Why dream of a cat with kittens? Maininterpretations, what is the dream of a beautiful or angry cat with kittens

Пн, 23 янв 2017 Автор: Инна

Dreams come to us unexpectedly and mysteriously, also, incredible.
way they leave our lives. Properly interpreting dreams
You can get answers to many. Long been exciting questions. For what
dream of a cat with kittens? Worth to understand.


For what снится кошка с котятами — основное толкование

Many dream books indicate that a cat with kittens can
appear in a dream as a symbol of something evil, something that is not
gives in to the usual explanation. It can be like a bad influence.
and unfavorable coincidence of circumstances.

If you dream of a dead animal – it is worth remembering who
it belonged in a dream. If your second half –
relationship will have to break, just to keep
your emotions are holistic. Relationships no longer bring you joy
and give only unfavorable emotions, they put you in tension
so the subconscious mind tells you in a dream that it’s time to
get rid of.

If you dream about how long you chase a cat in a dream and
you can’t catch her in any way – you will be trying for a long time
defend your point of view, get everything that you dreamed of
but all will be ineffectual. You won’t catch luck by the tail, but
just take the opportunity to do it.

If the cat runs away from you and hides somewhere below – your plans
will be confused, you will not be able to lead one line of action, you all
time will have to adapt to someone, for events. if you
dream of you trying to get a cat from the top shelf – you
too mundane in the life of a person and you are worth all your dreams and
implement ideas, relying not on thoughts of them, but on internal

if you приснится кошка, которая ждёт котят — этот сон станет
very favorable for you, as it will promise you
the possibility of opening new perspectives. You will soon be
to stand on the threshold of new achievements, but will you risk going further?
It is up to you.

if you приснится как возлюбленная, или возлюбленный сам
kills a cat – such a dream suggests that the relationship will have
break due to abuse you. You don’t deserve
such treatment with yourself and such an attitude to yourself. You should
discuss with the partner the possibility of restoring the union, but rather
all is already lost.

if you приснится, что вы кормите кошку с руки — ваш некогда
the enemy will be for you the best friend and merit in this is only yours. You
themselves were able to equalize the situation and get a lot more than
enmity – you were able to interest him in union with you. After such
sleep, you can conduct common affairs, schedule meetings and deals. They
will bring incredible profits.

For what снится чёрная кошка? Such a dream does not mean that
Soon you will have such an animal, rather such a dream
says that you should beware of lies and deception. Soon
try not to have frank conversations with strangers, because
how they can use the information obtained to your detriment.
Try not to keep near such people who have
wont look for a catch in everything. They будут вас сбивать с
the intended path.

In order to not give up their positions in business after such a dream
and do not be trapped in a love relationship – you need to try
solve all your questions on your own even if you planned
common cause – it should be postponed.

In many dream books, the appearance of a cat in a dream is interpreted as
the appearance of the enemy. If there are several cats – you are literally
attack failures. It is worth watching the behavior of the animal. If a
she behaves quite quiet and friendly and does not create
trouble in a dream, and vice versa – creates for you a cosiness and comfort –
do not worry, you just need to remember who you could
offend lately.

if you снится кошка ваша домашняя — стоит поговорить с
households, maybe some of them did not get what they did
I counted on it and now hid a grudge – this is not a problem, the main thing
time to identify the cause of the conflict and eliminate it.

If a же вам приснится, что кошка в вашем доме прижилась чужая —
try others sorrows and troubles not to take to heart and not
take on your account If a кошка, о которой идёт речь в вашем
dream, turns into a kitten – you will not notice how once
troubles that trouble you

But, unlike dreams, where only a cat appears,
the dreams in which she appears with the kittens are completely
different meaning. The first is dreams that speak of importance.
hearth and that will soon happen in your home
tremendous changes.

If a вы видите своё животное и то, как у него появляются котята
– such a dream speaks of the possibility of soon establishing
relationships within the family and get support from the household in
solving a variety of issues. It is such a productive time
use rationally and not return to old problems and

If a же вам приснится множество кошек и множество котят, и все
they are playing each other – your plans will be confused, you will not be able
fully plan your time. You should определить, что же
it is important for you now, what is more important – inner peace, or
professional field.

For what снится кошка с котятами по соннику Фрейда

Freud believed that a cat with kittens in a dream is the personification
The paramount need of a person in creating a family. If a
a young girl will dream a cat with kittens – she has long been dreaming
about her family and she always lacks the very smallness in order to
get this family.

If a же девушке приснится, как она прогоняет кошку и оставляет
kittens themselves – she will become the mistress of a man she has known for a long time.
Most likely, there are feelings between them for a long time, only
they do not dare to show them in any way.

If a девушке приснится, как мужчина ухаживает за кошкой и
kittens – she is very afraid that he will start caring for another
a girl, but these are just fears mixed up with jealousy. Worth
to temper your ardor and your emotionality.

For what снится кошка с котятами по эзотерическому соннику

In an esoteric dream book, it is said that a cat with kittens dreams like
personification of the sacredness of life and procreation. For those who
for a long time there were no children or could not conceive them – such a dream
means an opportunity to rectify the situation.

If a у женщины уже есть дети и она не планирует продолжение рода
– such a dream says that she should pay more attention to the family,
so as not to deprive their households with warmth and care. If a мужчине
will dream that a cat with kittens is sleeping on his bed – he will soon
will meet a woman who can give him a full relationship,
will be able to give him an heir.

If a беременной женщине приснится кошка с котятами — стоит
look at other signs of sleep. If a ей подарили кошку и котят —
this is a very ambiguous dream, most likely the one who made the gift
– very jealous of her. This envy can affect her.
health and health of the baby, so it is worth special attention
to devote a circle of communication, remove from it people who can
wish evil.

For what снится кошка с котятами по другим сонникам

In the dream book Grishina it is said what the cat and the kittens dream about:

• To favorable events;

• To iron them – to receive a pleasant news;

• Receive them as a gift – get a good deal, offer;

• Drive them out of the house – refuse to own good luck and happiness;

• Dead animals – to losses and illnesses.

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that the color of the animal is also important:

• White cat always promises good luck and prosperity;

• Black cat chores;

• A multi-colored animal promises different life situations.
which can carry both joy and sorrow.

For a complete interpretation of sleep, it is better to consider it completely,
given the interpretation and other marks and events. So if you
dream about a cat climbing a tree, but kittens can’t do it
do after her and she leaves them on the ground – in pursuit
a dream you forget about your worldly duties and you can even lose
because of this family.

You should not throw everything so sharply, you should listen carefully.
to the inner voice, perhaps he tells you what has come
it’s time not to start something new, but to regenerate past relationships,
communication, approach to work. Worth помнить, что сновидения зачастую дают
tips on how to resolve the situation, but man
independently makes his choice and is responsible for his own destiny.
Thanks to dreams, you can learn in advance about the favorable and negative
events and be ready for them.

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