Why dream of fish

Why dream of fish
Fri, 10 Jun 2016


Why dream of fish – по соннику Миллера

According to Miller’s dream book, live fish in clear water dreams to
generous gifts of fate; she foretells young in happiness.
To dream of a dead fish – to sorrows and losses. Fishing in
dream warns of serious tests that will be you
adequately sustained. A dream in which you leave fishing without a catch,
testifies that your desires are only vanity.

To go in a dream on water with nonsense – to speedy well-being,
observe fishing – to good health and favorable
life circumstances that will be successfully used.
The fishing net, seen in a dream, promises acquisitions; broken network
– to chagrin. Fishing hooks in a dream speak of the need
build your life yourself. A hike in a dream at the fish market speaks of
the coming prosperity and joy.

Why dream of fish – по соннику Симона Кананита

To dream of living fish or to catch – to the advantage; to fish
hands – to enemies. Women fishing dream about pregnancy.
To see dead fish – to trouble, small fish – to important
enterprise, catching them – to deception.

Why dream of fish – по соннику Фрейда

Freud believed that fishing in a dream means that in reality
the person she dreams of cannot free herself from thinking about
chores and relax when he has sex to surrender
love completely.

If a man eats fish in his sleep, then he is selfish in sexual
of life. To fish in a dream and not to get a catch is to be afraid
disgrace in bed. A dream says to let go of your
unsuccessful attempts at sexual experience and to treat them philosophically,
as to the past.

Why dream of fish – по соннику Нострадамуса

Nostradamus considered fish a symbol of duality and
impermanence. He considered a fish falling in a dream from the sky to be bad
familiar, harbinger of disasters. Catch a dream fish for Nostradamus
– to search for a way out of difficult circumstances; see a lot of fish – to
the dangers of missing your chance, the three fish – to luck; there is a fish – to
unexpected but good tidings; see a fish with a human face –
to nuclear conflict; see the duel of two fish – to attack underwater
boats; rotten fish – to gossip threatening good relations with
high-ranking person. A living carp in a dream speaks of your

Why dream of fish – по соннику Лоффа

According to Freud, a small fish in a dream is a symbol of male
seed, medium-sized fish is the personification of children, and the fishing rod
symbolizes the phallus. In his opinion, dreams of fish talk about
human ability to earn and about the internal search
opportunities to meet life needs. Also fish
what you see in a dream may be a promise of travel or travel.

Why dream of fish – по соннику Цветкова

According to Tsvetkov, to see a fish swimming in the water in a dream – to luck in
affairs A big fish caught also speaks of imminent success or
rich marriage (for women); fish caught by other people –
to the birth of a child. To touch in a dream dead fish – to the disease, but with
This catch the rotten, decaying fish – to wealth. There is a dream
fish – to concern.

Why dream of fish – по соннику Хассе

According to the dream book Hasse, there is a fish in a dream – fortunately in a lottery; catch
hands – to the enemies, to see a small fish – to the disease or fear,
big fish – to an important venture. Fishing dreams of cheating and

Why dream of fish – по соннику Менегетти

Meneghetti considered a live fish, seen in a dream, positive for
human manner, phallic symbol, symbol of health and
harmonious sexual relations. At the same time, dead fish,
seen in a dream is evidence of the loss of vitality of the body
и регресса в affairs

Why dream of fish – по соннику Чжоу-Гуна

According to Zhou-Gon’s dream book, fishing for fishing in the water in a dream – to
great happiness and good luck; big beating fish – to fame,
glory; small fish laying eggs – to great happiness;
the fish you grab is a little unwell. See in
dreaming fish flying over water – to the successful resolution of cases;
fish in the well – to the need to change the place of service; human
who fishes – to luck, a school of fish swimming in the water – to
wealth. To arrange a fishing net in a dream – to great happiness
and benefit.


Leha 10/08/2016 Hello, I wanted to ask me a dream that I was
saw a lot of fish they were big huge and for less and they are such
ugly were stink and teeth were big! I caught one and saw
her and such disgust was !!!! saw them swimming them very
there was a lot! tell me please

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