Why dream of a child in her arms: his or someone else’s?Basic interpretations – what is the dream of a child in the arms of a girl ormarried wife

Ср, 08 ноя 2017 Автор: Инна

Children are the most beautiful thing that can be in each life
families. Why dream of a child in her arms? What is the interpretation of such
sleep? Worth to understand.


Why dream of a child in her arms – the main interpretation

A child in her arms in a dream is a symbol of hopes and dreams. Symbol
ideas that are destined to be realized. But necessary
completely interpret the dream, cover all its details to get
full and reliable picture of what is happening.

– Do you have a child in your arms in your sleep;

– Was it your child;

– How the child behaved and felt;

– How did you feel.

– Have you talked with the child.

If you see your child climbing up on your arm in a dream,
who has matured a long time ago – you still remember him small and very
want to bring back those times. You are missing a childish laugh at home, not
lack of care and affection. Dream Interpretation advises you to spend more time
family members, often try to keep in touch with them.

A dream in which you repeatedly lift into your arms and lower
child – says that you have to work hard on
by myself. You will long doubt what is really
want to. Dream Interpretation advises to match your desires and opportunities and not
contradict them. If you have long wanted to go abroad –
weigh your opportunities and if they are not enough – always worth it
improve your financial situation and then get upset by
about the fact that you did not have a trip.

The dream in which you get up at night and take the child out of your arms
cradle – says that someone from the family will be very necessary
your concern. Try not to deprive the attention of native people, not
refuse them, hoping that they themselves will cope. If you
now you will not give them support and help – it will undermine them for a long time
trust in you.

If in a dream you have several children in your arms, you will be puzzled
choice of several options. Both will be good and will give you
all that you have dreamed of for so long. But you need to listen to
your inner voice, making a choice of two options. Maybe,
He will tell you much more useful than you think.

If you dream that you have a sick child in your arms – such
sleep means that you are lurking about problems from where
you don’t expect them at all. It can be like a ridiculous confluence.
circumstances, and thoughtful intrigues of enemies.

It is important for you to monitor your health and emotional health in the near future.
background. Try not to overwork, do not work too hard. By
opportunities try to limit the circle of communication, even if you feel bad
and hard – do not tell others about it.

Why dream of a child in his arms, if he has a high temperature?
Such a dream promises you a period of suffering and disappointment. You can
begin internal torment, internal anxiety. You can long
time to try to sleep and you won’t get it, you can
for a long time trying to find an opportunity for rest – and this is also not
you will succeed.

If in a dream you have a baby in your arms
feed – such a dream means that all the difficulties and problems
will arise in your life because of self-pity. Byстарайтесь побороть
in itself this feeling and no longer return to it. If you have
difficult day, hard work, complicated relationships – let yourself
rest and then boldly go through life on.

If you dream that you do not just hold the child in your arms,
but you talk a lot with him too – such a dream means that you
you will need good advice, moral support. Not worth it
exaggerating your own importance of other people in your life, you and
You can understand all your life situations yourself. You
it is important now to find out for yourself what kind of advice, what kind of help
you will need from the people around you.

If in a dream you were holding a child in your arms and dramatically dropped it –
remember why:

– If something scares you, you will be afraid to build healthy ones.
relationship, new business;

– If someone pushed you – they will prevent your happiness;

— If you споткнулись — вы неуверенны в себе;

– If you are knocked down by the wind – your troubles are
by coincidence.

A dream in which you throw a child over your head –
suggests that your dreams and ideas are too unreal to be
embodied in real life. It is worth choosing something more affordable.
and close to reality.

If you подкидываете ребёнка над своей головой и при этом не
catch it, and drop it – you will be disappointed in yourself and your dreams.
Stop building healthy relationships, more and more you will
give up on colleagues and your perspectives. Dream interpretation
warns you against such thoughts. In fact, you have a huge
number of possibilities. You just did not learn them.
to consider.

What is the dream of a child in the arms of Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that a child in his arms is dreaming as a symbol
fullness of personal life. This is a symbol realizing dreams and
pans What dreams of a child in the arms of a single woman? Such a dream
dreams as a symbol of harmony with itself, as a symbol of new truly
happy relationships.

If a child in his arms screams loudly, gets out – such a dream
means that the woman herself will spoil the relationship, look in them
disadvantages, look for reasons for loneliness. Dream interpretation указывает,
that the problem here is not in the relationship, but in the woman herself.

A dream in which you hold a dead child in your arms – talking about
your failure in love. You will not just experience for a long time
loneliness, you will be really alone for a long time. it
a period of life that is worth experiencing, it is worth taking and more to
him not to return.

A dream in which you are spinning a baby in your arms is talking about your
dizzying success in men, but you can not them fully
take advantage of, you will not find the motivation to
Build a strong relationship with one man.

If a pregnant woman dreams about a baby in her arms –
she will be in good health, her baby will also be born healthy
and will delight parents with good behavior and wonderful
success in development.

What is the dream of a child in her arms according to the Esoteric Dream Book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the dream in which you hold
in the arms of his mother, when she was a child – promises you difficult with
her relationship It too affects your perception of reality. Her
Opinion affects the decisions you make in life.

If in a dream you keep yourself small in your arms – you are afraid
open up. You have a fear of distrust, of not accepting yourself. You a lot
working to improve your life, but this is bad for you
coming out. Dream interpretation советует вам отпустить прошлое и жить дальше.

If you dream of a baby in a dream – in reality you will try
hush up the conflict, peacefully resolve a controversial situation, avoid
quarreling. Byстарайтесь вложить максимум усилий для достижения этих
goals. Byстарайтесь не упускать возможности преодолеть свои
negative human qualities that led you to

What is the dream of a child in the arms of another dream?

In the dream book of Nostradamus, it is said if you are holding a dream
turned out to be a baby – you will try with all your might
Understand the problems that you recently had. If a
this is already an adult child – you will be struggling with the problems of the long-standing
of the past.

If a ребёнок будет обнимать вас за шею — вас будут душить
heavy memories from which you will try in every way
get rid of. A dream in which you hold a dirty child in your arms –
talks about the wrongness of your life. You will be your behavior
put yourself in danger. Will call on yourself sins.

Vanga’s dream book says if you have a child in your arms
you try to reassure – you will receive unexpected news that
not quite pleasantly surprise you. Try to treat everything exactly
and not biased.

Sono Longo says that a baby in your arms promises you
deception and adverse coincidence. If you видите, как
someone takes the child from your hands – such a dream means that part
You can solve your problems with the help of others.

Whatever the dream may seem to you at first glance. Important to remember
your emotions during and after. If a после сна вы испытываете
emotional discomfort – something in your life has long gone wrong.
You have long felt that some events in your life have arisen
not just like that. Dreams will help you figure it out.

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