Why dream of gray hair? Basic interpretations:why dream of gray hair, what to expect if you dream about yourselfgray hair

Пн, 10 окт 2016 Автор: Инна

People tend to stay young and cheerful for a long time, and
this is normal.

Many are embarrassed by the appearance of the first cut.

Even a dream in which a man turns white hair can spoil
mood for the whole day.

But what does he mean? Why dream of gray hair?


What dreams of gray hair – the basic interpretation

Our ancestors considered the appearance of gray hair in humans – the first
a sign of his wisdom, the acquisition of a certain status.
If you dreamed of gray hair – it is worth

• Complications of the situation;

• Tests of fate;

• Parting with your loved one.

But, unlike other negative characters in dreams, gray
hair also promise temporary difficulties. Such dreams suggest that
that the person who is going through grief is soon with him
is getting even

If in your dream the whole head turned white from gray hair – you
You will live in prosperity and enjoy authority among colleagues.
Also, such a dream may indicate that you acquire something
expensive, but dream books warn against such purchases – they
absolutely meaningless.

If you dreamed that someone you knew had turned gray –
it means that a person has changed a lot, he has become more wise.
If you saw a man unfamiliar to you turned gray in a dream – you
a successful transaction awaits, the career will rise sharply, but not yours, but
the one you saw in a dream, or your competitor.

Such a dream can also tell you that you can count
to the aid of an experienced and wise man. If you are under
the leadership of a despotic personality – you should be wary of conflicts,
they will end in your favor.

What dreams of gray hair in Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s Dream Book it says:

• To look in a dream at gray-haired people – in reality you chose
wrong direction of travel;

• If your hair turns gray strands – you will have a choice,
and it will be very difficult;

• If you see yourself in a dream young, but with gray hair –
watch your actions and words to avoid trouble;

• If only roots have turned gray in your dream – you are a person with
dual kind, you are a hesitant person;

• If a woman sees gray hair in her dream – she is too
Misty and looking for all the flaws.

Miller’s dream book also says that gray hair can dream
to health problems, especially for young people
girls who had a similar dream. If the hair is not easy
gray, but rare and brittle – perhaps a protracted disease. Worth
think about how long you have been on vacation, maybe you should take

If you dream of how gray hair becomes more and more – you
plunge into work and troubles, it is worthwhile to plan your
rest and your work time. If you are in love and you dream
a gray-haired man met – expect an opponent to appear,

If the hair is gray, but it looks very healthy and
strong – such a dream can talk about what you expect
positive changes in financial terms. It may be like
additional income, and someone’s financial protection. if you
dream your snow-white and long hair – you are waiting for a trip
abroad. If a woman in a dream is trying to paint over her gray hair,
it means she is trying to hide her flaws from the second

What dreams of gray hair on Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that gray hair seen in a dream
do not symbolize the old age and weakness of the partner, and his experience in
sexual affection. This experience gives him the opportunity to conquer any
liked woman. If the partner completely suits the man
– he should diversify her sex life with her, as she
I’m used to getting the same pleasure and it becomes
is boring.

If a woman had a dream in which she is long and gray
hair, although she herself is young – it means that the relationship will
there will be a period of stable comfort and caresses, but both partners will
boring and not interesting. Such a dream warns a woman against
monotony, since her lover can easily spin a romance on
to the side.

If a man sees in a dream, like his beloved
turns gray – he should pay attention to her health. She herself
betrays the meaning of light indisposition and does not consider it necessary to disturb
him about it. But this does not mean that nothing
going bad

If a man dreams about how his lover gives birth to his first child
and after that her hair becomes gray – the pregnancy will be
difficult as childbirth. The reason for this will be negligence
partners to their health now.

What dreams of gray hair in other dream books

В современном соннике сказано, к чему снятся
gray hair – such a dream suggests that a person is sincere
regrets that he missed some opportunities in his life.
Also such a dream may indicate a person who sincerely
pines for his childhood, in which there was no hassle and problems.

If in a dream you have gray hair on the eyebrows – expect trouble
and alarms which, in other matters, will be empty. If a man
dream about how gray hair appears in his beard – he will swim
in honor, the surrounding will respect him. All works will be evaluated by

В домашнем соннике же сказано что седина
appears in dreams as a sign of wisdom and deliberation
action. In the magic dream book it is said that gray hair is dreaming
man to fast wealth. Well-being will accompany all
his affairs. If you saw your child with gray hair in a dream
– such a dream suggests that he will become an adult early and now
shows interest in things that his peers do not
are interested.

В соннике Ванги сказано, что обладать седыми
hair in a dream – have a sharp mind and wit. If a young man
saw himself gray-haired in a dream – such a dream indicates that
he has enough experience and knowledge to boldly and joyfully
move on through life. But do not relax and assume that
The main thing you have done. You have to use completely
the resources of your mind for good purposes. Worth по-новому посмотреть на
a problem that you have long wanted to solve, new ideas can
dramatically improve your life.

В соннике Лоффа сказано, что седые волосы
dream, as a type of wisdom, but it is worth a closer look
to the whole dream, to the mood it causes. Maybe,
you saw yourself sad and gray-haired – such a dream indicates
that you no longer cope on your own with that load
problems that fell on you. You need help, but you
repel people close to you who sincerely want to help you.
If you see a gray-haired old man in a dream – you should look for
support and advice from relatives and friends, a person is much
older than you Maybe, во сне старец дал вам дельный совет —
listen to him.

В древнем китайском соннике сказано, что любые
changes with the human body in a dream suggest that in reality
also health will be subject to change. Worth внимательно
treat the tips of the dream books, as gray hair in a dream
talking about the coming kidney disease. If you already suffer from it
disease – it is necessary to fear aggravation. Also worth special attention
to give to the health of the lungs, as fluid can accumulate in them,
which will eventually lead to shortness of breath and swelling.

В соннике Хассе сказано, что красить седые
hair in a dream – you are misleading yourself, you confuse yourself
yourself, keep yourself from moving forward in life. If you saw how
your gray hair falls out – soon you decide your life
problems, and they won’t bother you anymore. If a young guy
saw him dramatically gray in his sleep, but such a dream did not deliver him
Trouble means financial victories and big successful ones

Nobody wants to grow old and lose strength. Everyone wants to stay
strong spirit and young body, but time takes its and fear
old age and helplessness often makes itself felt in dreams.
If you are really afraid of old age, and do not want to take it
inevitability, the dream of gray hair may simply indicate your
hidden complex in this matter.

If there is no fear as such, but others bother you
pressing problems – take all decisions for a long time considering them, and
weighing all the options. Do not rush, life will open before
you are the opportunities that you should take. A life
always gives the necessary lessons for future development.

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