Why dream of kissing on the lips? Maininterpretation: dreamed a dream that you kiss on the lips – wait for problems andtest

Пн, 22 авг 2016 Автор: Инна

Every night a person, closing his eyes, plunges into his
subconscious thoughts and desires. They appear in dreams,
who can open the door of the future in front of him.

Why dream of kissing on the lips – it is necessary to understand.


Why dream of kissing on the lips – the main interpretation

Everyone wants to love and be loved. Sometimes this thirst
transferred by man subconsciously to dreams. Then, closing
eyes it is realistic to dream passionate kisses and tender

For many, kisses on the lips are important enough. it
manifestation of tenderness, love and care. These are the kisses in a dream and
I want to see – kisses on the lips. But it is worth being careful with
their desires. Many dream books indicate that such
dreams do not carry positive prospects, on the contrary – they
indicate that a person can expect trials and problems.
What kind of problems – it is worth to understand.

Kissing in a dream should be interpreted based on who
you kissed:

• Kissing with the employee, the head – to conflicts and
misunderstanding in the workplace, job loss is possible;

• Kissing with your loved one – to strengthen relationships;

• Kissing with a relative – you expect a grand scandal,
quarrel, it is worth being alert;

• If in a dream you managed to kiss a few people – you will
to succeed in all endeavors, one has only to want.

It is necessary to carefully consider the general interpretation of the dream, not
miss small nuances that may seem insignificant,
but in the future they will play a huge role in your life.

Why dream of kissing on the lips of Miller’s dream book

Miller is inclined to believe that kisses that are to a man in
sleep – indicate more on the immorality of his behavior. And the thing is here
not that man initially knows what a terrible thing will do
deed. The fact is that he is initially plagued by remorse
conscience. Despite them, he can betray his close
man, and betray the secrets of colleagues.

It is worth being attentive to such dreams, they say,
that you should not count on forgiveness of negative actions.
A kiss with the enemy in a dream – to a possible truce. It
can occur with both relatives, loved ones, and
unfamiliar person with whom you were in a quarrel.

If a person who is in a pair has a dream like someone
kisses his spouse, spouse – such a dream says that it is worth
cherish the relationship. You have been allowed a huge
the number of offenses worth compensating for
tenderness and affection. If you decide to uphold your position in
relationship – you can lose them.

Kissing the baby on the lips – craving replenishment. Worth
meet the need for childbirth, otherwise large
problems with reproductive function, so you should think about
because it is time to take a decisive step in the future. See someone
another kisses your child on the lips – he is under someone else’s bad
the influence you don’t want to see, you are too busy with yourself, you
not enough exposure, ingenuity.

Why dream of kissing lips on Freud’s dream book

According to Freud’s dream book, a kiss is always unrealized.
sexual thrust to the partner. For those who do not have formed
relationships – such a dream can talk about what is worth carefully
treat all surrounding signs. Worth предавать им особое

If in a dream you dream only kisses – you miss
verbal contact with your soulmate. If you dream
that kisses are only a prelude to further love means in
everything is harmonious and gradual in your life – you should pay special attention
attention to whether you appreciate your partner – now it is
really important to do because relationships are on the verge of breaking
may be quite suddenly. The reason for this will be
lack of attention on your part.

If an adult dreams about how his little kisses him
a mother’s lips means he has complexes and fears from the past,
hindering his further advancement in life. Worth задуматься над
so that you yourself can interfere with your personal life to develop, you
prevent events from developing smoothly and carefully.

Why dream of kissing on the lips for different dream books

Сонник странника указывает, что целоваться в
lips in a dream can be interpreted by the form of a kiss. If kiss
�”French” – such a dream promises a serious sudden illness,
which is just as suddenly over.

If kiss страстный и длительный — не стоит надеяться на
help from the outside is worth relying only on yourself. Also such a kiss
can promise parting and violation of plans. The situation will be possible
recover, but losses are inevitable. Sometimes visual pictures
dreams are accompanied by sensations on the physical level.

So, after a dream, you can feel an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
– you will be much and diligently discuss, but gossip does not harm
you. If you got sick jaw after a kiss – do not rush
in the pool with the head – just enough to calculate all the steps
in advance.

AT психоаналитическом соннике такой сон сулит
discontent and crisis in relationships. So the girl is not satisfied
its second half. She wants to have a lot more than she does.
It has. Perhaps a man simply allows himself to be too rude and
does not pay enough attention to his second half. Girl in a dream
compensates for the lack of affection by a loved one
illusory kisses.

Why dream of kissing on the lips of a man – in reality he is waiting for a series
love failures and love twists and turns. If a man is a couple –
he expects a cooling of relations that will soon be able to revive,
breathe new life into them.

AT соннике Медеи указано, что если во сне вы
kiss the dead man on the lips – in the future you will have his own fate –
death may be a sudden, negative events overwhelm

If in a dream you kiss a celebrity – such a dream is worth
treat as an unconscious decision to raise your status in
society. Such a decision will be made absolutely reasonably. AT
Soon, a person’s position in society is sharp
to improve.

If you dream a passionate kiss with a man of your dreams –
it’s worth trying to build relationships – everything is possible, maybe you need
just wait. It’s not long to wait, but it’s worth being ready for
dramatic changes in personal life.

Kissing someone else’s wife in the lips on the lips – to take in life negative
decisions to commit mean acts. These actions will be dictated
your subconscious, secret fears and desires. Kiss in a dream
former sweetheart – to the sudden meetings and conversations. If a
girl dreams that she kisses her former lover – she
will obviously lie to a loved one. It will seem to her that
the only right decision.

По соннику Феломена — поцелуи с выдуманным
partner – changing the conditions of life, life. These changes will be
it’s hard to get used to, not only because they are thoughtless, not only
because they are destructive in nature – they are
the result of negative actions in the past, and man is

A dead person in a dream who kisses you – to success and advancement
career ladder. ATы сможете заключить новые контракты, наладить
business contacts. ATсе события будут весьма неожиданными, но
enjoyable. Kiss in a dream родственников в губы — к скорой встрече
with a well-known person who will be financially advantageous

If a вам приснилось, как вы целуетесь в губы в людном месте —
perhaps you are too talkative with others about your
ongoing relationship. it довольно необдуманно. Worth сохранять их
in secret, keep them away from prying eyes.

Психологи говорят, что стоит доверять
dreams that carry a bright emotional coloring. So if
sleep is filled with passionate feelings – it means that you are also awake
I want passion and attention from loved ones.

If a во время поцелуя у вас возникли неприятные, отталкивающие
sensations – you yourself close your happiness in your personal life. Worth
think a few times before something drastically personal
plan to decide. Do not blame the people who come to you in
life – they are just reflections of yourself. Look at them
carefully, it’s time for you to change. Take all
dream tips calmly and deliberately. Then dreams will be
bring only pleasure.

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