Why dream of a rival: real orimaginary? Basic interpretations – why dream of a rival, fightor friendship with her

Ср, 26 окт 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams of adultery do not bode well. Every girl subconsciously
afraid of betrayal of his beloved.

This fear can even cause dreams about how her
lover spends time in the company of other women. But like
There are other reasons for dreams. Why dream of a rival?

Worth to understand.


Why dream of a rival – the main interpretation

Before you explain what a rival dreams about – it’s worth
details remember the whole dream, it will be hidden answers to all
exciting questions, tips on how to behave further with your
beloved one Важно вспомнить, где именно вы встретили
соперницу, и сопровождал ли ваш возлюбленный её
при этом.
Also important are your feelings that accompany you in a dream. Even
the smallest details can be very important for proper interpretation

If a соперница во сне идёт под руку с вашим любимым
— вы сами не уверены в себе и весьма скромны.
You should take care of yourself, and then you won’t have to worry,
that your man will look at another woman. He will be captivated exactly
your beauty and will belong only to you.

If a же вы застали влюблённую парочку в процессе
— вы неудовлетворенны своими интимными отношениями
with a partner. You may be looking for the reason for this in external
circumstances, but it lurks deep inside. If you
dreamed of your sweetheart exchanging tender words with
your second woman – you yourself do not have enough affection for love, pleasant and
gentle words. You should compensate for this shortage and better say
about this to your regular partner than to try to compensate her
on the side.

If a вы слышите, как ваш любимый ссорится с
— вы одержите победу в принципиальном для вас
dispute. If you are trying to win something important to you, even
judicial – you will definitely do it, because the dream promises you victory
over themselves and over opponents. Also pay special attention
such details of sleep:

• If an opponent enters into an argument with you, your friends will
discuss behind the back;

• If a rival cries – you make peace with your beloved;

• If you see how a rival runs away – you will get rid of

• If she calls you names and wishes you evil – you will be tormented
sincerely, a long period of disappointments awaits you;

• If a competitor gives you a gift – you will be deceived.

What is the dream rival for Miller dream book

What is the dream rival for Miller dream book? She dreams like
the symbol of a failed, immature relationship that does not give
fully develop partners. They should be more attentive.
each other, so as not to lose a guide in life.

If you приснится, как соперница ожидает первенца от
вашего возлюбленного
— этот сон символизирует лишь ваши
fears and concerns. You are subject and obsessed with them. Had a similar
the situation happened in reality – you would simply not know what to do, you
would have lost everything, so fears are realized in your dreams.

It is worth remembering that baseless jealousy often destroys
relations. No need to constantly blame partner for treason, dubu not
bring it on It is worth learning to forgive and accept him for what he is.
there is.

If a вы видите во сне как избиваете соперницу
such dreams promise you a life situation in which you will get
significant material and moral damage. If you beat her
feet or hands – you will find a quarrel with your loved one.
If you dream that you will carry her hair at all – in
reality you will not find more common language with your
chosen one.

• If you beat a woman with a stick, your relationship cannot be

• If you hit a rival with a knife in your sleep – you can make
irreparable error;

• If a rival wins you in a dream, you will win in love

• If you defeat an opponent in a fight and are genuinely experienced.
feeling happy about it – you will experience a sense of real
superiority over women;

• If you shoot a pistol at a rival – you are your life
be able to change so drastically that you yourself will be surprised.

If a же вам приснится, как вы пришли к сопернице в
— наяву вы пытаетесь помириться со своим
the chosen one, if you succeed or not, the dream will tell. If you
mistress let into your house – in reality you will be able to make peace with
beloved person, you can gain understanding with him. If a
the same rival in a dream kicked you out – you should reconsider your
attitude to the beloved, perhaps in some matters you were not
right, it is worth postponing the truce until better times.

If a же с соперницей вы и вовсе подружились
This dream suggests that you can get the right one in life.
assistant and friend. Also, the dream book can foreshadow you success in all
your endeavors, you will be helped in this
companion and ally. If a же во сне вы дружелюбно общаетесь с
rival – you will soon also be friendly with your friends
childhood friends. They will appear to you as an aid to most suitable
moment and can help in the situation in which you have not previously
found opportunities for resolution and implementation.

What dreams of a rival in an esoteric dream book

In the esoteric dream book, it is said that to dream of a rival is not
such a bad dream. It can even be very useful in many ways.
for woman. What is meant? Seeing such a dream, she can pretty
think about her behavior, if she appreciates her
lover, does she really share his ideas and his
life priorities.

The appearance of a rival in a dream for a woman who is engaged in reality
business may also mean that its competitors are active
fight for its territory. It is worth a close look at your
environment. Someone in it can really put you in any
the moment to beware of this is not only due to possible
financial losses, but also because of possible non-pecuniary damage.

If a вам приснится соперница, которую вы наяву знаете в
— стоит присмотреться к этой женщине, возможно, она
ready to inflict irreparable damage to you and your family. If a вы знаете,
that you have a rival, and you dream about her – you definitely need to
check if you have a pad in your house. Maybe you someone
brought an old thing or planted a broken mirror to good and
well-being ran away from you.

If a во сне у вас завязался спор с соперницей,
and you lost it – your enemies will triumph and crush your
point of view, you can lose not only your family, but also your job, and
it is important to you. If a же вы поругались с соперницей во сне и ваш
the man has protected you – such a dream means that you have nothing
fear he is really with you and you are a couple, which many
envy. It is necessary to be afraid of this envy.

What dreams rival for other dream books

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что соперница в
a wedding dress is a pretty bad sign that has appeared
exactly in a dream. Such a dream means that when another woman appears
your man will give preference to her. But such a dream can
mean and the fact that you are afraid of insanely losing the location of your
men If a это так — вам стоит заняться собой, а не поиском
options for his imaginary treason.

If a во сне на одежде соперницы вы заметили пятна — ваш
the elect cannot choose one of two women. So to speak
in the dream book Hasse. If a же одежда на другой женщине
and completely torn – she herself would refuse a man and would not want to have
with his family. If a соперница пьяна — это говорит о том, что вам
it is necessary to be afraid of deterioration in the relations with the close person. If a же вы
you see and completely dead rival – in your devotion and love
darling you should not doubt. Actually you
direct fears, they are unfounded.

If a же вы и вовсе видите во сне несколько любовниц своего мужа
– such a dream only says that in reality you will meet no
a rival, and a friend, several friends and you will have a wonderful time with
time for them. If a же вы увидели что ваша соперница — это ваша
Relative or sister – you will find a quarrel with this girl. Quarrel
will not be relevant to your family but will be enough
serious and unpleasant for both girls.

Fearing dreams is not worth it, and even those dreams in which you
see your lover’s mistress. This is most likely just a dream and
you should take the reality field positively. Then the relationship
yours with your soulmate will be more positive and will be
bring you much joy and happiness.

Trust yourself and your loved one, then your
Relationships are not threatened.

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