Why dream of drowning, that you drown in a dream?Basic interpretations of different dream books – why dream of sinking

Чт, 03 май 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can get into the most unusual situations,
communicate with strangers, get new opportunities
build a life

But why dream of drowning? Should I be wary of something after
such a dream?


Why dream of drowning – the basic interpretation

If you are drowning in a dream – remember all the details of the dream, it
may portend very dangerous and complex life events. Important
pay attention to all the details of sleep and not miss a single one:

• Are you drowning in a dream;

• Do you save someone in a dream;

• Did you escape yourself;

• What emotions overwhelm you;

• What is the water around you.

It’s hard to accept some life events, it’s hard to understand
what life wants to tell us. But everything is easier with dreams. Often in dreams
so subtle hints come that an understanding of clues comes
only through the full interpretation of sleep.

So, if you are drowning in muddy water in a dream, they are waiting for you
troubles associated with the betrayal of the closest people.
At first, you will only feel some difficulties, pressure on you
from the side of close people. But then you realize that everything becomes
much harder. Initially, your closest people will put pressure on you
then you will learn about the betrayal on their part.

If in a dream you see someone stretching out your hand and
trying to save you – get ready for a pleasant meeting and a pleasant
moments in life. You will be quite surprised by the turn of events
which is waiting for you. What can we talk about? At first you lose faith in
own strength and will pay great attention to their fears.
But after this, you will realize that fears are in vain. To help you
a strong and courageous man will come. You will be with him for a long time
be friends.

If you are drowning because of your friend in a dream, it costs many times
think before you continue to communicate with him. This person can
bring a lot of negativity into your life. Try to limit
communication with him. If you already felt negative from him, then you
anticipated problems that may arise in communicating with him.
To change the situation – try to analyze what you
could offend a person.

If in a dream you are drowned in water and at the same time explain your act
– listen to this explanation. It can be a lot of important
for you information. Thanks to this dream, your
shortcomings and mistakes that you have made many times.

If in a dream you drown in black water that quickly carries you in
unknown direction – you with strangers will fall into
quite a difficult situation. You will have a lot of problems because of others.
people. This may be your colleagues or strangers unfamiliar to you.

A dream in which you became a drowned man
promises. Important вспомнить эмоции, которые посещали вас во время этого
sleep. If these are emotions of despair and fear, then you will be desperate in reality, and
You will be very worried because of the problems that will accumulate in your
of life. You can even undermine your health because of these experiences.
Try to minimize the negative effects of problems.

If you feel in a dream how cold water fetters your body –
something will prevent you from moving on. You will also be something
fetter from a life in which you will be really happy.
This may be someone’s opinion, relationship, fear of losing someone.
Dream Interpretation advises to deal with the causes of this situation and if it
subjective – to eliminate someone else’s influence.

A dream in which you drown as a passenger ship – you will
a member of some large-scale but losing business. You are not long
you will have a favor to yourself from the authorities, people
who are involved with you in this business. Most likely you
contribute to this question and you will have to abandon your
part of the reward.

A dream in which you drown in your own bathroom promises you
troubles related to your loved ones with a solution for
these are important issues. You can try, try to please your
close, but will not receive returns. Will constantly feel
owe them their duty to solve their household and financial

A dream in which you drowned and see how your body is pulled out of
reservoir – promises you trouble from a few familiar people, with
the parties of those whom you could not think badly. It is worth noting that
after such a dream, you yourself will be surprised how much you appreciate it
close people, how important you are to them.

Why dream of drowning, if you see yourself drowning in childhood?
Such a dream promises you a return to the past, as it will be –
подскажет полное толкование sleep. If you are drowned in the cold and
dirty water – not very pleasant ones will come back to you
memories that make you worry about your own
the future.

If you drown in warm and clear water, they will flood you
warm and happy memories, the main thing is not to spoil your
reality thoughts about something unpleasant. Be thankful
the experience that comes into your life. The past will not bring you
Trouble, if you are to him mentally prepared.

Если во сне вы видите, как you делают искусственное дыхание —
be ready to restore relationships soon. Speech
can go about personal relationships, or about working relationships. Important
understand that a second chance may be the last and resolve the issue
worth it now.

What dreams are drowning in Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that sinking dreams of new obstacles
в личной of life. You may have experienced a certain period.
troubles in the personal sphere, but now the situation may be tense.
You can again get into a not very pleasant and standard situation.
ATаши друзья, скорее всего, очень you завидуют и всё что в вашей
life happens – twisted as they are comfortable.

You can not only gossip, but also with other
troubles. This may be a refusal to communicate with your
friends A dream in which you are drowning because of your second half promises
you выяснения отношений, которые в итоге привнесут в ваши отношения
new breath. You can solve many questions, say goodbye to
fears, stop pestering yourself with unpleasant thoughts and
possible problems.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is drowning – she will not be able to
solve your health problems. She will be immersed in the world
unresolved issues and very much upset. If she is in a dream
will be able to escape, or someone will pull her out of the water – and in life she will
quickly solve all their problems, but with help.

Why dream of drowning in an esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the sinking of dreams is when
you see only negative around you when you don’t strive
think positively and receive positive experiences from life. Try
normalize your living space, solve global
problems on their own and no longer return to them.

Если you приснится, что вы всю ночь куда-то плывёте и в итоге
начинаете тонуть — такой сон сулит you проблемы со здоровьем уже
now. Perhaps you work very hard and literally
words do not allow yourself to relax. Then it turns out that you
будете больше внимания уделять своему здоровью, а не делам и you
will have to rethink your life

A dream in which you are drowning due to someone’s fault – should make you
consider whether you have chosen the right environment for yourself. AT
правильном ли направлении вы движетесь по of life. ATозможно, you
It is worth changing the direction of travel, rethinking your values ​​and
life goals.

What dreams drown in other dream books

AT соннике Гришиной сказано, что тонуть снится
when you are not ready to accept the realities of life, when you are in every way
they resist and just do not want to notice all their shortcomings
and the disadvantages of others. ATы будете тонуть в иллюзиях и никак не
сможете потом вернуться к реальной of life.

AT соннике Эзопа сказано, что тонуть снится
тогда, когда вы готовитесь к новому периоду своей of life. ATозможно,
you стоит распрощаться с прошлым опытом, чтобы не повторять ошибки,
and build a joyful reality today.

If in a dream you are trying to grab someone = then by the arm, so as not to
drown – you will try to hold on to memories, past
experience so as not to lose a person. Is it right or not –
подскажет полное толкование sleep. It is worth remembering that dreams give
tips on how to better build the present. But use them, or
нет — решать исключительно you, вы можете прожить свою жизнь так,
as you see fit. Dreams will only prompt development options

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