Why dream of killing a man? Maininterpretation: what is the dream of killing a person with a pistol orthe knife

Пт, 17 фев 2017 Автор: Инна

Dreams are quite enjoyable, but they can also tell about
various kinds of accidents. When dreams are disturbing – man
involuntarily begins to worry about his future.

Why dream of killing a man? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of killing a person – the main interpretation

Dreams of murder are unpleasant. But the dream books interpret them differently,
in some you can find quite favorable forecasts for
the future, but mostly all dreams of murder are treated as
forerunners of sad and very long incidents.

What you should pay attention to in such

• Who committed the murder;

• Where the murder was committed;

• What was the murder weapon;

• Have you become a killer;

• What emotions have caused you to sleep;

• What emotions did you experience during the dream?

If a вам приснится что вы стали убийцей — такой
sleep rather warns you against thoughtless acts and
hasty conclusions to strangers. If you
you will see that the murder happened in your house – such a dream foreshadows
you anxiety and loss, and they will touch exactly your loved ones.

If a вам приснится что убийство произошло в совсем
незнакомом вам месте
— вспомните в каком, скорее всего
some trouble will really be associated with it. Often
such dreams warn against doing fateful acts in
the near future, from the conclusion of expensive transactions, as they,
most likely, will bring only a loss.

If a вам приснится нож в виде орудия убийства
This means that someone hurt you badly with a word. If you see
in a dream a gun, like a murder weapon – you have to change your
contingency plans.

If a вам приснится, что вы убили напавшего на вас
— такой сон означает, что вы сможете с честью
get out of even the most dangerous situation. But in order to take
the right decision – you need to take a sober look at
all those people that you have in life. You are quite patient
man and therefore forgive your own people a lot. They are this
use you to the detriment and even the most difficult situation that
you will happen soon – just open your eyes to the truth.

It is also important to pay attention to the emotional coloring of sleep.
Most likely, he will cause anxiety in you. There is nothing
strange, because killing scares many. But, if you
woke up and still experienced anxiety for a long time – it’s time
think maybe you yourself feel guilty about
the actions you committed.

Dream interpretation recommend interpreting each sleep event separately and
only then put them all together. In a complete picture
dreams. This is necessary in order to fully
predict the future. It is also important to recall all the dialogues that
visited you during sleep. It can be like a killer dialogue with you,
so and your conversation with the slain. Some phrases may seem to you
very familiar.

If a возлюбленным приснится, что один убивает
— такой сон может говорить о том, что их отношения
there are no longer those and there is a huge risk of rupture. If a woman
will dream that her opponent is killing her, you should seriously think, not
whether she is subject to excessive jealousy. Most likely, she is very
jealous and thus kills his relationship with a man so
in a way.

What dreams of killing a person according to Freud’s dream book?

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что убийство символизирует
the desire of a person to get rid of something bored,
Such dreams should push a person
the idea that it’s time to reconsider their attitude towards life, to
partner, to relationships in general.

An important factor is also a murder weapon. For what
dream of murder with a knife?
Such a dream speaks of a passionate
relationship to the partner. Most likely, passion boils in relationships and
will only increase. On the one hand, it does not give partners
miss. On the other hand, it makes a gap possible, since excessive
passion leads to jealousy and scandal.

If you dream that you are strangling someone in a dream – you
bored with relationships and you need to diversify them. But not worth it
expect that in one moment the relationship will become diverse and
interesting, it is necessary and make an effort to achieve

For what снится убийство человека с помощью
a gun?
Such a dream may portend early resolution.
all problems of an intimate nature. Most likely, you will soon become
happy and happy person, so all insults should be left
in the past.

If a же во сне вы становитесь свидетелем жестокого
— наяву вам свойственна жестокость именно в
intimate caresses. It’s time for you to diversify your relationship
only sexually, but also spiritually.

For what снится убийство человека по эзотерическому соннику

In an esoteric dream book, it is said that a murder can be a dream
forerunner of various incidents in human life. If he
приснится, что он сам лично становится убийцей
need to think seriously not does he hurt himself and his
close people with unnecessary suspicions? Perhaps in his house always
reigns tense atmosphere and quite a lot of scandals.

It is also important to remember if people are not visited by unreasonable
anxiety, does he fall asleep well? If recently a person
overcomes anxiety and longing – he is subject to influence from the side. it
means that someone quite envied his well-being.
Someone really wants to destroy his life and family.

Важно вспомнить, кто именно убил вас во сне.
If this is someone you know – you should be afraid to share with him
intimate. If it was a stranger to you – you should expect
trouble at any moment from the most unexpected place.

If a вам приснится, что вы стали жертвой
непреднамеренного убийства
— опасайтесь необдуманных
deeds and words. You can provoke your own behavior.
negative attitude. Therefore, it is worth other people’s desires and
needs to put above their own.

If a матери приснится, что кто-то убивает её
— она должна всерьёз заняться его здоровьем. If a
she dreams of how she killed her child herself – she is too
restricts his freedom and therefore conflicts and lack of
mutual understanding. But you can still change, relationships can still
to fix, you just have to think about the needs of your

If a женщине приснится, как она убивает своего
— она слишком ему не доверяет, сама ищет
reasons to spoil the relationship. If a же ей приснится, что он
kills her in a dream – it is worth remembering his words. In this case, rather
of all, it is in a dream that he will tell her everything about which so long ago
was silent. It is possible that such a conversation takes place.

For what снится убийство человека по другим сонникам

В соннике Чжоу-Гуна представлена весьма
positive interpretation of dreams of murder. So if you
dream about killing you – you will soon be able to free yourself from
all that you so many years. You can resolve
all situations and problems that have long been suspended in the air.

If a вам приснится, что вы убиваете человека ножом, и кровь
dirty your hands and clothes – you can expect a significant profit.
If a вам приснится как вы многократно колите кого-то ножом — такой
dream means great joy and fun in reality, maybe even

If a же вам приснится, как вы убиваете жену или возлюбленную —
such a dream means that you will suffer significant losses and not
can cope with emotions. You have a hard time finding out

В соннике Лоффа сказано, что убийство во сне
symbolizes the subconscious desire of a person from something
get rid of reality. Perhaps it will be a different person. If a во сне
you kill a stranger – you’re tired of the shadow aspect of life, you
tired of secrets and hidden relationships. It’s time to tell the truth not
only strangers, but also admit it to myself. If a вам
dream of how you are constantly looking for someone, and this person takes you to
eventually kills – you yourself will be in trouble. Do not start
doubtful dating. Worth взять себя в руки и нести
responsibility alone for their lives.

Whatever appears to you in a dream – it is worth building your life
independently and independently bear responsibility for it, otherwise
it will be possible to lament the fate and take offense at others for a long time
people for their careless attitude.

The main thing is to take life as it is, and
find only pleasant moments in it.

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