Why dream of a snake girl? Bad or badOK? Basic interpretations – why does a snake dream of a girl: according to differentdream books

Ср, 18 июл 2018 Автор: Инна

The world of dreams is full of mysteries and

If you open their curtain, you can in one
instantly get answers to urgent questions.

Why dream of a snake girl?

Worth to understand.


What dreams of a snake girl on Meridian dream book

The snake is a symbol of evil and temptation, if it appears in dreams
girls – it means she will become hostage to foes, deceitful
claims and contrived vices. You can not give in to

If in сне змей целая уйма — кто-то из близких
people betray, make a total mistake. If the reptile crawled in
the house means the ill-wishers have crowded into the circle of her close people.
If the snake is very much and they crawl on the floor at home – it means trouble
will come to the house. Small snakes in the trees promise slander if there is
what the girl is not honest about – it will open.

If a змея зелёного цвета — значит, отжившие
yourself habits and responsibilities will be forgotten by a girl. If so
the snake wraps around and squeezes the body – the girl lives outlived
moral principles and principles. They literally interfere with her.
advancement in life.

Мирно лежащая зелёная змея — к исцелению души.
Yellow snake – to change in the life of a positive nature.

What dreams of a snake girl on the dream of Miller

Snakes in a dream are always a bad omen. Worth caution
refers to the people around them and expect from them only a trick, because
as the situation has already stalled. If a girl dreams of a snake,
literally pounce on her – this means that she is experiencing
remorse for previously committed acts. This dream also
may indicate internal fluctuations, uncertainty about tomorrow

If a девушка убивает гадюку — она в жизни
neglects humanity and does not consider the opinion of loved ones.
If she sneaks through the kublo of snakes, then she lives constantly
in fear and fear. If the snake is bitten – you need to be
neat with well-wishers who actually turn out to be
enemies. To hold in hands – to that in your environment bothered
a thief and a liar. So, the girl has a rival, which of all
forces trying to destroy the relationship, family.

If a married girl dreams that she
наступила на змею
— значит, она допустит ошибку, утратит
spouse confidence. If such a dream dreamed of an unmarried woman –
it means she will be dragged into a love triangle and certainly not
can get married.

If a снятся маленькие змейки, значит, девушка
It appeared in the epicenter of gossip, lies and slander. If its snakes
obey – it means that it is rather domineering and is worth reviewing.
attitude towards people.

What is the dream of a snake girl dreamy Vanga

If a девушке во сне явились ползучие змеи, то
in reality she will be in an awkward situation, she will have to face forehead
head on with their detractors. If snakes are curled up
and hiss loudly – this is a sure sign of problems on the professional
a field

If a гадюка укусит — это сулит скорое
disappointment in the closest people. If the snake peacefully curled into
a ball – it promises empty talk and gossip behind your back. Snake,
squeezing the neck of the girl- symbolizes the restrictions as moral,
so and material. Possible death of a loved one.

What dreams of a snake girl on Freud’s dream book

Freud pointed out that the snake in a dream carries a male sexual
power engineering If a girl dreams of a snake that basks in the sun –
it means her partner is all right sexually or she
will soon meet a passionate lover who will radically change her
a life.

If a змея во сне кусает девушку, значит, она
will be attacked by a rival, she will be pulled into love
triangle. If a girl in a dream from a snake runs away – it means, in reality
she will not be able to hide from problems in the genital area or her man
will be weak libido. If a girl sees in a dream a lot of little
snakes that crawl into her house – so soon she will become

К чему снится змея девушке по другим dream books

Nostradamus in his predictions was guided first
all knowledge in numerology, therefore, based on its interpretation,
if a girl dreamed of a snake, it means that they expect her in the same year
failures. Financial failures will visit the girl first

If a девушка во сне змей истребляет – значит,
she will receive patronage from above for the accomplishment of all her plans,
it means she should not worry about tomorrow, because already
today she is sent a signal above that everything will be

Loff gave a slightly different interpretation of dreams involving
He pointed out that such dreams are more related
with the physiological problems of the girl. He also pointed out that
it is necessary to study fully the dream structure, which
dreamed of a girl. If the dream is positive in general, it means
Her health will be fine, but if:

• A snake strangles a girl in a dream – she cannot avoid diseases

• If the snake is blocking the way – then it will have to do
foot treatment;

• If a the girl feels an unreasonable feeling of anxiety –
it means that she faces nervous disorders.

Flowers in his dream book provides the following

• Snakes crawling towards a girl promise her cunning of others and

• If a змеи нападают — то у неё не получится избежать

• A huge black snake promises the appearance of a well-hidden
mask of decency of the enemy;

• Snake bites – to major scandals and quarrels;

• Death from bites – a disease, the collapse of hope, an ambulance

Хассе указывает что змеи могут появляться в
dreams of girls due to the fact that they have enemies. They also
can symbolize past grievances that prevent girls from living
calmly If you still manage to defeat reptiles in a dream, everything will be
life is normalized and goes like clockwork. If the snake bites –
that means pride will be hurt. Snake holding the movement – to
gossip and reproaches.

Менегетти указывает в своём соннике что змея
symbolizes real fears and fears of girls. These fears
are deep in the subconscious and prevent moving further in life.
If a girl in a dream experiences horror and fear at the sight of a reptile – she
really has a lot of psychological problems. If in
in a dream a girl is indifferent to snakes – it means in real life she
possesses exceptional exposure.

Лонго утверждал, что змеи во снах предвещают
powerful attack of enemies, detractors. There is even a riot. If a
in a dream, the girl sees that the snake becomes tame – in reality she
will realize all our plans, increase wealth, become successful and
prosperous. If a змеи мирно и послушно ползают вокруг девушки —
she will receive a management position and will be able to actively move on
career ladder.

По идиоматическому соннику — змеи снятся к
deceit and meanness, hidden conflicts, intractable situations,
who will constantly interfere with the promotion of the girl to the goal. Snake –
it is a noose, it can mean a painful attachment to
to a certain person who does not allow to realistically evaluate
the situation.

Snakes symbolize the danger that will cause significant
damage and avoid it is simply impossible. It may be cunning
a woman who is very jealous of a girl about which woman
in question – indicate other characters in the dream.

In the female dream book provides such interpretations of dreams
girls about snakes:

• Predict immediate problems, anxiety;

• If a змеи извиваются — подобно им выкручивается из сложной
situations and the girl, it is time for her to overestimate real events, to look for
other problem solving methods;

• Little snakes around – meeting with bad, ungracious

• Snarl – a large number of detractors;

• The bite of a dead snake – the problems that have arisen on the sly;

• If a змеи жалят друг друга — девушка причинила душевную боль
to a loved one;

• Kill aggressive snakes – to the undoubted victory over
opponents and above themselves.

Why dream of a snake girl? It is worth carefully studying the dream
fully and remember all the details.

It happens that the dream itself oppresses the girl, but in fact promises her
victory over the enemy. Snakes have always personified treachery and
envy, revenge.

The snaking snakes promise hesitation and controversial points in making
important decision.

A dream in which a girl conquers a snake – promises her victory over everything
evil that is in her life.

What do snakes dream of for a girl on an esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the snake dreams of a girl like
a symbol of deceit and a difficult period in life. The girl will be difficult
to find your life path, it will be difficult to foresee events
которыми наполнится её личная a life.

Dream Interpretation warns that after such a dream, the girl may
start a very difficult period in life as a whole, and in
relationship in particular. If a же она видит огромную золотую змею,
which wrapped her legs – it’s time to look at yourself and your
requests, maybe the girl wants too much, maybe she
you need almost everything from life, and she does not hide it?

What do snakes dream of a girl in Aesop’s dream book

If a вам приснится каменная змея — на время придётся остановить
their active actions. Perhaps you wanted to buy something,
to go somewhere, but after such a dream, you had better wait a little
travel and devote more time to yourself and your desires without

If a вам приснится, что кто-то запустил к вам в дом змею — ждите
activism from detractors. They will be active as
never. Now is the time to think about how to protect yourself.
and your home.

Sometimes girls are unaware of the presence of detractors –
such dreams are able to open their eyes to the situation and give clues in
its resolution.

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