Why dream of a fire

Why dream of a fire
Mon, Jun 13, 2016


Why dream of a fire – по соннику Миллера

Fire clears, treads the path to the future, symbolizes
update, change, so it can be considered a happy sign.
Burning house – to change, the upcoming repair or
scheduled relocation. Fighting Fire – Interference, Restless
Job; fire victims are an unkind sign that foreshadows a disease
in the family circle. To sleep in the ashes is a strong
yearn for the bygone times.

Why dream of a fire – по соннику Ванги

Burning paper or bark in a dream is a dangerous omen,
predicts large forest fires. Seeing a blazing fire in the sky –
The symbol of the approach of a meteorite or “fire rain.” Serious
danger hung over the Earth – in front of the cold, hunger and dark world,
devoid of all solar paints. If you dream of forest fires,
Get ready for a strong and prolonged drought, the consequence of which is
�”Hungry” year for humanity.

Why dream of a fire – по соннику Фрейда

Freud fire in a dream personifies with the confluence between a man and
a woman. Putting out fire is a symptom of sexual disorder
systems; to be in the midst of a fire is to experience
lack of confidence in their abilities, fear of disappointing a partner. Flaming
the object symbolizes great love and sexual desire, embers –
faded passion, your relationship has lost its former appeal.
Watch the flames in the dream – hide the true
sexual fantasies.

Why dream of a fire – по соннику Нострадамуса

Fires are a symbol of carnal weaknesses, desires, ideas,
desire for change. Becoming an initiator of arson means
turn everything in my life, to carry out “overhaul” in
her; extinguish a fire – a sign of indecision, fear of changing something
in his destiny, man is safer to go with the flow than
fight with him. The fire in the room foreshadows a quick betrayal, and
a flame caused by lightning is an important meeting.

Why dream of a fire – по соннику Лоффа

According to Lofa, the fire devouring everything around symbolizes
ability to navigate in an unexpected situation and control
yourself If we interpret a dream in this direction, then the fire shows
can you cope in critical circumstances
Does curb fear and take control. Deal with
flame in a dream – to cope with emotions and reality. If you not
you feel the pain of fire and it does not harm you – it is a sign
purification and self-forgiveness.

Why dream of a fire – по соннику Цветкова

The fire in all variations in Tsvetkov’s interpretation carries a negative and
destructive impact. For example, get severe burns – to
ill fame, to see fire and smoke – to trouble. Burnt doors
and the integrity of the rest of the home warns of a deadly
danger of the master of the house.

Why dream of a fire – по соннику Хассе

To be in the center of the fire – get protection in reality; bright flame –
forerunner of joy; to see columns of smoke — good news,
to watch the burning building – to big changes; extinguish the fire –
to fun, dance around a huge bonfire – to performance

Why dream of a fire – по соннику Менегетти

Fire in a dream – a sign of losses, losses and failures. Sleep can also
prophesy sudden illness. Be in a burning building –
defamation warning; to see a fire engine – to alarming
news may have an accident; ride it – contact
bad company. See a range of burning houses or swept
flame city – evidence of a global catastrophe associated with
fire element.

Why dream of a fire – по соннику Лонго

The flame dreams to quarrels and losses. To escape a dream from him –
a sign of cowardice, sensitivity, vulnerability and infantilism.
To extinguish a fire means you are abstinent and constantly waking.
Conflict with others. Dead people in a fire – such a dream
warns of a dubious event, scam. Burn the house –
a sign of selfishness. You are probably causing a lot of pain and suffering.
to close people.

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