or she gets sick.

If a у девушки никак не получается подобрать необходимый тон
lipstick means she is rather modest in love, she should be more
purposeful, pay more attention to their self-realization.

В соннике имён сказано, что красить во сне губы
помадой — к интимной близости с незнакомым a man But he can
become very useful to her in life, in advancing career
the stairs. But about relationships based on mutual love – here
it is not.

If a девушке приснится, что она излишне использует помаду —
in reality she will suffer that she will suffer from insincerity.
It will be more insincere with her. If a женщине
dreamed that she was buying lipstick – she would unnecessarily find fault
to his chosen one. As a result, she may even lose the relationship,
who built a long time. If a мужчине приснится, как он
buys lipstick for his beloved – he really should be paid
she needs more attention, he needs to give presents to his woman in reality,
give signs of attention, otherwise he will lose her love.

В соннике Морозовой сказано, что помада во сне
сулит свидание с женатым a man If a girl пользуется во сне
lipstick – it will suffer a disease of the lips. If a girl принимает в дар во
dream lipstick – in reality she will be subject to doubtful attention with
side of their girlfriends.

Whatever interpretation the dream may have – the person is able
change your reality. Dreams warn of possible difficulties.
on the way to the goal, sometimes pushing a person towards it. Dreams are
valuable advisers who come to the rescue when the rest
no concern for your problems. Going to bed is worth asking a question or
the desire and in a dream to get an answer, a prediction for the future.

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