Why dream of eggs? Man – to prosperity, andwoman – to new hobbies

Wed, 18 Jul 2018


What dreams of eggs – according to the dream book Vanga

The egg in a dream is a symbol of the planet and all living things. Therefore, the dream of
a rotten egg warns of the threat to life on Earth due to
concentration of a large number of weapons from unworthy people
who are ready to destroy our planet without pity. Break in
dream egg – to the threat from space, which can comprehend our
a planet, for example, in the form of meteorite hail. If you eat in a dream
egg means that people should understand that a person must be
thank God for his daily bread, which He sends to him. Cook
in a dream, an egg – to difficult times for the Earth, when the heat comes,
rivers and seas will dry up, many plants and animals will die, and
survivors and man will have to change and adapt
to new living conditions.

What do eggs dream about – according to Miller’s dream book?

A man who finds a nest with eggs in a dream
will be rich and happy in family life; woman such a dream promises
frequent hobbies. There are eggs in a dream – to alarm. See in a dream
broken fresh eggs – to the generous gift of fate and respect
others; rotten eggs – to the loss of property and failure in business,
basket with eggs – to participate in profitable business transactions. Find
in the forest of bird eggs – to the possible inheritance from distant

What dreams of eggs – according to Freud’s dream book

A woman dreams of chicken eggs promises to meet a man who has
grandiose manhood. If such a dream is seen by a man, then
he can see him, for example, in a public bath or at other
harmless circumstances. See in a dream разбитые яйца – обидеть
someone, carelessly looking at him or speaking in his
address, and thereby aggravate its complexes. To prevent this
happened, try to be more restrained.

To paint Easter eggs in a dream is necessary to revitalize
intimate life, making it new sensations.

What dreams of eggs – on Nostradamus dream book

According to Nostradamus, an egg in a dream is a symbol of rebirth,
the birth of a new life. Watch in a dream for hatching from the egg
some creature – to the fact that in reality you will become a witness
the birth of a new life. If such a dream sees young
a pregnant woman means her childbirth will be successful. Unusual
an egg found in a dream promises discovery in real life eggs
large unusual animal. Break in сне яйцо – к
committing a waking crime. See the egg break
someone else means becoming a cruel witness soon

What dreams of eggs – on the esoteric dream book

See in a dream яйцо — к пополнению в семействе; many eggs to
troubles associated with children. Broken eggs, seen in a dream,
promise sterility or unsuccessful pregnancy. Easter eggs
foreshadow the joy of children and their respect.

What dreams of eggs – according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

See in a dream одно или два яйца – к гостям; many eggs to успеху
in affairs. Smash eggs in a dream or see broken ones – to a loss.

What dreams of eggs – according to Hasse

The eggs seen in a dream promise profit, addition in a family,
prosperity and joy.

What do eggs dream about – according to Meneghetti’s dream book?

By Meneghetti, the egg as a food element is positive.
symbol and indicates in a dream to normal erotic needs.
When an egg in a dream is not seen as food, it has
negative meaning and promises unpleasant events.

What dreams of eggs – in the French dream book

To see in a dream eggs of white color – to the fulfillment of desires;
red – to the appearance of circumstances that could harm you.
Clean and fresh eggs in a dream promise good news. See in a dream
a basket filled with eggs – to participate in the enterprise,
which will not bring good luck or profit. Dream about broken eggs – to

What dreams of chicken eggs in the dream book Grishina

Chicken eggs, oddly enough, dream of gifts and pleasant
surprises. To the fact that soon you will get a huge amount
opportunities. You can see long-forgotten friends if in a dream
eggs are painted with multi-colored paint.

If in a dream you see how you trample eggs – in reality you will become
neglect your merits. You can start going to work
without enthusiasm, increasingly becoming alone. And all because
that you do not experience joy because of everything that happens in your life.
But joy is not taken from nowhere. She herself appears in the person
grows in it.

What dreams of eggs on dream book of Aesop

In the dream book of Aesop it is said, if in a dream you see chicken eggs –
Get ready for the hassle of loved ones. They will need your
supported and will need you more than ever. You will increasingly
notice how you download by your loved ones and you just can’t do it without them
exist. Try not to focus on this and
allow yourself to be in the company of your favorite people more often.

If in a dream you buy eggs on the market, new ones are waiting for you
opportunities, but try to implement them and not to miss. Because
you have not appreciated recently what was sent to you
by fate.


Vera Russian 03/08/2016 Actually eggs (I mean three eggs)
dreaming of some phenomenon in your life. They used to speak in Russia
“to the latter-day.” If they are dreaming under a bush, falling or
bent over the earthen nest and gray-green, then you
Soon they will visit and bring a gift. Most likely it will be
relatives who do not often visit you.

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