Why dream of a cow

Why dream of a cow
Mon, Jun 20, 2016


Why dream of a cow – по соннику Миллера

Calm cows seen in dreams are very good.
omen. Such a dream promises to justify your hopes and
fulfillment of many desires.

Why dream of a cow – по эзотерическому соннику

If you had a dream about a cow – get ready on your own
Experience learning how Cinderella turns into a princess! remember, that
waiting for you a unique chance to change your life for the better, which you
should never miss. If, moreover, in a dream you are milking a cow
– means, you will manage to achieve execution of the most courageous
of dreams.

Why dream of a cow – по украинскому соннику

A cow seen in a dream is an unkind sign. She is
dreams of losing freedom or the intrigues of enemies. Also in Ukrainian
Sonny cow symbolizes the witch. To dream of a cow – to
disease and other disasters. However, in a dream to milk a cow – to
unexpected profits, or to a heart-to-heart talk. Dream a hotel
cows – unfortunately; drinking cow’s milk – to problems with

Why dream of a cow – по английскому соннику

If in a dream a cow is chasing you, it means you need to be awake.
be prepared for the intrigues of ill-wishers. A dream in which you could
run away from her says that your enemies will fail you
hurt Milking a cow is a good profit. Unfavorable can
to be a dream that speaks of a cow hotel, as a woman he
can predict a difficult birth.

Why dream of a cow – по французскому соннику

A herd of cows, seen in a dream, predicts the betrayal of loved ones,
which at a crucial moment can deceive you or relate to
you are hostile. Driving cows in a dream – to danger, such a dream
need to be considered as advice to behave more carefully and
discreetly. To be the owner of a herd of cows in a dream – to

Why dream of a cow – по соннику Цветкова

The cow dreams to care; walking away – to favorable
the flow of affairs; haunting you – to unexpected receiving

Why dream of a cow – по соннику Хассе

To dream of a cow – fortunately; well-fed cow – to
well-being and prosperity; thin – to an independent life; milk a cow
– к получению inheritance.

Why dream of a cow – по соннику Менегетти

If the bull in the dream book Meneghetti symbolizes the domineering and
aggressive woman, then dreamed cow has no such
pronounced meaning.

Why dream of a cow – по соннику Лонго

A herd of cows in a dream talks about events that have already happened, but
you don’t know about them yet. Most likely, he testifies that
that one of your friends feels guilty before you for some
the act committed by him, but he does not find the strength to confess to you
in it, fearing your anger and resentment.

If you saw a cow in a dream, it means that you have to
solution of a complex problem. You will spend a lot of time and effort, however
it will not bring results. This dream should be taken as advice.
let go of the situation and let the problem decide itself.

A dream about a cow that chews grass says that some
a person places certain hopes on you, and you behave
towards him is very passive. Most likely, you want to avoid
unnecessary problems, but you will not succeed, you have to act.

To graze in a dream of cows – to the appearance of envious. Do not treat
such a dream is frivolous, because gossip, which detractors
they will surely be dissolved about you, they can ruin your reputation and
lead to various conflicts. Milking a cow in a dream – to reconciliation
with a loved one with whom you are now in a quarrel. Take care
the established world, do not remember the bad and do not blame each other
friend’s last argument!

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