Why dream of earrings: precious, antique,unusual? The basic interpretation of different dream books – what dreamsearrings

Ср, 28 фев 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can see the most diverse, even extraordinary
developments. К чему снятся золотые earrings? How to interpret like


К чему снятся earrings — основное значение

It is pleasant to receive jewelry as a gift, it is pleasant to buy. But
что, если приснились earrings? How to interpret such
sleep? What can he mean? In order to fully interpret
– you need to take into account all the details and details of sleep:

— Ваши ли earrings во сне;

— Butсите ли вы их;

– Do they have a stone;

— Butвые ли они;

– What metal are they from?

It is also important to remember your emotional state during sleep.
and upon waking. If you experienced joy and happiness during
sleep, most likely, you and in reality will encounter very pleasant and
happy events. If during sleep you experienced confusion and
distrust – in reality you will also be disappointed in everything that will be
around you happen.

If in a dream you find golden earrings on your doorstep, and they
seem old to you, someone long worn – such a dream speaks of
that happiness will not last long. You might have planned
something grand, the acquisition of something new, planned
some kind of family, joyful event. After such a dream you have to
postpone your plans indefinitely, otherwise you will face
insurmountable difficulties.

Events from the past will not allow you to realize
conceived in the future. A dream in which you find yourself on your doorstep
новые earrings, красиво упакованные — говорит о подарке судьбы и
opening up new opportunities for you. Perhaps you can again
look at what you care so much you might get
profitable proposition. Dream interpretation advises in the near future in full
take advantage of the possibilities of life and not deny yourself anything.

Sleep in котором вы покупаете earrings в магазине — говорит о том,
that you go open a business, start something new. If you
покупаете earrings в магазине не для себя, а для близкого человека —
such a dream means that you will take care of someone much
more than about myself. You will become a real person for some person.
friend and real helper.

Sleep in котором вы покупаете золотые earrings с бриллиантами —
advises you not to rush into making an important financial decision.
It is better to weigh the pros and cons again and accept the conscious
decision. Do not rush and try to anticipate all the nuances of the case. Sleep in
котором вы покупаете серебряные earrings — говорит об успехе среди
colleagues, which will not be long. He will most likely have
short-term nature and will not bring you joy.

Sleep in котором вы видите, как кто-то выбирает на подарок earrings
and you really like them – says that you will be jealous
other people’s successes and other people’s successes. You will watch someone else’s life and
forget about responsibility for your own. Dream Interpretation advises
you are more attentive to everything that happens in your
of life.

Sleep in котором вы покупаете earrings из недрагоценного металла —
can talk about the deterioration of your life and the presence of frustration
in her. What has recently seemed so important to you will now become
for you almost inaccessible and not so valuable. Dream Interpretation advises
wait out this anxious time and not much worry about those
событий, которые в дальнейшем будут происходить в вашей of life.

Sleep in котором вы не можете долго найти earrings у себя дома —
says that you will not be able to agree with
their close people about mutual aid and mutual support. You
will suffer defeat after defeat, failure for failure and no way
You can not understand their causes.

Если же вы долгое время ищете earrings и находите только одну из
earrings – says that you will have very little
opportunities in order to realize the planned. Maybe,
you cannot even help yourself or your loved ones
for a long time trying to say goodbye to debts. In the end
life will give you the opportunity to partially resolve the situation.

Sleep in котором вы надеваете earrings, и они кажутся вам маленькими
– says that all important features and important options are already
have passed. Either you didn’t notice them, or you didn’t appreciate their importance in
вашей of life. Sleep in котором вы earrings надеваете, и они не
are fastened on you – says that it is time to get rid of
load problems of the past and actively move forward. Also such a dream
may indicate your genuine desire for change.

You want to get out of a life that seems real to you.
hard labor, you want to relax and stop being discouraged. You сможете
do it when you allow yourself exactly the life that so
long wanted

Sleep in котором вы видите earrings, а они ржавые — говорит о
need to deal with someone from their old friends.
Maybe, этот человек что-то должен вам, или вы должны ему. These
debts will oppress you and prevent you from living full
by life.

Sleep in котором вы носите разные earrings в ears – means that
in reality, you will be very actively striving for change. Your life is not
will be ordinary and ordinary. You будете стремиться к новым
opportunities and new perspectives. Try soon
implement as many plans as possible.

Sleep in котором вы видите earrings с огромными красивыми камнями,
but they turn out to be fake – it says that you should not
sincerely and with an open mind to trust people. You can betray you
can cheat. In the near future, trust only yourself and your

Sleep in котором вы пытаетесь подобрать к серьгам кольцо и вам это
succeeds – says that you can complete not only important
business for you, you can achieve a lot and complete a lot of important

If in a dream you don’t find earrings and you don’t have
it turns out the kit – says that you can not implement
yourself and will not be able to move further to the appointed goal. Such
dreaming means that you will soon be trapped.

К чему снятся earrings по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что earrings снятся к подарку судьбы и к
большой удаче в личной of life. Such a dream may mean that soon
you can solve most of your questions and problems in your personal
of life. Maybe, вы даже станете несколько прагматичнее при выборе
партнёра, если вам приснятся earrings из белого золота.

Старые, ношенные earrings снятся к проблемам со своей второй
half that are chronic. You можете даже не
notice, but problems in your personal life will knock you out

Dream interpretation, in which a girl loses her earring – speaks of
need to think about her words and actions, otherwise she will
very unprofitable look in the eyes of a lover. If pregnant
девушке приснится, что ей подарили золотые earrings — она будет

К чему снятся earrings по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, что золотые earrings снятся к
something from the past. To something that will make you suffer and
to worry about. Silver earrings promise lightness and happiness. They will
almost constant companions of the person who dreamed
like a dream.

К чему снятся earrings, которые вы меряете перед зеркалом? Such
a dream means that you will look rather closely at
yourself and your surroundings. That means you’ll be more active.
look for flaws in them, not noticing their flaws.

К чему снятся earrings по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что earrings снятся как символ
well-being and happiness. Maybe, вы во сне примеряете много
sets of jewelry and can not pick up your outfit
подходящие earrings? Such сон говорит о том, что вы будете не
are constant in their choice and will hesitate for a long time.

Sleep in котором вы получаете в подарок earrings с драгоценным
stone – says that you will soon get washed away good
gift from a loved one. It can be not only a thing, but also
nice word, support.

К чему снятся earrings по соннику Эзопа? They dream when you
there will be an important event and an important meeting. Such сон может
to say that your life will soon find new colors. Such
dreams come true when you are on the threshold of important accomplishments. Left
just wait a bit and you will get the result from those labors and
efforts that have invested in an important business for themselves. Justice
making will be on your side if you dreamed about smooth round
earrings. In your life, everything will be smooth and measured. Try
restrain emotions and prevent tears after such a dream.

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