Why dream of a store? Basic interpretationsdifferent dream books – why dream supermarket

Пт, 18 май 2018 Автор: ANDнна

In a dream you can see rather strange, and even
frightening situations. You can travel, you can visit
interesting places.

Why dream of a store? How to interpret a similar dream?


What is the dream shop – the main interpretation

If you dream of a store, you will stand in front of an important
by choice. And, probably, you cannot finally make it by
understandable reasons. You just do not dare to change something in your
of life. But it is important to pay attention to other details.

• What kind of store do you dream?

• What do you choose in it;

• Do you make purchases in it;

• How many people visited the store with you;

• How the store was inside and out.

If you dream that вы вышли за покупками — такой сон сулит
you new affairs, pretty pleasant things. But, if you went beyond
shopping, and wallet forgotten at home – you expect financial trouble.
Try to avoid them, do not allow the accumulation of debts.

If you dream that вы вышли в магазин и начался дождь —
One should expect disappointment and loss. You will hope for a speedy
problem solving but it will not come because you are too small
spend time with your friends and relatives. Also such a dream can
herald empty disappointments and empty tears. Get ready for
the fact that you spend your money in reality.

If you came to a huge supermarket, and you just
scattered eyes because of the variety of goods – you will be stunned
new features. They will be so diverse that you
Just lose yourself and will not know what to do next. If a
in a dream you see how someone is lost in the store and can not
find a way out – you will witness the troubles of others. But the dream book
does not advise to delve into other people’s problems, it is better to focus on your

If a же вы сами потерялись в огромном магазине — вы растеряетесь
and in reality. You will not know what to do with you
by life. How and where to go next. You may decide
that you have to move. But will it be right? Will you find
opportunities to move? Dream Interpretation advises not to take hasty
making. You’d better stay on top of things and not
force events.

If you dream that магазин горит — ваши надежды на
Improving the situation will not succeed. You will try
build relationships with loved ones, colleagues, but you will come to that
that just be upset and disappointed with all that in your
life will happen in the future.

If a вам приснится магазин, в котором ничего не продаётся, его
counters are empty – those opportunities and options that you pinned
high expectations – do not meet your expectations. Better and not
try to get anything in return. Rejoice that you already have
there is now, otherwise you will lose what you have.

The dream in which you see, как мужчина несёт огромные сумки из
store – promises you chores around the house. You will have a lot
do it yourself, and no matter how hard it is for you, you
will do.

If you dream that вы долгое время не можете открыть дверь
store, although other people quietly open it – you can not
take advantage of the possibilities of life, can not take advantage of it
options, new successes. You will simply stand still and
miss all sorts of chances to improve life. Why will it be so
take place? You just will not have time to follow the development
events in reality. Dream interpretation advises to be more agile.

If you dream that в магазине вы покупаете красивые платья
– you are waiting for pleasant meetings and communication. If a же вы покупаете туфли —
You are waiting for travel m all sorts of pleasant meetings. If a в
a robbery happened to the store – you get into an unpleasant situation and
you will not know how to get out of it. You will try не
think about failure, but such thoughts themselves will visit you.
Try to get them out of your head.

If you dream that вы долгое время стоите на кассе в
store – you will lose time in reality because of life situations.
You can get into unforeseen situations unwittingly. AND
You will have a lot of new problems that could be avoided.
If a во сне вы видите, как кто-то начинает кричать и ругаться в
the store – you will witness a rather unpleasant incident,
which you would not want to be dragged.

The dream in which you hold the door of the store to someone
miss – says that you will be so friendly and
nice that for your kindness you will receive a reward from life. You
You can quickly solve your many problems with new
ties after such a dream.

If a в магазине вы не можете разглядеть ценник — значит вы не
сможете увидеть очевидных вещей and in reality. You будете как бы закрывать
eyes on the elementary and obvious things. Will be yourself

If a во сне вы пытаетесь торговаться с продавцом — вам хватит
смелости отстаивать свои интересы and in reality. You вовсю будете
try not to give up and do everything for life to turn
as you need.

If you dream that you were kicked out of the store – you miss
a chance to improve your reputation. You will try to get away from
responsibility for their own misdemeanors. Dream Interpretation advises so not
to act and always take responsibility for everything.

What is the dream store for Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that the shop is dreaming when you
can not decide in the choice of a partner. You want to
he was smart and beautiful, and he did everything the way you want. But at
this, you do not want to try for a partner. Dream Interpretation advises you
to think about. Do you do the right thing. Maybe you should behave
otherwise, and to those people who come to your life – to be for it

If you have a dream in which you buy in a store
child – in reality you really want to have children. But you are not
ready for that step. It is worth to wait. If in a dream you buy
products in the store – you expect home chores and complex
conversations. You will not want to find out something. You will want
just shut up.

If you are losing a purse in a store in a dream, big ones are waiting for you
loss and reality. You yourself will be guilty of the situation and
you only have to complain about yourself. Dream Interpretation warns that
to not be so gullible in a relationship. Do not let in
people who can harm you, who can
play on your senses.

What is the dream of the store on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the shop is dreaming when
man is ready for changes in life. He is willing to invest strength and
means in achieving the result. It may be that
man is ready for change of any kind. And soon they
will begin in his life.

If you see a dream that a new store has opened in your home – you
be ready for new life lessons, but not ready to change
on their own. You will be easier to adjust to the situation than
change something in it.

If you dream that in the store you see on the shelf a lot
dolls, toys and cars, but nothing you can choose from such
diversity – such a dream means that you may not notice how
life will give you the opportunity to change everything. You will be so
fixated on yourself and your own problems that miss the opportunity
see the perspectives of life.

If in a dream you leave the store and your hands are full of purchases –
that means you learn to enjoy even the most
difficult life situations. You will be delighted, as your ups,
and fall. And this is a very correct life position.

What dreams of shop for other dream-books

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что магазин снится
to a wide variety of choices in life. If you dream that
the store you opened your own – you get new
opportunities that will please you. The dream in which you see
huge queues in the store – says that you will fall into
great company and you will feel uncomfortable in it.

A dream in which you see people fighting over goods in
the store – it promises you small conflicts and troubles in reality.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, к чему снится магазин
– to new steps on the road to success. Try to achieve everything as
can be faster. Try to control your life so much
as effective as possible. Do not worry and not
be discouraged if something will not go out with you. You have everything
in front. You yourself can achieve a lot.

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